const { expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); function releasedEvent (token, amount) { return token ? [ 'ERC20Released', { token: token.address, amount } ] : [ 'EtherReleased', { amount } ]; } function shouldBehaveLikeVesting (beneficiary) { it('check vesting schedule', async function () { const [ method, ...args ] = this.token ? [ 'vestedAmount(address,uint64)', this.token.address ] : [ 'vestedAmount(uint64)' ]; for (const timestamp of this.schedule) { expect(await this.mock.methods[method](...args, timestamp)); } }); it('execute vesting schedule', async function () { const [ method, ...args ] = this.token ? [ 'release(address)', this.token.address ] : [ 'release()' ]; let released = web3.utils.toBN(0); const before = await this.getBalance(beneficiary); { const receipt = await this.mock.methods[method](...args); await expectEvent.inTransaction( receipt.tx, this.mock, ...releasedEvent(this.token, '0'), ); await this.checkRelease(receipt, beneficiary, '0'); expect(await this.getBalance(beneficiary)); } for (const timestamp of this.schedule) { const vested = this.vestingFn(timestamp); await new Promise(resolve => web3.currentProvider.send({ method: 'evm_setNextBlockTimestamp', params: [ timestamp.toNumber() ], }, resolve)); const receipt = await this.mock.methods[method](...args); await expectEvent.inTransaction( receipt.tx, this.mock, ...releasedEvent(this.token, vested.sub(released)), ); await this.checkRelease(receipt, beneficiary, vested.sub(released)); expect(await this.getBalance(beneficiary)); released = vested; } }); } module.exports = { shouldBehaveLikeVesting, };