const { latestTime } = require('../../helpers/latestTime'); const { increaseTimeTo, duration } = require('../../helpers/increaseTime'); const { expectThrow } = require('../../helpers/expectThrow'); const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber; require('chai') .use(require('chai-bignumber')(BigNumber)) .should(); const ERC20Mintable = artifacts.require('ERC20Mintable'); const TokenTimelock = artifacts.require('TokenTimelock'); contract('TokenTimelock', function ([_, minter, beneficiary]) { const amount = new BigNumber(100); context('with token', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await{ from: minter }); }); it('rejects a release time in the past', async function () { const pastReleaseTime = (await latestTime()) - duration.years(1); await expectThrow(, beneficiary, pastReleaseTime) ); }); context('once deployed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.releaseTime = (await latestTime()) + duration.years(1); this.timelock = await, beneficiary, this.releaseTime); await, amount, { from: minter }); }); it('can get state', async function () { (await this.timelock.token()); (await this.timelock.beneficiary()); (await this.timelock.releaseTime()); }); it('cannot be released before time limit', async function () { await expectThrow(this.timelock.release()); }); it('cannot be released just before time limit', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.releaseTime - duration.seconds(3)); await expectThrow(this.timelock.release()); }); it('can be released just after limit', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.releaseTime + duration.seconds(1)); await this.timelock.release(); (await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)); }); it('can be released after time limit', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.releaseTime + duration.years(1)); await this.timelock.release(); (await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)); }); it('cannot be released twice', async function () { await increaseTimeTo(this.releaseTime + duration.years(1)); await this.timelock.release(); await expectThrow(this.timelock.release()); (await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)); }); }); }); });