const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const Enums = require('../../helpers/enums'); const { GovernorHelper } = require('../../helpers/governance'); const { shouldSupportInterfaces, } = require('../../utils/introspection/SupportsInterface.behavior'); const Token = artifacts.require('ERC20VotesMock'); const Timelock = artifacts.require('TimelockController'); const Governor = artifacts.require('GovernorTimelockControlMock'); const CallReceiver = artifacts.require('CallReceiverMock'); contract('GovernorTimelockControl', function (accounts) { const [ owner, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, other ] = accounts; const TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE'); const PROPOSER_ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('PROPOSER_ROLE'); const EXECUTOR_ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('EXECUTOR_ROLE'); const CANCELLER_ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('CANCELLER_ROLE'); const name = 'OZ-Governor'; // const version = '1'; const tokenName = 'MockToken'; const tokenSymbol = 'MTKN'; const tokenSupply = web3.utils.toWei('100'); const votingDelay = new BN(4); const votingPeriod = new BN(16); const value = web3.utils.toWei('1'); beforeEach(async function () { const [ deployer ] = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); this.token = await, tokenSymbol); this.timelock = await, [], [], deployer); this.mock = await name, this.token.address, votingDelay, votingPeriod, this.timelock.address, 0, ); this.receiver = await; this.helper = new GovernorHelper(this.mock); this.TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE = await this.timelock.TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE(); this.PROPOSER_ROLE = await this.timelock.PROPOSER_ROLE(); this.EXECUTOR_ROLE = await this.timelock.EXECUTOR_ROLE(); this.CANCELLER_ROLE = await this.timelock.CANCELLER_ROLE(); await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: owner, to: this.timelock.address, value }); // normal setup: governor is proposer, everyone is executor, timelock is its own admin await this.timelock.grantRole(PROPOSER_ROLE, this.mock.address); await this.timelock.grantRole(PROPOSER_ROLE, owner); await this.timelock.grantRole(CANCELLER_ROLE, this.mock.address); await this.timelock.grantRole(CANCELLER_ROLE, owner); await this.timelock.grantRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE, constants.ZERO_ADDRESS); await this.timelock.revokeRole(TIMELOCK_ADMIN_ROLE, deployer); await, tokenSupply); await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter1, value: web3.utils.toWei('10') }, { from: owner }); await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter2, value: web3.utils.toWei('7') }, { from: owner }); await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter3, value: web3.utils.toWei('5') }, { from: owner }); await this.helper.delegate({ token: this.token, to: voter4, value: web3.utils.toWei('2') }, { from: owner }); // default proposal this.proposal = this.helper.setProposal([ { target: this.receiver.address, value, data: this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(), }, ], ''); this.proposal.timelockid = await this.timelock.hashOperationBatch( ...this.proposal.shortProposal.slice(0, 3), '0x0', this.proposal.shortProposal[3], ); }); shouldSupportInterfaces([ 'ERC165', 'Governor', 'GovernorWithParams', 'GovernorTimelock', ]); it('doesn\'t accept ether transfers', async function () { await expectRevert.unspecified(web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: owner, to: this.mock.address, value: 1 })); }); it('post deployment check', async function () { expect(await; expect(await this.mock.token()); expect(await this.mock.votingDelay()); expect(await this.mock.votingPeriod()); expect(await this.mock.quorum(0))'0'); expect(await this.mock.timelock()); }); it('nominal', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter2 }); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.Against }, { from: voter3 }); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.Abstain }, { from: voter4 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); const txQueue = await this.helper.queue(); await this.helper.waitForEta(); const txExecute = await this.helper.execute(); expectEvent(txQueue, 'ProposalQueued', { proposalId: }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(txQueue.tx, this.timelock, 'CallScheduled', { id: this.proposal.timelockid }); expectEvent(txExecute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(txExecute.tx, this.timelock, 'CallExecuted', { id: this.proposal.timelockid }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(txExecute.tx, this.receiver, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); describe('should revert', function () { describe('on queue', function () { it('if already queued', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); await expectRevert(this.helper.queue(), 'Governor: proposal not successful'); }); }); describe('on execute', function () { it('if not queued', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(+1); expect(await this.mock.state(; await