require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const AuthorityUtils = artifacts.require('$AuthorityUtils'); const NotAuthorityMock = artifacts.require('NotAuthorityMock'); const AuthorityNoDelayMock = artifacts.require('AuthorityNoDelayMock'); const AuthorityDelayMock = artifacts.require('AuthorityDelayMock'); const AuthorityNoResponse = artifacts.require('AuthorityNoResponse'); contract('AuthorityUtils', function (accounts) { const [user, other] = accounts; beforeEach(async function () { this.mock = await; }); describe('canCallWithDelay', function () { describe('when authority does not have a canCall function', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.authority = await; }); it('returns (immediate = 0, delay = 0)', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.mock.$canCallWithDelay( this.authority.address, user, other, '0x12345678', ); expect(immediate).to.equal(false); expect(delay)'0'); }); }); describe('when authority has no delay', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.authority = await; this.immediate = true; await this.authority._setImmediate(this.immediate); }); it('returns (immediate, delay = 0)', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.mock.$canCallWithDelay( this.authority.address, user, other, '0x12345678', ); expect(immediate).to.equal(this.immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }); describe('when authority replies with a delay', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.authority = await; }); for (const immediate of [true, false]) { for (const delay of ['0', '42']) { it(`returns (immediate=${immediate}, delay=${delay})`, async function () { await this.authority._setImmediate(immediate); await this.authority._setDelay(delay); const result = await this.mock.$canCallWithDelay(this.authority.address, user, other, '0x12345678'); expect(result.immediate).to.equal(immediate); expect(result.delay); }); } } }); describe('when authority replies with empty data', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.authority = await; }); it('returns (immediate = 0, delay = 0)', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.mock.$canCallWithDelay( this.authority.address, user, other, '0x12345678', ); expect(immediate).to.equal(false); expect(delay)'0'); }); }); }); });