require('../../helpers/setup'); const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('../../helpers/constants'); const expectEvent = require('../../helpers/expectEvent'); const send = require('../../helpers/send'); const shouldFail = require('../../helpers/shouldFail'); const { shouldBehaveLikeERC721 } = require('./ERC721.behavior'); const ERC721Mock = artifacts.require('ERC721Mock.sol'); contract('ERC721', function ([_, creator, tokenOwner, anyone, ...accounts]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await{ from: creator }); }); shouldBehaveLikeERC721(creator, creator, accounts); describe('internal functions', function () { const tokenId = 5042; describe('_mint(address, uint256)', function () { it('reverts with a null destination address', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(, tokenId)); }); context('with minted token', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { ({ logs: this.logs } = await, tokenId)); }); it('emits a Transfer event', function () { expectEvent.inLogs(this.logs, 'Transfer', { from: ZERO_ADDRESS, to: tokenOwner, tokenId }); }); it('creates the token', async function () { (await this.token.balanceOf(tokenOwner)); (await this.token.ownerOf(tokenId)).should.equal(tokenOwner); }); it('reverts when adding a token id that already exists', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(, tokenId)); }); }); }); describe('_burn(address, uint256)', function () { it('reverts when burning a non-existent token id', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'address,uint256', [tokenOwner, tokenId])); }); context('with minted token', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await, tokenId); }); it('reverts when the account is not the owner', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'address,uint256', [anyone, tokenId])); }); context('with burnt token', function () { beforeEach(async function () { ({ logs: this.logs } = await send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'address,uint256', [tokenOwner, tokenId])); }); it('emits a Transfer event', function () { expectEvent.inLogs(this.logs, 'Transfer', { from: tokenOwner, to: ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId }); }); it('deletes the token', async function () { (await this.token.balanceOf(tokenOwner)); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.ownerOf(tokenId)); }); it('reverts when burning a token id that has been deleted', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'address,uint256', [tokenOwner, tokenId])); }); }); }); }); describe('_burn(uint256)', function () { it('reverts when burning a non-existent token id', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'uint256', [tokenId])); }); context('with minted token', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await, tokenId); }); context('with burnt token', function () { beforeEach(async function () { ({ logs: this.logs } = await send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'uint256', [tokenId])); }); it('emits a Transfer event', function () { expectEvent.inLogs(this.logs, 'Transfer', { from: tokenOwner, to: ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId }); }); it('deletes the token', async function () { (await this.token.balanceOf(tokenOwner)); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.ownerOf(tokenId)); }); it('reverts when burning a token id that has been deleted', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(send.transaction(this.token, 'burn', 'uint256', [tokenId])); }); }); }); }); }); });