const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { getAddressInSlot, BeaconSlot } = require('../../helpers/storage'); async function fixture() { const [admin, other] = await ethers.getSigners(); const v1 = await ethers.deployContract('DummyImplementation'); const v2 = await ethers.deployContract('DummyImplementationV2'); const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory('BeaconProxy'); const beacon = await ethers.deployContract('UpgradeableBeacon', [v1, admin]); const newBeaconProxy = (beacon, data, opts = {}) => factory.deploy(beacon, data, opts); return { admin, other, factory, beacon, v1, v2, newBeaconProxy }; } describe('BeaconProxy', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('bad beacon is not accepted', function () { it('non-contract beacon', async function () { const notBeacon = this.other; await expect(this.newBeaconProxy(notBeacon, '0x')), 'ERC1967InvalidBeacon') .withArgs(notBeacon); }); it('non-compliant beacon', async function () { const badBeacon = await ethers.deployContract('BadBeaconNoImpl'); // BadBeaconNoImpl does not provide `implementation()` has no fallback. // This causes ERC1967Utils._setBeacon to revert. await expect(this.newBeaconProxy(badBeacon, '0x')); }); it('non-contract implementation', async function () { const badBeacon = await ethers.deployContract('BadBeaconNotContract'); await expect(this.newBeaconProxy(badBeacon, '0x')), 'ERC1967InvalidImplementation') .withArgs(await badBeacon.implementation()); }); }); describe('initialization', function () { async function assertInitialized({ value, balance }) { const beaconAddress = await getAddressInSlot(this.proxy, BeaconSlot); expect(beaconAddress).to.equal(this.beacon); const dummy = this.v1.attach(this.proxy); expect(await dummy.value()).to.equal(value); expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(this.proxy)).to.equal(balance); } it('no initialization', async function () { this.proxy = await this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, '0x'); await assertInitialized.bind(this)({ value: 0n, balance: 0n }); }); it('non-payable initialization', async function () { const value = 55n; const data = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializeNonPayableWithValue', [value]); this.proxy = await this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, data); await assertInitialized.bind(this)({ value, balance: 0n }); }); it('payable initialization', async function () { const value = 55n; const data = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializePayableWithValue', [value]); const balance = 100n; this.proxy = await this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, data, { value: balance }); await assertInitialized.bind(this)({ value, balance }); }); it('reverting initialization due to value', async function () { await expect(this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, '0x', { value: 1n })) this.factory, 'ERC1967NonPayable', ); }); it('reverting initialization function', async function () { const data = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('reverts'); await expect(this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, data))'DummyImplementation reverted'); }); }); describe('upgrade', function () { it('upgrade a proxy by upgrading its beacon', async function () { const value = 10n; const data = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializeNonPayableWithValue', [value]); const proxy = await this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, data).then(instance => this.v1.attach(instance)); // test initial values expect(await proxy.value()).to.equal(value); // test initial version expect(await proxy.version()).to.equal('V1'); // upgrade beacon await this.beacon.connect(this.admin).upgradeTo(this.v2); // test upgraded version expect(await proxy.version()).to.equal('V2'); }); it('upgrade 2 proxies by upgrading shared beacon', async function () { const value1 = 10n; const data1 = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializeNonPayableWithValue', [value1]); const proxy1 = await this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, data1).then(instance => this.v1.attach(instance)); const value2 = 42n; const data2 = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializeNonPayableWithValue', [value2]); const proxy2 = await this.newBeaconProxy(this.beacon, data2).then(instance => this.v1.attach(instance)); // test initial values expect(await proxy1.value()).to.equal(value1); expect(await proxy2.value()).to.equal(value2); // test initial version expect(await proxy1.version()).to.equal('V1'); expect(await proxy2.version()).to.equal('V1'); // upgrade beacon await this.beacon.connect(this.admin).upgradeTo(this.v2); // test upgraded version expect(await proxy1.version()).to.equal('V2'); expect(await proxy2.version()).to.equal('V2'); }); }); });