const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT, EXEC_TYPE_TRY, encodeSingle, encodeBatch, encodeDelegate, CALL_TYPE_CALL, CALL_TYPE_BATCH, encodeMode, } = require('../../helpers/erc7579'); const { selector } = require('../../helpers/methods'); const coder = ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder(); const fixture = async () => { const [sender] = await ethers.getSigners(); const utils = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC7579Utils', { value: ethers.parseEther('1') }); const utilsGlobal = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC7579UtilsGlobalMock'); const target = await ethers.deployContract('CallReceiverMock'); const anotherTarget = await ethers.deployContract('CallReceiverMock'); return { utils, utilsGlobal, target, anotherTarget, sender }; }; describe('ERC7579Utils', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('execSingle', function () { it('calls the target with value', async function () { const value = 0x012; const data = encodeSingle(, value,'mockFunction')); await expect(this.utils.$execSingle(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT)).to.emit(, 'MockFunctionCalled'); await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(; }); it('calls the target with value and args', async function () { const value = 0x432; const data = encodeSingle(, value,'mockFunctionWithArgs', [42, '0x1234']), ); await expect(this.utils.$execSingle(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT)) .to.emit(, 'MockFunctionCalledWithArgs') .withArgs(42, '0x1234'); await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(; }); it('reverts when target reverts in default ExecType', async function () { const value = 0x012; const data = encodeSingle(, value,'mockFunctionRevertsReason'), ); await expect(this.utils.$execSingle(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT))'CallReceiverMock: reverting'); }); it('emits ERC7579TryExecuteFail event when target reverts in try ExecType', async function () { const value = 0x012; const data = encodeSingle(, value,'mockFunctionRevertsReason'), ); await expect(this.utils.$execSingle(data, EXEC_TYPE_TRY)) .to.emit(this.utils, 'ERC7579TryExecuteFail') .withArgs( CALL_TYPE_CALL, ethers.solidityPacked( ['bytes4', 'bytes'], [selector('Error(string)'), coder.encode(['string'], ['CallReceiverMock: reverting'])], ), ); }); it('reverts with an invalid exec type', async function () { const value = 0x012; const data = encodeSingle(, value,'mockFunction')); await expect(this.utils.$execSingle(data, '0x03')), 'ERC7579UnsupportedExecType') .withArgs('0x03'); }); }); describe('execBatch', function () { it('calls the targets with value', async function () { const value1 = 0x012; const value2 = 0x234; const data = encodeBatch( [, value1,'mockFunction')], [this.anotherTarget, value2, this.anotherTarget.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction')], ); await expect(this.utils.$execBatch(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT)) .to.emit(, 'MockFunctionCalled') .to.emit(this.anotherTarget, 'MockFunctionCalled'); await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(; await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(this.anotherTarget)).to.eventually.equal(value2); }); it('calls the targets with value and args', async function () { const value1 = 0x012; const value2 = 0x234; const data = encodeBatch( [, value1,'mockFunctionWithArgs', [42, '0x1234'])], [ this.anotherTarget, value2, this.anotherTarget.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionWithArgs', [42, '0x1234']), ], ); await expect(this.utils.$execBatch(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT)) .to.emit(, 'MockFunctionCalledWithArgs') .to.emit(this.anotherTarget, 'MockFunctionCalledWithArgs'); await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(; await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(this.anotherTarget)).to.eventually.equal(value2); }); it('reverts when any target reverts in default ExecType', async function () { const value1 = 0x012; const value2 = 0x234; const data = encodeBatch( [, value1,'mockFunction')], [this.anotherTarget, value2, this.anotherTarget.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionRevertsReason')], ); await expect(this.utils.$execBatch(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT))'CallReceiverMock: reverting'); }); it('emits ERC7579TryExecuteFail event when any target reverts in try ExecType', async function () { const value1 = 0x012; const value2 = 0x234; const data = encodeBatch( [, value1,'mockFunction')], [this.anotherTarget, value2, this.anotherTarget.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionRevertsReason')], ); await expect(this.utils.$execBatch(data, EXEC_TYPE_TRY)) .to.emit(this.utils, 'ERC7579TryExecuteFail') .withArgs( CALL_TYPE_BATCH, ethers.solidityPacked( ['bytes4', 'bytes'], [selector('Error(string)'), coder.encode(['string'], ['CallReceiverMock: reverting'])], ), ); // Check balances await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(; await expect(ethers.provider.getBalance(this.anotherTarget)).to.eventually.equal(0); }); it('reverts with an invalid exec type', async function () { const value1 = 0x012; const value2 = 0x234; const data = encodeBatch( [, value1,'mockFunction')], [this.anotherTarget, value2, this.anotherTarget.