const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); async function fixture() { const token = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC6909ContentURI'); return { token }; } describe('ERC6909ContentURI', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('contractURI', function () { it('is empty string be default', async function () { await expect(this.token.contractURI()).to.eventually.equal(''); }); it('is settable by internal setter', async function () { await this.token.$_setContractURI(''); await expect(this.token.contractURI()).to.eventually.equal(''); }); it('emits an event when set', async function () { await expect(this.token.$_setContractURI('')).to.emit(this.token, 'ContractURIUpdated'); }); }); describe('tokenURI', function () { it('is empty string be default', async function () { await expect(this.token.tokenURI(1n)).to.eventually.equal(''); }); it('can be set by dedicated setter', async function () { await this.token.$_setTokenURI(1n, ''); await expect(this.token.tokenURI(1n)).to.eventually.equal(''); // Only set for the specified token ID await expect(this.token.tokenURI(2n)).to.eventually.equal(''); }); it('emits an event when set', async function () { await expect(this.token.$_setTokenURI(1n, '')) .to.emit(this.token, 'URI') .withArgs('', 1n); }); }); });