const { constants, expectEvent, expectRevert, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { MAX_UINT256, ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants; const { fromRpcSig } = require('ethereumjs-util'); const ethSigUtil = require('eth-sig-util'); const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet').default; const { shouldBehaveLikeEIP6372 } = require('./EIP6372.behavior'); const { getDomain, domainType, domainSeparator } = require('../../helpers/eip712'); const { clockFromReceipt } = require('../../helpers/time'); const Delegation = [ { name: 'delegatee', type: 'address' }, { name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'expiry', type: 'uint256' }, ]; function shouldBehaveLikeVotes(mode = 'blocknumber') { shouldBehaveLikeEIP6372(mode); describe('run votes workflow', function () { it('initial nonce is 0', async function () { expect(await this.votes.nonces(this.account1))'0'); }); it('domain separator', async function () { expect(await this.votes.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR()).to.equal(domainSeparator(await getDomain(this.votes))); }); describe('delegation with signature', function () { const delegator = Wallet.generate(); const delegatorAddress = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(delegator.getAddressString()); const nonce = 0; const buildAndSignData = async (contract, message, pk) => { const data = await getDomain(contract).then(domain => ({ primaryType: 'Delegation', types: { EIP712Domain: domainType(domain), Delegation }, domain, message, })); return fromRpcSig(ethSigUtil.signTypedMessage(pk, { data })); }; beforeEach(async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(delegatorAddress, this.NFT0); }); it('accept signed delegation', async function () { const { v, r, s } = await buildAndSignData( this.votes, { delegatee: delegatorAddress, nonce, expiry: MAX_UINT256, }, delegator.getPrivateKey(), ); expect(await this.votes.delegates(delegatorAddress)); const { receipt } = await this.votes.delegateBySig(delegatorAddress, nonce, MAX_UINT256, v, r, s); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateChanged', { delegator: delegatorAddress, fromDelegate: ZERO_ADDRESS, toDelegate: delegatorAddress, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: delegatorAddress, previousBalance: '0', newBalance: '1', }); expect(await this.votes.delegates(delegatorAddress)); expect(await this.votes.getVotes(delegatorAddress))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(delegatorAddress, timepoint - 1))'0'); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(delegatorAddress, timepoint))'1'); }); it('rejects reused signature', async function () { const { v, r, s } = await buildAndSignData( this.votes, { delegatee: delegatorAddress, nonce, expiry: MAX_UINT256, }, delegator.getPrivateKey(), ); await this.votes.delegateBySig(delegatorAddress, nonce, MAX_UINT256, v, r, s); await expectRevert( this.votes.delegateBySig(delegatorAddress, nonce, MAX_UINT256, v, r, s), 'Votes: invalid nonce', ); }); it('rejects bad delegatee', async function () { const { v, r, s } = await buildAndSignData( this.votes, { delegatee: delegatorAddress, nonce, expiry: MAX_UINT256, }, delegator.getPrivateKey(), ); const receipt = await this.votes.delegateBySig(this.account1Delegatee, nonce, MAX_UINT256, v, r, s); const { args } = receipt.logs.find(({ event }) => event === 'DelegateChanged'); expect(args.delegator); expect(args.fromDelegate); expect(args.toDelegate); }); it('rejects bad nonce', async function () { const { v, r, s } = await buildAndSignData( this.votes, { delegatee: delegatorAddress, nonce, expiry: MAX_UINT256, }, delegator.getPrivateKey(), ); await expectRevert( this.votes.delegateBySig(delegatorAddress, nonce + 1, MAX_UINT256, v, r, s), 'Votes: invalid nonce', ); }); it('rejects expired permit', async function () { const expiry = (await time.latest()) - time.duration.weeks(1); const { v, r, s } = await buildAndSignData( this.votes, { delegatee: delegatorAddress, nonce, expiry, }, delegator.getPrivateKey(), ); await expectRevert( this.votes.delegateBySig(delegatorAddress, nonce, expiry, v, r, s), 'Votes: signature expired', ); }); }); describe('set delegation', function () { describe('call', function () { it('delegation with tokens', async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT0); expect(await this.votes.delegates(this.account1)); const { receipt } = await this.votes.delegate(this.account1, { from: this.account1 }); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateChanged', { delegator: this.account1, fromDelegate: ZERO_ADDRESS, toDelegate: this.account1, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: this.account1, previousBalance: '0', newBalance: '1', }); expect(await this.votes.delegates(this.account1)); expect(await this.votes.getVotes(this.account1))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account1, timepoint - 1))'0'); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account1, timepoint))'1'); }); it('delegation without tokens', async function () { expect(await this.votes.delegates(this.account1)); const { receipt } = await this.votes.delegate(this.account1, { from: this.account1 }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateChanged', { delegator: this.account1, fromDelegate: ZERO_ADDRESS, toDelegate: this.account1, }); expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged'); expect(await this.votes.delegates(this.account1)); }); }); }); describe('change delegation', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT0); await