const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { getAddressInSlot, ImplementationSlot } = require('../../helpers/storage'); async function fixture() { const [admin, other] = await ethers.getSigners(); const v1 = await ethers.deployContract('DummyImplementation'); const v2 = await ethers.deployContract('DummyImplementationV2'); const proxy = await ethers .deployContract('TransparentUpgradeableProxy', [v1, admin, '0x']) .then(instance => ethers.getContractAt('ITransparentUpgradeableProxy', instance)); const proxyAdmin = await ethers.getContractAt( 'ProxyAdmin', ethers.getCreateAddress({ from:, nonce: 1n }), ); return { admin, other, v1, v2, proxy, proxyAdmin }; } describe('ProxyAdmin', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); it('has an owner', async function () { expect(await this.proxyAdmin.owner()).to.equal(this.admin); }); it('has an interface version', async function () { expect(await this.proxyAdmin.UPGRADE_INTERFACE_VERSION()).to.equal('5.0.0'); }); describe('without data', function () { describe('with unauthorized account', function () { it('fails to upgrade', async function () { await expect(this.proxyAdmin.connect(this.other).upgradeAndCall(this.proxy, this.v2, '0x')), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount') .withArgs(this.other); }); }); describe('with authorized account', function () { it('upgrades implementation', async function () { await this.proxyAdmin.connect(this.admin).upgradeAndCall(this.proxy, this.v2, '0x'); expect(await getAddressInSlot(this.proxy, ImplementationSlot)).to.equal(this.v2); }); }); }); describe('with data', function () { describe('with unauthorized account', function () { it('fails to upgrade', async function () { const data = this.v1.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializeNonPayableWithValue', [1337n]); await expect(this.proxyAdmin.connect(this.other).upgradeAndCall(this.proxy, this.v2, data)), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount') .withArgs(this.other); }); }); describe('with authorized account', function () { describe('with invalid callData', function () { it('fails to upgrade', async function () { const data = '0x12345678'; await expect(this.proxyAdmin.connect(this.admin).upgradeAndCall(this.proxy, this.v2, data)); }); }); describe('with valid callData', function () { it('upgrades implementation', async function () { const data = this.v2.interface.encodeFunctionData('initializeNonPayableWithValue', [1337n]); await this.proxyAdmin.connect(this.admin).upgradeAndCall(this.proxy, this.v2, data); expect(await getAddressInSlot(this.proxy, ImplementationSlot)).to.equal(this.v2); }); }); }); }); });