const { ether } = require('../helpers/ether'); const { expectThrow } = require('../helpers/expectThrow'); const { EVMRevert } = require('../helpers/EVMRevert'); const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber; require('chai') .use(require('chai-bignumber')(BigNumber)) .should(); const CappedCrowdsale = artifacts.require('IndividuallyCappedCrowdsaleImpl'); const SimpleToken = artifacts.require('SimpleToken'); contract('IndividuallyCappedCrowdsale', function ([_, wallet, alice, bob, charlie]) { const rate = new BigNumber(1); const capAlice = ether(10); const capBob = ether(2); const lessThanCapAlice = ether(6); const lessThanCapBoth = ether(1); const tokenSupply = new BigNumber('1e22'); describe('individual capping', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await; this.crowdsale = await, wallet, this.token.address); await this.crowdsale.setUserCap(alice, capAlice); await this.crowdsale.setUserCap(bob, capBob); await this.token.transfer(this.crowdsale.address, tokenSupply); }); describe('accepting payments', function () { it('should accept payments within cap', async function () { await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(alice, { value: lessThanCapAlice }); await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: lessThanCapBoth }); }); it('should reject payments outside cap', async function () { await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(alice, { value: capAlice }); await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(alice, { value: 1 }), EVMRevert); }); it('should reject payments that exceed cap', async function () { await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(alice, { value: }), EVMRevert); await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: }), EVMRevert); }); it('should manage independent caps', async function () { await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(alice, { value: lessThanCapAlice }); await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: lessThanCapAlice }), EVMRevert); }); it('should default to a cap of zero', async function () { await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(charlie, { value: lessThanCapBoth }), EVMRevert); }); }); describe('reporting state', function () { it('should report correct cap', async function () { (await this.crowdsale.getUserCap(alice)); }); it('should report actual contribution', async function () { await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(alice, { value: lessThanCapAlice }); (await this.crowdsale.getUserContribution(alice)); }); }); }); describe('group capping', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await; this.crowdsale = await, wallet, this.token.address); await this.crowdsale.setGroupCap([bob, charlie], capBob); await this.token.transfer(this.crowdsale.address, tokenSupply); }); describe('accepting payments', function () { it('should accept payments within cap', async function () { await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: lessThanCapBoth }); await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(charlie, { value: lessThanCapBoth }); }); it('should reject payments outside cap', async function () { await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: capBob }); await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: 1 }), EVMRevert); await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(charlie, { value: capBob }); await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(charlie, { value: 1 }), EVMRevert); }); it('should reject payments that exceed cap', async function () { await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(bob, { value: }), EVMRevert); await expectThrow(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(charlie, { value: }), EVMRevert); }); }); describe('reporting state', function () { it('should report correct cap', async function () { (await this.crowdsale.getUserCap(bob)); (await this.crowdsale.getUserCap(charlie)); }); }); }); });