const { expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const ImplV1 = artifacts.require('DummyImplementation'); const ImplV2 = artifacts.require('DummyImplementationV2'); const ProxyAdmin = artifacts.require('ProxyAdmin'); const TransparentUpgradeableProxy = artifacts.require('TransparentUpgradeableProxy'); contract('ProxyAdmin', function (accounts) { const [proxyAdminOwner, newAdmin, anotherAccount] = accounts; before('set implementations', async function () { this.implementationV1 = await; this.implementationV2 = await; }); beforeEach(async function () { const initializeData = Buffer.from(''); this.proxyAdmin = await{ from: proxyAdminOwner }); this.proxy = await this.implementationV1.address, this.proxyAdmin.address, initializeData, { from: proxyAdminOwner }, ); }); it('has an owner', async function () { expect(await this.proxyAdmin.owner()).to.equal(proxyAdminOwner); }); describe('#getProxyAdmin', function () { it('returns proxyAdmin as admin of the proxy', async function () { const admin = await this.proxyAdmin.getProxyAdmin(this.proxy.address); expect(admin); }); }); describe('#changeProxyAdmin', function () { it('fails to change proxy admin if its not the proxy owner', async function () { await expectRevert( this.proxyAdmin.changeProxyAdmin(this.proxy.address, newAdmin, { from: anotherAccount }), 'caller is not the owner', ); }); it('changes proxy admin', async function () { await this.proxyAdmin.changeProxyAdmin(this.proxy.address, newAdmin, { from: proxyAdminOwner }); expect(await{ from: newAdmin })).to.eq(newAdmin); }); }); describe('#getProxyImplementation', function () { it('returns proxy implementation address', async function () { const implementationAddress = await this.proxyAdmin.getProxyImplementation(this.proxy.address); expect(implementationAddress); }); }); describe('#upgrade', function () { context('with unauthorized account', function () { it('fails to upgrade', async function () { await expectRevert( this.proxyAdmin.upgrade(this.proxy.address, this.implementationV2.address, { from: anotherAccount }), 'caller is not the owner', ); }); }); context('with authorized account', function () { it('upgrades implementation', async function () { await this.proxyAdmin.upgrade(this.proxy.address, this.implementationV2.address, { from: proxyAdminOwner }); const implementationAddress = await this.proxyAdmin.getProxyImplementation(this.proxy.address); expect(implementationAddress); }); }); }); describe('#upgradeAndCall', function () { context('with unauthorized account', function () { it('fails to upgrade', async function () { const callData = new ImplV1('').contract.methods['initializeNonPayable(uint256)'](1337).encodeABI(); await expectRevert( this.proxyAdmin.upgradeAndCall(this.proxy.address, this.implementationV2.address, callData, { from: anotherAccount }, ), 'caller is not the owner', ); }); }); context('with authorized account', function () { context('with invalid callData', function () { it('fails to upgrade', async function () { const callData = '0x12345678'; await expectRevert.unspecified( this.proxyAdmin.upgradeAndCall(this.proxy.address, this.implementationV2.address, callData, { from: proxyAdminOwner }, ), ); }); }); context('with valid callData', function () { it('upgrades implementation', async function () { const callData = new ImplV1('').contract.methods['initializeNonPayable(uint256)'](1337).encodeABI(); await this.proxyAdmin.upgradeAndCall(this.proxy.address, this.implementationV2.address, callData, { from: proxyAdminOwner }, ); const implementationAddress = await this.proxyAdmin.getProxyImplementation(this.proxy.address); expect(implementationAddress); }); }); }); }); });