const { time, mineUpTo } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { mapValues } = require('./iterate'); module.exports = { clock: { blocknumber: () => time.latestBlock(), timestamp: () => time.latest(), }, clockFromReceipt: { blocknumber: receipt => Promise.resolve(receipt.blockNumber), timestamp: receipt => web3.eth.getBlock(receipt.blockNumber).then(block => block.timestamp), // TODO: update for ethers receipt // timestamp: receipt => receipt.getBlock().then(block => block.timestamp), }, forward: { blocknumber: mineUpTo, timestamp: (to, mine = true) => (mine ? time.increaseTo(to) : time.setNextBlockTimestamp(to)), }, duration: time.duration, }; // TODO: deprecate the old version in favor of this one module.exports.bigint = { clock: mapValues(module.exports.clock, fn => () => fn().then(BigInt)), clockFromReceipt: mapValues(module.exports.clockFromReceipt, fn => receipt => fn(receipt).then(BigInt)), forward: module.exports.forward, duration: mapValues(module.exports.duration, fn => n => BigInt(fn(n))), };