const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { GovernorHelper } = require('../../helpers/governance'); const { VoteType } = require('../../helpers/enums'); const { getDomain, ExtendedBallot } = require('../../helpers/eip712'); const TOKENS = [ { Token: '$ERC20Votes', mode: 'blocknumber' }, { Token: '$ERC20VotesTimestampMock', mode: 'timestamp' }, ]; const name = 'OZ-Governor'; const version = '1'; const tokenName = 'MockToken'; const tokenSymbol = 'MTKN'; const tokenSupply = ethers.parseEther('100'); const votingDelay = 4n; const votingPeriod = 16n; const value = ethers.parseEther('1'); const params = { decoded: [42n, 'These are my params'], encoded: ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder().encode(['uint256', 'string'], [42n, 'These are my params']), }; describe('GovernorWithParams', function () { for (const { Token, mode } of TOKENS) { const fixture = async () => { const [owner, proposer, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, other] = await ethers.getSigners(); const receiver = await ethers.deployContract('CallReceiverMock'); const token = await ethers.deployContract(Token, [tokenName, tokenSymbol, version]); const mock = await ethers.deployContract('$GovernorWithParamsMock', [name, token]); await owner.sendTransaction({ to: mock, value }); await token.$_mint(owner, tokenSupply); const helper = new GovernorHelper(mock, mode); await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter1, value: ethers.parseEther('10') }); await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter2, value: ethers.parseEther('7') }); await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter3, value: ethers.parseEther('5') }); await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter4, value: ethers.parseEther('2') }); return { owner, proposer, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, other, receiver, token, mock, helper }; }; describe(`using ${Token}`, function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); // default proposal this.proposal = this.helper.setProposal( [ { target:, value, data: this.receiver.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'), }, ], '', ); }); it('deployment check', async function () { expect(await; expect(await this.mock.token()).to.equal(this.token); expect(await this.mock.votingDelay()).to.equal(votingDelay); expect(await this.mock.votingPeriod()).to.equal(votingPeriod); }); it('nominal is unaffected', async function () { await this.helper.connect(this.proposer).propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); await this.helper.connect(this.voter1).vote({ support: VoteType.For, reason: 'This is nice' }); await this.helper.connect(this.voter2).vote({ support: VoteType.For }); await this.helper.connect(this.voter3).vote({ support: VoteType.Against }); await this.helper.connect(this.voter4).vote({ support: VoteType.Abstain }); await this.helper.waitForDeadline(); await this.helper.execute(); expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, this.owner)); expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, this.voter1)); expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, this.voter2)); expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(this.mock)).to.equal(0n); expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(this.receiver)).to.equal(value); }); it('Voting with params is properly supported', async function () { await this.helper.connect(this.proposer).propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); const weight = ethers.parseEther('7') - params.decoded[0]; await expect( this.helper.connect(this.voter2).vote({ support: VoteType.For, reason: 'no particular reason', params: params.encoded, }), ) .to.emit(this.mock, 'CountParams') .withArgs(...params.decoded) .to.emit(this.mock, 'VoteCastWithParams') .withArgs( this.voter2.address,, VoteType.For, weight, 'no particular reason', params.encoded, ); expect(await this.mock.proposalVotes([0n, weight, 0n]); }); describe('voting by signature', function () { it('supports EOA signatures', async function () { await this.token.connect(this.voter2).delegate(this.other); // Run proposal await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); // Prepare vote const weight = ethers.parseEther('7') - params.decoded[0]; const nonce = await this.mock.nonces(this.other); const data = { proposalId:, support: VoteType.For, voter: this.other.address, nonce, reason: 'no particular reason', params: params.encoded, signature: (contract, message) => getDomain(contract).then(domain => this.other.signTypedData(domain, { ExtendedBallot }, message)), }; // Vote await expect( .to.emit(this.mock, 'CountParams') .withArgs(...params.decoded) .to.emit(this.mock, 'VoteCastWithParams') .withArgs(data.voter, data.proposalId,, weight, data.reason, data.params); expect(await this.mock.proposalVotes([0n, weight, 0n]); expect(await this.mock.nonces(this.other)).to.equal(nonce + 1n); }); it('supports EIP-1271 signature signatures', async function () { const wallet = await ethers.deployContract('ERC1271WalletMock', [this.other]); await this.token.connect(this.voter2).delegate(wallet); // Run proposal await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); // Prepare vote const weight = ethers.parseEther('7') - params.decoded[0]; const nonce = await this.mock.nonces(this.other); const data = { proposalId:, support: VoteType.For, voter:, nonce, reason: 'no particular reason', params: params.encoded, signature: (contract, message) => getDomain(contract).then(domain => this.other.signTypedData(domain, { ExtendedBallot }, message)), }; // Vote await expect( .to.emit(this.mock, 'CountParams') .withArgs(...params.decoded) .to.emit(this.mock, 'VoteCastWithParams') .withArgs(data.voter, data.proposalId,, weight, data.reason, data.params); expect(await this.mock.proposalVotes([0n, weight, 0n]); expect(await this.mock.nonces(wallet)).to.equal(nonce + 1n); }); it('reverts if signature does not match signer', async function () { await this.token.connect(this.voter2).delegate(this.other); // Run proposal await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); // Prepare vote const nonce = await this.mock.nonces(this.other); const data = { proposalId:, support: VoteType.For, voter: this.other.address, nonce, reason: 'no particular reason', params: params.encoded, // tampered signature signature: (contract, message) => getDomain(contract) .then(domain => this.other.signTypedData(domain, { ExtendedBallot }, message)) .then(signature => { const tamperedSig = ethers.toBeArray(signature); tamperedSig[42] ^= 0xff; return ethers.hexlify(tamperedSig); }), }; // Vote await expect(, 'GovernorInvalidSignature') .withArgs(data.voter); }); it('reverts if vote nonce is incorrect', async function () { await this.token.connect(this.voter2).delegate(this.other); // Run proposal await this.helper.propose(); await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(); // Prepare vote const nonce = await this.mock.nonces(this.other); const data = { proposalId:, support: VoteType.For, voter: this.other.address, nonce: nonce + 1n, reason: 'no particular reason', params: params.encoded, signature: (contract, message) => getDomain(contract).then(domain => this.other.signTypedData(domain, { ExtendedBallot }, message)), }; // Vote await expect(, 'GovernorInvalidSignature') .withArgs(data.voter); }); }); }); } });