const { expectThrow } = require('../helpers/expectThrow'); const expectEvent = require('../helpers/expectEvent'); const Superuser = artifacts.require('Superuser'); require('chai') .should(); contract('Superuser', function ([_, firstOwner, newSuperuser, newOwner, anyone]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.superuser = await{ from: firstOwner }); }); context('in normal conditions', () => { it('should set the owner as the default superuser', async function () { const ownerIsSuperuser = await this.superuser.isSuperuser(firstOwner);; }); it('should change superuser after transferring', async function () { await this.superuser.transferSuperuser(newSuperuser, { from: firstOwner }); const ownerIsSuperuser = await this.superuser.isSuperuser(firstOwner);; const newSuperuserIsSuperuser = await this.superuser.isSuperuser(newSuperuser);; }); it('should change owner after the superuser transfers the ownership', async function () { await this.superuser.transferSuperuser(newSuperuser, { from: firstOwner }); await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.superuser.transferOwnership(newOwner, { from: newSuperuser }), 'OwnershipTransferred' ); const currentOwner = await this.superuser.owner();; }); it('should change owner after the owner transfers the ownership', async function () { await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.superuser.transferOwnership(newOwner, { from: firstOwner }), 'OwnershipTransferred' ); const currentOwner = await this.superuser.owner();; }); }); context('in adversarial conditions', () => { it('should prevent non-superusers from transfering the superuser role', async function () { await expectThrow( this.superuser.transferSuperuser(newOwner, { from: anyone }) ); }); it('should prevent users that are not superuser nor owner from setting a new owner', async function () { await expectThrow( this.superuser.transferOwnership(newOwner, { from: anyone }) ); }); }); });