const { ethGetBalance, ethSendTransaction } = require('./helpers/web3'); const { sendEther } = require('./helpers/sendTransaction'); const { balanceDifference } = require('./helpers/balanceDiff'); const expectEvent = require('./helpers/expectEvent'); const { assertRevert } = require('./helpers/assertRevert'); const BreakInvariantBountyMock = artifacts.require('BreakInvariantBountyMock'); const TargetMock = artifacts.require('TargetMock'); require('chai') .use(require('chai-bignumber')(web3.BigNumber)) .should(); const reward = new web3.BigNumber(web3.toWei(1, 'ether')); contract('BreakInvariantBounty', function ([_, owner, researcher, anyone, nonTarget]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.bounty = await{ from: owner }); }); it('can set reward', async function () { await sendEther(owner, this.bounty.address, reward); (await ethGetBalance(this.bounty.address)); }); context('with reward', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await sendEther(owner, this.bounty.address, reward); }); describe('destroy', function () { it('returns all balance to the owner', async function () { const ownerPreBalance = await ethGetBalance(owner); await this.bounty.destroy({ from: owner, gasPrice: 0 }); const ownerPostBalance = await ethGetBalance(owner); (await ethGetBalance(this.bounty.address)); ownerPostBalance.sub(ownerPreBalance); }); it('reverts when called by anyone', async function () { await assertRevert(this.bounty.destroy({ from: anyone })); }); }); describe('claim', function () { it('is initially unclaimed', async function () { (await this.bounty.claimed()).should.equal(false); }); it('can create claimable target', async function () { const { logs } = await this.bounty.createTarget({ from: researcher }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'TargetCreated'); }); context('with target', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { const { logs } = await this.bounty.createTarget({ from: researcher }); const event = expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'TargetCreated'); =; }); context('before exploiting vulnerability', async function () { it('reverts when claiming reward', async function () { await assertRevert(this.bounty.claim(, { from: researcher })); }); }); context('after exploiting vulnerability', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { await{ from: researcher }); }); it('sends the reward to the researcher', async function () { await this.bounty.claim(, { from: anyone }); (await balanceDifference(researcher, () => this.bounty.withdrawPayments(researcher))); (await ethGetBalance(this.bounty.address)); }); context('after claiming', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.bounty.claim(, { from: researcher }); }); it('is claimed', async function () { (await this.bounty.claimed()).should.equal(true); }); it('no longer accepts rewards', async function () { await assertRevert(ethSendTransaction({ from: owner, to: this.bounty.address, value: reward })); }); }); }); }); context('with non-target', function () { it('reverts when claiming reward', async function () { await assertRevert(this.bounty.claim(nonTarget, { from: researcher })); }); }); }); }); });