expectRevert(this.helper.execute(), 'TimelockController: operation is not ready'); }); it('if too early', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); expect(await this.mock.state(; await expectRevert(this.helper.execute(), 'TimelockController: operation is not ready'); }); it('if already executed', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); await this.helper.waitForEta(); await this.helper.execute(); await expectRevert(this.helper.execute(), 'Governor: proposal not successful'); }); it('if already executed by another proposer', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); await this.helper.waitForEta(); await this.timelock.executeBatch( ...this.proposal.shortProposal.slice(0, 3), '0x0', this.proposal.shortProposal[3], ); await expectRevert(this.helper.execute(), 'Governor: proposal not successful'); }); }); }); describe('cancel', function () { it('cancel before queue prevents scheduling', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); expectEvent( await this.helper.cancel(), 'ProposalCanceled', { proposalId: }, ); expect(await this.mock.state(; await expectRevert(this.helper.queue(), 'Governor: proposal not successful'); }); it('cancel after queue prevents executing', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); expectEvent( await this.helper.cancel(), 'ProposalCanceled', { proposalId: }, ); expect(await this.mock.state(; await expectRevert(this.helper.execute(), 'Governor: proposal not successful'); }); it('cancel on timelock is reflected on governor', async function () { await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); expect(await this.mock.state(; expectEvent( await this.timelock.cancel(this.proposal.timelockid, { from: owner }), 'Cancelled', { id: this.proposal.timelockid }, ); expect(await this.mock.state(; }); }); describe('onlyGovernance', function () { describe('relay', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await, 1); }); it('is protected', async function () { await expectRevert( this.mock.relay( this.token.address, 0, this.token.contract.methods.transfer(other, 1).encodeABI(), ), 'Governor: onlyGovernance', ); }); it('can be executed through governance', async function () { this.helper.setProposal([ { target: this.mock.address, data: this.mock.contract.methods.relay( this.token.address, 0, this.token.contract.methods.transfer(other, 1).encodeABI(), ).encodeABI(), }, ], ''); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(this.mock.address), 1); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(other), 0); await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); await this.helper.waitForEta(); const txExecute = await this.helper.execute(); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(this.mock.address), 0); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(other), 1); expectEvent.inTransaction( txExecute.tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: this.mock.address, to: other, value: '1' }, ); }); it('protected against other proposers', async function () { await this.timelock.schedule( this.mock.address, web3.utils.toWei('0'), this.mock.contract.methods.relay(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, 0, '0x').encodeABI(), constants.ZERO_BYTES32, constants.ZERO_BYTES32, 3600, { from: owner }, ); await time.increase(3600); await expectRevert( this.timelock.execute( this.mock.address, web3.utils.toWei('0'), this.mock.contract.methods.relay(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, 0, '0x').encodeABI(), constants.ZERO_BYTES32, constants.ZERO_BYTES32, { from: owner }, ), 'TimelockController: underlying transaction reverted', ); }); }); describe('updateTimelock', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.newTimelock = await 3600, [ this.mock.address ], [ this.mock.address ], constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, ); }); it('is protected', async function () { await expectRevert( this.mock.updateTimelock(this.newTimelock.address), 'Governor: onlyGovernance', ); }); it('can be executed through governance to', async function () { this.helper.setProposal([ { target: this.mock.address, data: this.mock.contract.methods.updateTimelock(this.newTimelock.address).encodeABI(), }, ], ''); await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); await this.helper.waitForEta(); const txExecute = await this.helper.execute(); expectEvent( txExecute, 'TimelockChange', { oldTimelock: this.timelock.address, newTimelock: this.newTimelock.address }, ); expect(await this.mock.timelock()); }); }); }); it('clear queue of pending governor calls', async function () { this.helper.setProposal([ { target: this.mock.address, data: this.mock.contract.methods.nonGovernanceFunction().encodeABI(), }, ], ''); await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await{ support: Enums.VoteType.For }, { from: voter1 }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.queue(); await this.helper.waitForEta(); await this.helper.execute(); // This path clears _governanceCall as part of the afterExecute call, // but we have not way to check that the cleanup actually happened other // then coverage reports. }); });