const { BN, expectEvent, constants } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { shouldBehaveLikeERC721 } = require('../ERC721.behavior'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../../helpers/customError'); const ERC721 = artifacts.require('$ERC721'); const ERC721Wrapper = artifacts.require('$ERC721Wrapper'); contract('ERC721Wrapper', function (accounts) { const [initialHolder, anotherAccount, approvedAccount] = accounts; const name = 'My Token'; const symbol = 'MTKN'; const firstTokenId = new BN(1); const secondTokenId = new BN(2); beforeEach(async function () { this.underlying = await, symbol); this.token = await`Wrapped ${name}`, `W${symbol}`, this.underlying.address); await this.underlying.$_safeMint(initialHolder, firstTokenId); await this.underlying.$_safeMint(initialHolder, secondTokenId); }); it('has a name', async function () { expect(await`Wrapped ${name}`); }); it('has a symbol', async function () { expect(await this.token.symbol()).to.equal(`W${symbol}`); }); it('has underlying', async function () { expect(await this.token.underlying()); }); describe('depositFor', function () { it('works with token approval', async function () { await this.underlying.approve(this.token.address, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.depositFor(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: this.token.address, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it('works with approval for all', async function () { await this.underlying.setApprovalForAll(this.token.address, true, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.depositFor(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: this.token.address, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it('works sending to another account', async function () { await this.underlying.approve(this.token.address, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.depositFor(anotherAccount, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: this.token.address, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: anotherAccount, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it('works with multiple tokens', async function () { await this.underlying.approve(this.token.address, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); await this.underlying.approve(this.token.address, secondTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.depositFor(initialHolder, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: this.token.address, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: this.token.address, tokenId: secondTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: initialHolder, tokenId: secondTokenId, }); }); it('reverts with missing approval', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.token.depositFor(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }), 'ERC721InsufficientApproval', [this.token.address, firstTokenId], ); }); }); describe('withdrawTo', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.underlying.approve(this.token.address, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); await this.token.depositFor(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); }); it('works for an owner', async function () { const { tx } = await this.token.withdrawTo(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: this.token.address, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it('works for an approved', async function () { await this.token.approve(approvedAccount, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.withdrawTo(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: approvedAccount }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: this.token.address, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it('works for an approved for all', async function () { await this.token.setApprovalForAll(approvedAccount, true, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.withdrawTo(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: approvedAccount }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: this.token.address, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it("doesn't work for a non-owner nor approved", async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.token.withdrawTo(initialHolder, [firstTokenId], { from: anotherAccount }), 'ERC721InsufficientApproval', [anotherAccount, firstTokenId], ); }); it('works with multiple tokens', async function () { await this.underlying.approve(this.token.address, secondTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); await this.token.depositFor(initialHolder, [secondTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.withdrawTo(initialHolder, [firstTokenId, secondTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: this.token.address, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: this.token.address, to: initialHolder, tokenId: secondTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId: secondTokenId, }); }); it('works to another account', async function () { const { tx } = await this.token.withdrawTo(anotherAccount, [firstTokenId], { from: initialHolder }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.underlying, 'Transfer', { from: this.token.address, to: anotherAccount, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: initialHolder, to: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); }); describe('onERC721Received', function () { it('only allows calls from underlying', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.token.onERC721Received( initialHolder, this.token.address, firstTokenId, anotherAccount, // Correct data { from: anotherAccount }, ), 'ERC721UnsupportedToken', [anotherAccount], ); }); it('mints a token to from', async function () { const { tx } = await this.underlying.safeTransferFrom(initialHolder, this.token.address, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder, }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: initialHolder, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); }); describe('_recover', function () { it('works if there is something to recover', async function () { // Should use `transferFrom` to avoid `onERC721Received` minting await this.underlying.transferFrom(initialHolder, this.token.address, firstTokenId, { from: initialHolder }); const { tx } = await this.token.$_recover(anotherAccount, firstTokenId); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.token, 'Transfer', { from: constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, to: anotherAccount, tokenId: firstTokenId, }); }); it('reverts if there is nothing to recover', async function () { const owner = await this.underlying.ownerOf(firstTokenId); await expectRevertCustomError(this.token.$_recover(initialHolder, firstTokenId), 'ERC721IncorrectOwner', [ this.token.address, firstTokenId, owner, ]); }); }); describe('ERC712 behavior', function () { shouldBehaveLikeERC721(...accounts); }); });