const { constants, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants; const { expect } = require('chai'); const Ownable2Step = artifacts.require('$Ownable2Step'); contract('Ownable2Step', function (accounts) { const [owner, accountA, accountB] = accounts; beforeEach(async function () { this.ownable2Step = await; }); describe('transfer ownership', function () { it('starting a transfer does not change owner', async function () { const receipt = await this.ownable2Step.transferOwnership(accountA, { from: owner }); expectEvent(receipt, 'OwnershipTransferStarted', { previousOwner: owner, newOwner: accountA }); expect(await this.ownable2Step.owner()).to.equal(owner); expect(await this.ownable2Step.pendingOwner()).to.equal(accountA); }); it('changes owner after transfer', async function () { await this.ownable2Step.transferOwnership(accountA, { from: owner }); const receipt = await this.ownable2Step.acceptOwnership({ from: accountA }); expectEvent(receipt, 'OwnershipTransferred', { previousOwner: owner, newOwner: accountA }); expect(await this.ownable2Step.owner()).to.equal(accountA); expect(await this.ownable2Step.pendingOwner()).to.not.equal(accountA); }); it('guards transfer against invalid user', async function () { await this.ownable2Step.transferOwnership(accountA, { from: owner }); await expectRevert( this.ownable2Step.acceptOwnership({ from: accountB }), 'Ownable2Step: caller is not the new owner', ); }); }); it('renouncing ownership', async function () { it('changes owner after renouncing ownership', async function () { await this.ownable2Step.renounceOwnership({ from: owner }); // If renounceOwnership is removed from parent an alternative is needed ... // without it is difficult to cleanly renounce with the two step process // see: expect(await this.ownable2Step.owner()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); }); it('pending owner resets after renouncing ownership', async function () { await this.ownable2Step.transferOwnership(accountA, { from: owner }); expect(await this.ownable2Step.pendingOwner()).to.equal(accountA); await this.ownable2Step.renounceOwnership({ from: owner }); expect(await this.ownable2Step.pendingOwner()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); await expectRevert( this.ownable2Step.acceptOwnership({ from: accountA }), 'Ownable2Step: caller is not the new owner', ); }); it('allows to recover access using the internal _transferOwnership', async function () { await this.ownable.renounceOwnership({ from: owner }); const receipt = await this.ownable.$_transferOwnership(accountA); expectEvent(receipt, 'OwnershipTransferred'); expect(await this.ownable.owner()).to.equal(accountA); }); }); });