const { expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); function shouldBehaveLikeSet (valueA, valueB, valueC) { async function expectMembersMatch (set, values) { await Promise.all( value => expect(await set.contains(value)).to.equal(true) )); expect(await set.length()).to.bignumber.equal(values.length.toString()); // To compare values we convert to strings to workaround Chai // limitations when dealing with nested arrays (required for BNs) expect(await Promise.all([...Array(values.length).keys()].map(async (index) => { const entry = await; return entry.toString(); }))).to.have.same.members( => v.toString())); } it('starts empty', async function () { expect(await this.set.contains(valueA)).to.equal(false); await expectMembersMatch(this.set, []); }); it('adds a value', async function () { const receipt = await this.set.add(valueA); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationResult', { result: true }); await expectMembersMatch(this.set, [valueA]); }); it('adds several values', async function () { await this.set.add(valueA); await this.set.add(valueB); await expectMembersMatch(this.set, [valueA, valueB]); expect(await this.set.contains(valueC)).to.equal(false); }); it('returns false when adding values already in the set', async function () { await this.set.add(valueA); const receipt = (await this.set.add(valueA)); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationResult', { result: false }); await expectMembersMatch(this.set, [valueA]); }); it('reverts when retrieving non-existent elements', async function () { await expectRevert(, 'EnumerableSet: index out of bounds'); }); it('removes added values', async function () { await this.set.add(valueA); const receipt = await this.set.remove(valueA); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationResult', { result: true }); expect(await this.set.contains(valueA)).to.equal(false); await expectMembersMatch(this.set, []); }); it('returns false when removing values not in the set', async function () { const receipt = await this.set.remove(valueA); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationResult', { result: false }); expect(await this.set.contains(valueA)).to.equal(false); }); it('adds and removes multiple values', async function () { // [] await this.set.add(valueA); await this.set.add(valueC); // [A, C] await this.set.remove(valueA); await this.set.remove(valueB); // [C] await this.set.add(valueB); // [C, B] await this.set.add(valueA); await this.set.remove(valueC); // [A, B] await this.set.add(valueA); await this.set.add(valueB); // [A, B] await this.set.add(valueC); await this.set.remove(valueA); // [B, C] await this.set.add(valueA); await this.set.remove(valueB); // [A, C] await expectMembersMatch(this.set, [valueA, valueC]); expect(await this.set.contains(valueB)).to.equal(false); }); } module.exports = { shouldBehaveLikeSet, };