const { expectThrow } = require('../helpers/expectThrow'); const expectEvent = require('../helpers/expectEvent'); const WhitelistMock = artifacts.require('WhitelistMock'); require('chai') .should(); contract('Whitelist', function (accounts) { const [ owner, whitelistedAddress1, whitelistedAddress2, anyone, ] = accounts; const whitelistedAddresses = [whitelistedAddress1, whitelistedAddress2]; beforeEach(async function () { this.mock = await; this.role = await this.mock.ROLE_WHITELISTED(); }); context('in normal conditions', function () { it('should add address to the whitelist', async function () { await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.mock.addAddressToWhitelist(whitelistedAddress1, { from: owner }), 'RoleAdded', { role: this.role }, ); const isWhitelisted = await this.mock.whitelist(whitelistedAddress1);; }); it('should add addresses to the whitelist', async function () { await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.mock.addAddressesToWhitelist(whitelistedAddresses, { from: owner }), 'RoleAdded', { role: this.role }, ); for (let addr of whitelistedAddresses) { const isWhitelisted = await this.mock.whitelist(addr);; } }); it('should remove address from the whitelist', async function () { await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.mock.removeAddressFromWhitelist(whitelistedAddress1, { from: owner }), 'RoleRemoved', { role: this.role }, ); let isWhitelisted = await this.mock.whitelist(whitelistedAddress1);; }); it('should remove addresses from the the whitelist', async function () { await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.mock.removeAddressesFromWhitelist(whitelistedAddresses, { from: owner }), 'RoleRemoved', { role: this.role }, ); for (let addr of whitelistedAddresses) { const isWhitelisted = await this.mock.whitelist(addr);; } }); it('should allow whitelisted address to call #onlyWhitelistedCanDoThis', async function () { await this.mock.addAddressToWhitelist(whitelistedAddress1, { from: owner }); await this.mock.onlyWhitelistedCanDoThis({ from: whitelistedAddress1 }); }); }); context('in adversarial conditions', function () { it('should not allow "anyone" to add to the whitelist', async function () { await expectThrow( this.mock.addAddressToWhitelist(whitelistedAddress1, { from: anyone }) ); }); it('should not allow "anyone" to remove from the whitelist', async function () { await expectThrow( this.mock.removeAddressFromWhitelist(whitelistedAddress1, { from: anyone }) ); }); it('should not allow "anyone" to call #onlyWhitelistedCanDoThis', async function () { await expectThrow( this.mock.onlyWhitelistedCanDoThis({ from: anyone }) ); }); }); });