const { ethers } = require('ethers'); const types = require('./eip712-types'); async function getDomain(contract) { const { fields, name, version, chainId, verifyingContract, salt, extensions } = await contract.eip712Domain(); if (extensions.length > 0) { throw Error('Extensions not implemented'); } const domain = { name, version, // TODO: remove check when contracts are all migrated to ethers chainId: web3.utils.isBN(chainId) ? chainId.toNumber() : chainId, verifyingContract, salt, }; for (const [i, { name }] of types.EIP712Domain.entries()) { if (!(fields & (1 << i))) { delete domain[name]; } } return domain; } function domainType(domain) { return types.EIP712Domain.filter(({ name }) => domain[name] !== undefined); } function hashTypedData(domain, structHash) { return ethers.solidityPackedKeccak256( ['bytes', 'bytes32', 'bytes32'], ['0x1901', ethers.TypedDataEncoder.hashDomain(domain), structHash], ); } module.exports = { getDomain, domainType, domainSeparator: ethers.TypedDataEncoder.hashDomain, hashTypedData, ...types, };