const RBACMock = artifacts.require('./mocks/RBACMock.sol') import expectThrow from './helpers/expectThrow' import expectEvent from './helpers/expectEvent' require('chai') .use(require('chai-as-promised')) .should() const ROLE_ADVISOR = 'advisor'; contract('RBAC', function(accounts) { let mock const [ admin, anyone, futureAdvisor, ...advisors ] = accounts before(async () => { mock = await, { from: admin }) }) context('in normal conditions', () => { it('allows admin to call #onlyAdminsCanDoThis', async () => { await mock.onlyAdminsCanDoThis({ from: admin }) }) it('allows admin to call #onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis', async () => { await mock.onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis({ from: admin }) }) it('allows advisors to call #onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis', async () => { await mock.onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis({ from: advisors[0] }) }) it('allows admin to call #eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis', async () => { await mock.eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis({ from: admin }) }) it('allows advisors to call #eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis', async () => { await mock.eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis({ from: advisors[0] }) }) it('does not allow admins to call #nobodyCanDoThis', async () => { expectThrow( mock.nobodyCanDoThis({ from: admin }) ) }) it('does not allow advisors to call #nobodyCanDoThis', async () => { expectThrow( mock.nobodyCanDoThis({ from: advisors[0] }) ) }) it('does not allow anyone to call #nobodyCanDoThis', async () => { expectThrow( mock.nobodyCanDoThis({ from: anyone }) ) }) it('allows an admin to remove an advisor\'s role', async () => { await mock.removeAdvisor(advisors[0], { from: admin }) }) it('allows admins to #adminRemoveRole', async () => { await mock.adminRemoveRole(advisors[3], ROLE_ADVISOR, { from: admin }) }) it('announces a RoleAdded event on addRole', async () => { expectEvent.inTransaction( mock.adminAddRole(futureAdvisor, ROLE_ADVISOR, { from: admin }), 'RoleAdded' ) }) it('announces a RoleRemoved event on removeRole', async () => { expectEvent.inTransaction( mock.adminRemoveRole(futureAdvisor, ROLE_ADVISOR, { from: admin }), 'RoleRemoved' ) }) }) context('in adversarial conditions', () => { it('does not allow an advisor to remove another advisor', async () => { expectThrow( mock.removeAdvisor(advisors[1], { from: advisors[0] }) ) }) it('does not allow "anyone" to remove an advisor', async () => { expectThrow( mock.removeAdvisor(advisors[0], { from: anyone }) ) }) }) })