const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { PANIC_CODES } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/panic'); const { SimpleMerkleTree } = require('@openzeppelin/merkle-tree'); // generate bytes32 leaves from a string const toLeaves = (str, separator = '') => str.split(separator).map(e => ethers.keccak256(ethers.toUtf8Bytes(e))); // internal node hashes const concatSorted = (...elements) => Buffer.concat(; const defaultHash = (a, b) => ethers.keccak256(concatSorted(a, b)); const customHash = (a, b) => ethers.sha256(concatSorted(a, b)); describe('MerkleProof', function () { for (const { title, contractName, nodeHash } of [ { title: 'default hash', contractName: '$MerkleProof', nodeHash: defaultHash }, { title: 'custom hash', contractName: '$MerkleProofCustomHashMock', nodeHash: customHash }, ]) { describe(title, function () { // stateless: no need for a fixture, just use before before(async function () { this.mock = await ethers.deployContract(contractName); this.makeTree = str => SimpleMerkleTree.of(toLeaves(str), { nodeHash }); }); describe('verify', function () { it('returns true for a valid Merkle proof', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='); const root = merkleTree.root; const hash =; const proof = merkleTree.getProof(0); expect(await this.mock.$processProof(proof, hash)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processProofCalldata(proof, hash)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$verify(proof, root, hash)); expect(await this.mock.$verifyCalldata(proof, root, hash)); // For demonstration, it is also possible to create valid proofs for certain 64-byte values *not* in elements: const noSuchLeaf = nodeHash(hash,; expect(await this.mock.$processProof(proof.slice(1), noSuchLeaf)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processProofCalldata(proof.slice(1), noSuchLeaf)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$verify(proof.slice(1), root, noSuchLeaf)); expect(await this.mock.$verifyCalldata(proof.slice(1), root, noSuchLeaf)); }); it('returns false for an invalid Merkle proof', async function () { const correctMerkleTree = this.makeTree('abc'); const otherMerkleTree = this.makeTree('def'); const root = correctMerkleTree.root; const hash =; const proof = otherMerkleTree.getProof(0); expect(await this.mock.$processProof(proof, hash)).to.not.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processProofCalldata(proof, hash)).to.not.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$verify(proof, root, hash)); expect(await this.mock.$verifyCalldata(proof, root, hash)); }); it('returns false for a Merkle proof of invalid length', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('abc'); const root = merkleTree.root; const hash =; const proof = merkleTree.getProof(0); const badProof = proof.slice(0, -1); expect(await this.mock.$processProof(badProof, hash)).to.not.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processProofCalldata(badProof, hash)).to.not.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$verify(badProof, root, hash)); expect(await this.mock.$verifyCalldata(badProof, root, hash)); }); }); describe('multiProofVerify', function () { it('returns true for a valid Merkle multi proof', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('abcdef'); const root = merkleTree.root; const { proof, proofFlags, leaves } = merkleTree.getMultiProof(toLeaves('bdf')); const hashes = => merkleTree.leafHash(e)); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProof(proof, proofFlags, hashes)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata(proof, proofFlags, hashes)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerify(proof, proofFlags, root, hashes)); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata(proof, proofFlags, root, hashes)); }); it('returns false for an invalid Merkle multi proof', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('abcdef'); const otherMerkleTree = this.makeTree('ghi'); const root = merkleTree.root; const { proof, proofFlags, leaves } = otherMerkleTree.getMultiProof(toLeaves('ghi')); const hashes = => merkleTree.leafHash(e)); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProof(proof, proofFlags, hashes)).to.not.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata(proof, proofFlags, hashes)).to.not.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerify(proof, proofFlags, root, hashes)); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata(proof, proofFlags, root, hashes)); }); it('revert with invalid multi proof #1', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('abcd'); const root = merkleTree.root; const hashA =; const hashB =; const hashCD = nodeHash(,; const hashE = ethers.randomBytes(32); // incorrect (not part of the tree) const fill = ethers.randomBytes(32); await expect( this.mock.$processMultiProof([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false], [hashA, hashE]), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); await expect( this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false], [hashA, hashE]), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); await expect( this.mock.$multiProofVerify([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false], root, [hashA, hashE]), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); await expect( this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false], root, [hashA, hashE]), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); }); it('revert with invalid multi proof #2', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('abcd'); const root = merkleTree.root; const hashA =; const hashB =; const hashCD = nodeHash(,; const hashE = ethers.randomBytes(32); // incorrect (not part of the tree) const fill = ethers.randomBytes(32); await expect( this.mock.$processMultiProof([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false, false], [hashE, hashA]), ); await expect( this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false, false], [hashE, hashA]), ); await expect( this.mock.$multiProofVerify([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false, false], root, [hashE, hashA]), ); await expect( this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata([hashB, fill, hashCD], [false, false, false, false], root, [ hashE, hashA, ]), ); }); it('limit case: works for tree containing a single leaf', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('a'); const root = merkleTree.root; const { proof, proofFlags, leaves } = merkleTree.getMultiProof(toLeaves('a')); const hashes = => merkleTree.leafHash(e)); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProof(proof, proofFlags, hashes)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata(proof, proofFlags, hashes)).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerify(proof, proofFlags, root, hashes)); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata(proof, proofFlags, root, hashes)); }); it('limit case: can prove empty leaves', async function () { const merkleTree = this.makeTree('abcd'); const root = merkleTree.root; expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProof([root], [], [])).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata([root], [], [])).to.equal(root); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerify([root], [], root, [])); expect(await this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata([root], [], root, [])); }); it('reverts processing manipulated proofs with a zero-value node at depth 1', async function () { // Create a merkle tree that contains a zero leaf at depth 1 const leave ='real leaf'); const root = nodeHash(leave, ethers.ZeroHash); // Now we can pass any **malicious** fake leaves as valid! const maliciousLeaves = ['malicious', 'leaves'].map(; const maliciousProof = [leave, leave]; const maliciousProofFlags = [true, true, false]; await expect( this.mock.$processMultiProof(maliciousProof, maliciousProofFlags, maliciousLeaves), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); await expect( this.mock.$processMultiProofCalldata(maliciousProof, maliciousProofFlags, maliciousLeaves), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); await expect( this.mock.$multiProofVerify(maliciousProof, maliciousProofFlags, root, maliciousLeaves), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); await expect( this.mock.$multiProofVerifyCalldata(maliciousProof, maliciousProofFlags, root, maliciousLeaves), ), 'MerkleProofInvalidMultiproof'); }); }); }); } });