this.votes.delegate(this.account1, { from: this.account1 }); }); it('call', async function () { expect(await this.votes.delegates(this.account1)); const { receipt } = await this.votes.delegate(this.account1Delegatee, { from: this.account1 }); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateChanged', { delegator: this.account1, fromDelegate: this.account1, toDelegate: this.account1Delegatee, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: this.account1, previousBalance: '1', newBalance: '0', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'DelegateVotesChanged', { delegate: this.account1Delegatee, previousBalance: '0', newBalance: '1', }); expect(await this.votes.delegates(this.account1)); expect(await this.votes.getVotes(this.account1))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getVotes(this.account1Delegatee))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account1, timepoint - 1))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account1Delegatee, timepoint - 1))'0'); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account1, timepoint))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account1Delegatee, timepoint))'1'); }); }); describe('getPastTotalSupply', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.votes.delegate(this.account1, { from: this.account1 }); }); it('reverts if block number >= current block', async function () { await expectRevert(this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(5e10), 'future lookup'); }); it('returns 0 if there are no checkpoints', async function () { expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(0))'0'); }); it('returns the latest block if >= last checkpoint block', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT0); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(timepoint - 1))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(timepoint + 1))'1'); }); it('returns zero if < first checkpoint block', async function () { await time.advanceBlock(); const { receipt } = await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT1); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(timepoint - 1))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(timepoint + 1))'1'); }); it('generally returns the voting balance at the appropriate checkpoint', async function () { const t1 = await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT1); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t2 = await this.votes.$_burn(this.NFT1); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t3 = await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT2); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t4 = await this.votes.$_burn(this.NFT2); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const t5 = await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT3); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); t1.timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](t1.receipt); t2.timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](t2.receipt); t3.timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](t3.receipt); t4.timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](t4.receipt); t5.timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](t5.receipt); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t1.timepoint - 1))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t1.timepoint))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t1.timepoint + 1))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t2.timepoint))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t2.timepoint + 1))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t3.timepoint))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t3.timepoint + 1))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t4.timepoint))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t4.timepoint + 1))'0'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t5.timepoint))'1'); expect(await this.votes.getPastTotalSupply(t5.timepoint + 1))'1'); }); }); // The following tests are a adaptation of // describe('Compound test suite', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT0); await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT1); await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT2); await this.votes.$_mint(this.account1, this.NFT3); }); describe('getPastVotes', function () { it('reverts if block number >= current block', async function () { await expectRevert(this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account2, 5e10), 'future lookup'); }); it('returns 0 if there are no checkpoints', async function () { expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account2, 0))'0'); }); it('returns the latest block if >= last checkpoint block', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.votes.delegate(this.account2, { from: this.account1 }); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); const latest = await this.votes.getVotes(this.account2); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account2, timepoint)); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account2, timepoint + 1)); }); it('returns zero if < first checkpoint block', async function () { await time.advanceBlock(); const { receipt } = await this.votes.delegate(this.account2, { from: this.account1 }); const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt[mode](receipt); await time.advanceBlock(); await time.advanceBlock(); expect(await this.votes.getPastVotes(this.account2, timepoint - 1))'0'); }); }); }); }); } module.exports = { shouldBehaveLikeVotes, };