// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.0) (token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Consecutive.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.19; import {ERC721} from "../ERC721.sol"; import {IERC2309} from "../../../interfaces/IERC2309.sol"; import {BitMaps} from "../../../utils/structs/BitMaps.sol"; import {Checkpoints} from "../../../utils/structs/Checkpoints.sol"; /** * @dev Implementation of the ERC2309 "Consecutive Transfer Extension" as defined in * https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2309[EIP-2309]. * * This extension allows the minting of large batches of tokens, during contract construction only. For upgradeable * contracts this implies that batch minting is only available during proxy deployment, and not in subsequent upgrades. * These batches are limited to 5000 tokens at a time by default to accommodate off-chain indexers. * * Using this extension removes the ability to mint single tokens during contract construction. This ability is * regained after construction. During construction, only batch minting is allowed. * * IMPORTANT: This extension bypasses the hooks {_beforeTokenTransfer} and {_afterTokenTransfer} for tokens minted in * batch. The hooks will be only called once per batch, so you should take `batchSize` parameter into consideration * when relying on hooks. * * IMPORTANT: When overriding {_afterTokenTransfer}, be careful about call ordering. {ownerOf} may return invalid * values during the {_afterTokenTransfer} execution if the super call is not called first. To be safe, execute the * super call before your custom logic. * * _Available since v4.8._ */ abstract contract ERC721Consecutive is IERC2309, ERC721 { using BitMaps for BitMaps.BitMap; using Checkpoints for Checkpoints.Trace160; Checkpoints.Trace160 private _sequentialOwnership; BitMaps.BitMap private _sequentialBurn; /** * @dev Batch mint is restricted to the constructor. * Any batch mint not emitting the {IERC721-Transfer} event outside of the constructor * is non-ERC721 compliant. */ error ERC721ForbiddenBatchMint(); /** * @dev Exceeds the max amount of mints per batch. */ error ERC721ExceededMaxBatchMint(uint256 batchSize, uint256 maxBatch); /** * @dev Individual minting is not allowed. */ error ERC721ForbiddenMint(); /** * @dev Batch burn is not supported. */ error ERC721ForbiddenBatchBurn(); /** * @dev Maximum size of a batch of consecutive tokens. This is designed to limit stress on off-chain indexing * services that have to record one entry per token, and have protections against "unreasonably large" batches of * tokens. * * NOTE: Overriding the default value of 5000 will not cause on-chain issues, but may result in the asset not being * correctly supported by off-chain indexing services (including marketplaces). */ function _maxBatchSize() internal view virtual returns (uint96) { return 5000; } /** * @dev See {ERC721-_ownerOf}. Override that checks the sequential ownership structure for tokens that have * been minted as part of a batch, and not yet transferred. */ function _ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) internal view virtual override returns (address) { address owner = super._ownerOf(tokenId); // If token is owned by the core, or beyond consecutive range, return base value if (owner != address(0) || tokenId > type(uint96).max || tokenId < _firstConsecutiveId()) { return owner; } // Otherwise, check the token was not burned, and fetch ownership from the anchors // Note: no need for safe cast, we know that tokenId <= type(uint96).max return _sequentialBurn.get(tokenId) ? address(0) : address(_sequentialOwnership.lowerLookup(uint96(tokenId))); } /** * @dev Mint a batch of tokens of length `batchSize` for `to`. Returns the token id of the first token minted in the * batch; if `batchSize` is 0, returns the number of consecutive ids minted so far. * * Requirements: * * - `batchSize` must not be greater than {_maxBatchSize}. * - The function is called in the constructor of the contract (directly or indirectly). * * CAUTION: Does not emit a `Transfer` event. This is ERC721 compliant as long as it is done inside of the * constructor, which is enforced by this function. * * CAUTION: Does not invoke `onERC721Received` on the receiver. * * Emits a {IERC2309-ConsecutiveTransfer} event. */ function _mintConsecutive(address to, uint96 batchSize) internal virtual returns (uint96) { uint96 next = _nextConsecutiveId(); // minting a batch of size 0 is a no-op if (batchSize > 0) { if (address(this).code.length > 0) { revert ERC721ForbiddenBatchMint(); } if (to == address(0)) { revert ERC721InvalidReceiver(address(0)); } uint256 maxBatchSize = _maxBatchSize(); if (batchSize > maxBatchSize) { revert ERC721ExceededMaxBatchMint(batchSize, maxBatchSize); } // hook before _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), to, next, batchSize); // push an ownership checkpoint & emit event uint96 last = next + batchSize - 1; _sequentialOwnership.push(last, uint160(to)); // The invariant required by this function is preserved because the new sequentialOwnership checkpoint // is attributing ownership of `batchSize` new tokens to account `to`. __unsafe_increaseBalance(to, batchSize); emit ConsecutiveTransfer(next, last, address(0), to); // hook after _afterTokenTransfer(address(0), to, next, batchSize); } return next; } /** * @dev See {ERC721-_mint}. Override version that restricts normal minting to after construction. * * WARNING: Using {ERC721Consecutive} prevents using {_mint} during construction in favor of {_mintConsecutive}. * After construction, {_mintConsecutive} is no longer available and {_mint} becomes available. */ function _mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal virtual override { if (address(this).code.length == 0) { revert ERC721ForbiddenMint(); } super._mint(to, tokenId); } /** * @dev See {ERC721-_afterTokenTransfer}. Burning of tokens that have been sequentially minted must be explicit. */ function _afterTokenTransfer( address from, address to, uint256 firstTokenId, uint256 batchSize ) internal virtual override { if ( to == address(0) && // if we burn firstTokenId >= _firstConsecutiveId() && firstTokenId < _nextConsecutiveId() && !_sequentialBurn.get(firstTokenId) ) // and the token was never marked as burnt { if (batchSize != 1) { revert ERC721ForbiddenBatchBurn(); } _sequentialBurn.set(firstTokenId); } super._afterTokenTransfer(from, to, firstTokenId, batchSize); } /** * @dev Used to offset the first token id in {_nextConsecutiveId} */ function _firstConsecutiveId() internal view virtual returns (uint96) { return 0; } /** * @dev Returns the next tokenId to mint using {_mintConsecutive}. It will return {_firstConsecutiveId} * if no consecutive tokenId has been minted before. */ function _nextConsecutiveId() private view returns (uint96) { (bool exists, uint96 latestId, ) = _sequentialOwnership.latestCheckpoint(); return exists ? latestId + 1 : _firstConsecutiveId(); } }