The upgradeable variant of OpenZeppelin Contracts is automatically generated from the original Solidity code. We call this process "transpilation" and it is implemented by our [Upgradeability Transpiler]( When the `master` branch or `release-v*` branches are updated, the code is transpiled and pushed to [OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable]( by the `upgradeable.yml` workflow. ## `` Applies patches and invokes the transpiler with the command line flags we need for our requirements (for example, excluding certain files). ## `` ``` bash scripts/upgradeable/ [] ``` Transpiles the contents of the current git branch and commits the result as a new commit on branch ``. If branch `` doesn't exist, it will copy the commit history of `[]` (this is used in GitHub Actions, but is usually not necessary locally). ## `` & `` Some of the upgradeable contract variants require ad-hoc changes that are not implemented by the transpiler. These changes are implemented by patches stored in `upgradeable.patch` in this directory. `` applies these patches. If the patches fail to apply due to changes in the repo, the conflicts have to be resolved manually. Once fixed, `` will take the changes staged in Git and update `upgradeable.patch` to match.