const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber require('chai') .use(require('chai-as-promised')) .use(require('chai-bignumber')(BigNumber)) .should(); import EVMThrow from './helpers/EVMThrow' import latestTime from './helpers/latestTime'; import {increaseTimeTo, duration} from './helpers/increaseTime'; const MintableToken = artifacts.require('MintableToken'); const TokenVesting = artifacts.require('TokenVesting'); contract('TokenVesting', function ([_, owner, beneficiary]) { const amount = new BigNumber(1000); beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await{ from: owner }); this.start = latestTime() + duration.minutes(1); // +1 minute so it starts after contract instantiation this.cliff = duration.years(1); this.duration = duration.years(2); this.vesting = await, this.start, this.cliff, this.duration, true, { from: owner }); await, amount, { from: owner }); }); it('cannot be released before cliff', async function () { await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); }); it('can be released after cliff', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.start + this.cliff + duration.weeks(1)); await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); }); it('should release proper amount after cliff', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.start + this.cliff); const { receipt } = await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); const releaseTime = web3.eth.getBlock(receipt.blockNumber).timestamp; const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary); balance.should.bignumber.equal(amount.mul(releaseTime - this.start).div(this.duration).floor()); }); it('should linearly release tokens during vesting period', async function () { const vestingPeriod = this.duration - this.cliff; const checkpoints = 4; for (let i = 1; i <= checkpoints; i++) { const now = this.start + this.cliff + i * (vestingPeriod / checkpoints); await increaseTimeTo(now); await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary); const expectedVesting = amount.mul(now - this.start).div(this.duration).floor(); balance.should.bignumber.equal(expectedVesting); } }); it('should have released all after end', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.start + this.duration); await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary); balance.should.bignumber.equal(amount); }); it('should be revoked by owner if revocable is set', async function () { await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); }); it('should fail to be revoked by owner if revocable not set', async function () { const vesting = await, this.start, this.cliff, this.duration, false, { from: owner } ); await vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); }); it('should return the non-vested tokens when revoked by owner', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.start + this.cliff + duration.weeks(12)); const vested = await this.vesting.vestedAmount(this.token.address); await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); const ownerBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(owner); ownerBalance.should.bignumber.equal(amount.sub(vested)); }); it('should keep the vested tokens when revoked by owner', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.start + this.cliff + duration.weeks(12)); const vestedPre = await this.vesting.vestedAmount(this.token.address); await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); const vestedPost = await this.vesting.vestedAmount(this.token.address); vestedPre.should.bignumber.equal(vestedPost); }); it('should fail to be revoked a second time', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.start + this.cliff + duration.weeks(12)); const vested = await this.vesting.vestedAmount(this.token.address); await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); }); });