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction')], ); await expect(this.utils.$execBatch(data, '0x03')), 'ERC7579UnsupportedExecType') .withArgs('0x03'); }); }); describe('execDelegateCall', function () { it('delegate calls the target', async function () { const slot = ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(32)); const value = ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(32)); const data = encodeDelegate(,'mockFunctionWritesStorage', [slot, value]), ); await expect(ethers.provider.getStorage(, slot)).to.eventually.equal(ethers.ZeroHash); await this.utils.$execDelegateCall(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT); await expect(ethers.provider.getStorage(, slot)).to.eventually.equal(value); }); it('reverts when target reverts in default ExecType', async function () { const data = encodeDelegate(,'mockFunctionRevertsReason')); await expect(this.utils.$execDelegateCall(data, EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT)) 'CallReceiverMock: reverting', ); }); it('emits ERC7579TryExecuteFail event when target reverts in try ExecType', async function () { const data = encodeDelegate(,'mockFunctionRevertsReason')); await expect(this.utils.$execDelegateCall(data, EXEC_TYPE_TRY)) .to.emit(this.utils, 'ERC7579TryExecuteFail') .withArgs( CALL_TYPE_CALL, ethers.solidityPacked( ['bytes4', 'bytes'], [selector('Error(string)'), coder.encode(['string'], ['CallReceiverMock: reverting'])], ), ); }); it('reverts with an invalid exec type', async function () { const data = encodeDelegate(,'mockFunction')); await expect(this.utils.$execDelegateCall(data, '0x03')), 'ERC7579UnsupportedExecType') .withArgs('0x03'); }); }); it('encodes Mode', async function () { const callType = CALL_TYPE_BATCH; const execType = EXEC_TYPE_TRY; const selector = '0x12345678'; const payload = ethers.toBeHex(0, 22); await expect(this.utils.$encodeMode(callType, execType, selector, payload)).to.eventually.equal( encodeMode({ callType, execType, selector, payload, }), ); }); it('decodes Mode', async function () { const callType = CALL_TYPE_BATCH; const execType = EXEC_TYPE_TRY; const selector = '0x12345678'; const payload = ethers.toBeHex(0, 22); await expect( this.utils.$decodeMode( encodeMode({ callType, execType, selector, payload, }), ), ).to.eventually.deep.equal([callType, execType, selector, payload]); }); it('encodes single', async function () { const target =; const value = 0x123; const data = '0x12345678'; await expect(this.utils.$encodeSingle(target, value, data)).to.eventually.equal(encodeSingle(target, value, data)); }); it('decodes single', async function () { const target =; const value = 0x123; const data = '0x12345678'; await expect(this.utils.$decodeSingle(encodeSingle(target, value, data))).to.eventually.deep.equal([, value, data, ]); }); it('encodes batch', async function () { const entries = [ [, 0x123, '0x12345678'], [this.anotherTarget, 0x456, '0x12345678'], ]; await expect(this.utils.$encodeBatch(entries)).to.eventually.equal(encodeBatch(...entries)); }); it('decodes batch', async function () { const entries = [ [, 0x123, '0x12345678'], [, 0x456, '0x12345678'], ]; await expect(this.utils.$decodeBatch(encodeBatch(...entries))).to.eventually.deep.equal(entries); }); it('encodes delegate', async function () { const target =; const data = '0x12345678'; await expect(this.utils.$encodeDelegate(target, data)).to.eventually.equal(encodeDelegate(target, data)); }); it('decodes delegate', async function () { const target =; const data = '0x12345678'; await expect(this.utils.$decodeDelegate(encodeDelegate(target, data))).to.eventually.deep.equal([, data, ]); }); describe('global', function () { describe('eqCallTypeGlobal', function () { it('returns true if both call types are equal', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqCallTypeGlobal(CALL_TYPE_BATCH, CALL_TYPE_BATCH)); }); it('returns false if both call types are different', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqCallTypeGlobal(CALL_TYPE_CALL, CALL_TYPE_BATCH)); }); }); describe('eqExecTypeGlobal', function () { it('returns true if both exec types are equal', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqExecTypeGlobal(EXEC_TYPE_TRY, EXEC_TYPE_TRY)); }); it('returns false if both exec types are different', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqExecTypeGlobal(EXEC_TYPE_DEFAULT, EXEC_TYPE_TRY)); }); }); describe('eqModeSelectorGlobal', function () { it('returns true if both selectors are equal', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqModeSelectorGlobal('0x12345678', '0x12345678')); }); it('returns false if both selectors are different', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqModeSelectorGlobal('0x12345678', '0x87654321')); }); }); describe('eqModePayloadGlobal', function () { it('returns true if both payloads are equal', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqModePayloadGlobal(ethers.toBeHex(0, 22), ethers.toBeHex(0, 22))).to.eventually .be.true; }); it('returns false if both payloads are different', async function () { await expect(this.utilsGlobal.$eqModePayloadGlobal(ethers.toBeHex(0, 22), ethers.toBeHex(1, 22))).to.eventually .be.false; }); }); }); });