const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { RevertType } = require('../../../helpers/enums'); const { PANIC_CODES } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/panic'); const firstTokenId = 1n; const secondTokenId = 2n; const firstTokenValue = 1000n; const secondTokenValue = 1000n; const RECEIVER_SINGLE_MAGIC_VALUE = '0xf23a6e61'; const RECEIVER_BATCH_MAGIC_VALUE = '0xbc197c81'; const deployReceiver = ( revertType, returnValueSingle = RECEIVER_SINGLE_MAGIC_VALUE, returnValueBatched = RECEIVER_BATCH_MAGIC_VALUE, ) => ethers.deployContract('$ERC1155ReceiverMock', [returnValueSingle, returnValueBatched, revertType]); const fixture = async () => { const [eoa, operator, owner] = await ethers.getSigners(); const utils = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC1155Utils'); const receivers = { correct: await deployReceiver(RevertType.None), invalid: await deployReceiver(RevertType.None, '0xdeadbeef', '0xdeadbeef'), message: await deployReceiver(RevertType.RevertWithMessage), empty: await deployReceiver(RevertType.RevertWithoutMessage), customError: await deployReceiver(RevertType.RevertWithCustomError), panic: await deployReceiver(RevertType.Panic), nonReceiver: await ethers.deployContract('CallReceiverMock'), eoa, }; return { operator, owner, utils, receivers }; }; describe('ERC1155Utils', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('onERC1155Received', function () { it('succeeds when called by an EOA', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.eoa, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ); }); it('succeeds when data is passed', async function () { const data = '0x12345678'; await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.correct, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, data, ), ); }); it('succeeds when data is empty', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.correct, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ); }); it('reverts when receiver returns invalid value', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.invalid, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ), 'ERC1155InvalidReceiver') .withArgs(this.receivers.invalid); }); it('reverts when receiver reverts with message', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.message, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), )'ERC1155ReceiverMock: reverting on receive'); }); it('reverts when receiver reverts without message', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.empty, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ), 'ERC1155InvalidReceiver') .withArgs(this.receivers.empty); }); it('reverts when receiver reverts with custom error', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.customError, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ), 'CustomError') .withArgs(RECEIVER_SINGLE_MAGIC_VALUE); }); it('reverts when receiver panics', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.panic, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ); }); it('reverts when receiver does not implement onERC1155Received', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155Received( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.nonReceiver, firstTokenId, firstTokenValue, '0x', ), ), 'ERC1155InvalidReceiver') .withArgs(this.receivers.nonReceiver); }); }); describe('onERC1155BatchReceived', function () { it('succeeds when called by an EOA', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.eoa, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ); }); it('succeeds when data is passed', async function () { const data = '0x12345678'; await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.correct, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], data, ), ); }); it('succeeds when data is empty', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.correct, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ); }); it('reverts when receiver returns invalid value', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.invalid, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ), 'ERC1155InvalidReceiver') .withArgs(this.receivers.invalid); }); it('reverts when receiver reverts with message', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.message, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), )'ERC1155ReceiverMock: reverting on batch receive'); }); it('reverts when receiver reverts without message', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.empty, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ), 'ERC1155InvalidReceiver') .withArgs(this.receivers.empty); }); it('reverts when receiver reverts with custom error', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.customError, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ), 'CustomError') .withArgs(RECEIVER_SINGLE_MAGIC_VALUE); }); it('reverts when receiver panics', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.panic, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ); }); it('reverts when receiver does not implement onERC1155BatchReceived', async function () { await expect( this.utils.$checkOnERC1155BatchReceived( this.operator, this.owner, this.receivers.nonReceiver, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], [firstTokenValue, secondTokenValue], '0x', ), ), 'ERC1155InvalidReceiver') .withArgs(this.receivers.nonReceiver); }); }); });