const { expectRevert, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); async function getReceiptOrRevert (promise, error = undefined) { if (error) { await expectRevert(promise, error); return undefined; } else { const { receipt } = await promise; return receipt; } } function tryGet (obj, path = '') { try { return path.split('.').reduce((o, k) => o[k], obj); } catch (_) { return undefined; } } function runGovernorWorkflow () { beforeEach(async function () { this.receipts = {}; this.descriptionHash = web3.utils.keccak256(this.settings.proposal.slice(-1).find(Boolean)); = await this.mock.hashProposal(...this.settings.proposal.slice(0, -1), this.descriptionHash); }); it('run', async function () { // transfer tokens if (tryGet(this.settings, 'voters')) { for (const voter of this.settings.voters) { if (voter.weight) { await this.token.transfer(voter.voter, voter.weight, { from: this.settings.tokenHolder }); } } } // propose if (this.mock.propose && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.enable') !== false) { this.receipts.propose = await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.methods['propose(address[],uint256[],bytes[],string)']( ...this.settings.proposal, { from: this.settings.proposer }, ), tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.error'), ); if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.error') === undefined) { this.deadline = await this.mock.proposalDeadline(; this.snapshot = await this.mock.proposalSnapshot(; } if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.delay')); } if ( tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.error') === undefined && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.noadvance') !== true ) { await time.advanceBlockTo(this.snapshot.addn(1)); } } // vote if (tryGet(this.settings, 'voters')) { this.receipts.castVote = []; for (const voter of this.settings.voters) { if (!voter.signature) { this.receipts.castVote.push( await getReceiptOrRevert( voter.reason ? this.mock.castVoteWithReason(,, voter.reason, { from: voter.voter }) : this.mock.castVote(,, { from: voter.voter }), voter.error, ), ); } else { const { v, r, s } = await voter.signature({ proposalId:, support: }); this.receipts.castVote.push( await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.castVoteBySig(,, v, r, s), voter.error, ), ); } if (tryGet(voter, 'delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(voter, 'delay')); } } } // fast forward if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.wait.enable') !== false) { await time.advanceBlockTo(this.deadline.addn(1)); } // queue if (this.mock.queue && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.enable') !== false) { this.receipts.queue = await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.methods['queue(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32)']( ...this.settings.proposal.slice(0, -1), this.descriptionHash, { from: this.settings.queuer }, ), tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.error'), ); this.eta = await this.mock.proposalEta(; if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.delay')); } } // execute if (this.mock.execute && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.enable') !== false) { this.receipts.execute = await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.methods['execute(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32)']( ...this.settings.proposal.slice(0, -1), this.descriptionHash, { from: this.settings.executer }, ), tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.error'), ); if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.delay')); } } }); } module.exports = { runGovernorWorkflow, };