const { expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError'); const DoubleEndedQueue = artifacts.require('$DoubleEndedQueue'); /** Rebuild the content of the deque as a JS array. */ const getContent = (deque) => deque.$length(0).then(bn => Promise.all(Array(bn.toNumber()).fill().map((_, i) => deque.$at(0, i))), ); contract('DoubleEndedQueue', function () { const bytesA = '0xdeadbeef'.padEnd(66, '0'); const bytesB = '0x0123456789'.padEnd(66, '0'); const bytesC = '0x42424242'.padEnd(66, '0'); const bytesD = '0x171717'.padEnd(66, '0'); beforeEach(async function () { this.deque = await; }); describe('when empty', function () { it('getters', async function () { expect(await this.deque.$empty(0)); expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members([]); }); it('reverts on accesses', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.deque.$popBack(0), 'Empty()'); await expectRevertCustomError(this.deque.$popFront(0), 'Empty()'); await expectRevertCustomError(this.deque.$back(0), 'Empty()'); await expectRevertCustomError(this.deque.$front(0), 'Empty()'); }); }); describe('when not empty', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.deque.$pushBack(0, bytesB); await this.deque.$pushFront(0, bytesA); await this.deque.$pushBack(0, bytesC); this.content = [ bytesA, bytesB, bytesC ]; }); it('getters', async function () { expect(await this.deque.$empty(0)); expect(await this.deque.$length(0)); expect(await this.deque.$front(0))[0]); expect(await this.deque.$back(0))[this.content.length - 1]); expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members(this.content); }); it('out of bounds access', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.deque.$at(0, this.content.length), 'OutOfBounds()'); }); describe('push', function () { it('front', async function () { await this.deque.$pushFront(0, bytesD); this.content.unshift(bytesD); // add element at the beginning expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members(this.content); }); it('back', async function () { await this.deque.$pushBack(0, bytesD); this.content.push(bytesD); // add element at the end expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members(this.content); }); }); describe('pop', function () { it('front', async function () { const value = this.content.shift(); // remove first element expectEvent(await this.deque.$popFront(0), 'return$popFront', { value }); expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members(this.content); }); it('back', async function () { const value = this.content.pop(); // remove last element expectEvent(await this.deque.$popBack(0), 'return$popBack', { value }); expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members(this.content); }); }); it('clear', async function () { await this.deque.$clear(0); expect(await this.deque.$empty(0)); expect(await getContent(this.deque)).to.have.ordered.members([]); }); }); });