#!/usr/bin/env node // USAGE: // node certora/run.js [[CONTRACT_NAME:]SPEC_NAME]* [--all] [--options OPTIONS...] [--specs PATH] // EXAMPLES: // node certora/run.js --all // node certora/run.js AccessControl // node certora/run.js AccessControlHarness:AccessControl import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; import { once } from 'events'; import path from 'path'; import yargs from 'yargs'; import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'; import pLimit from 'p-limit'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .env('') .options({ all: { alias: 'a', type: 'boolean', }, spec: { alias: 's', type: 'string', default: path.resolve(import.meta.dirname, 'specs.json'), }, parallel: { alias: 'p', type: 'number', default: 4, }, verbose: { alias: 'v', type: 'count', default: 0, }, options: { alias: 'o', type: 'array', default: [], }, }) .parse(); function match(entry, request) { const [reqSpec, reqContract] = request.split(':').reverse(); return entry.spec == reqSpec && (!reqContract || entry.contract == reqContract); } const specs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.spec, 'utf8')).filter(s => argv.all || argv._.some(r => match(s, r))); const limit = pLimit(argv.parallel); if (argv._.length == 0 && !argv.all) { console.error(`Warning: No specs requested. Did you forget to toggle '--all'?`); } for (const r of argv._) { if (!specs.some(s => match(s, r))) { console.error(`Error: Requested spec '${r}' not found in ${argv.spec}`); process.exitCode = 1; } } if (process.exitCode) { process.exit(process.exitCode); } for (const { spec, contract, files, options = [] } of specs) { limit(() => runCertora( spec, contract, files, [...options, ...argv.options].flatMap(opt => opt.split(' ')), ), ); } // Run certora, aggregate the output and print it at the end async function runCertora(spec, contract, files, options = []) { const args = [...files, '--verify', `${contract}:certora/specs/${spec}.spec`, ...options]; if (argv.verbose) { console.log('Running:', args.join(' ')); } const child = spawn('certoraRun', args); const stream = new PassThrough(); const output = collect(stream); child.stdout.pipe(stream, { end: false }); child.stderr.pipe(stream, { end: false }); // as soon as we have a job id, print the output link stream.on('data', function logStatusUrl(data) { const { '-DjobId': jobId, '-DuserId': userId } = Object.fromEntries( data .toString('utf8') .match(/-D\S+=\S+/g) ?.map(s => s.split('=')) || [], ); if (jobId && userId) { console.error(`[${spec}] https://prover.certora.com/output/${userId}/${jobId}/`); stream.off('data', logStatusUrl); } }); // wait for process end const [code, signal] = await once(child, 'exit'); // error if (code || signal) { console.error(`[${spec}] Exited with code ${code || signal}`); process.exitCode = 1; } // get all output stream.end(); // write results in markdown format writeEntry(spec, contract, code || signal, (await output).match(/https:\/\/prover.certora.com\/output\/\S*/)?.[0]); // write all details console.error(`+ certoraRun ${args.join(' ')}\n` + (await output)); } // Collects stream data into a string async function collect(stream) { const buffers = []; for await (const data of stream) { const buf = Buffer.isBuffer(data) ? data : Buffer.from(data); buffers.push(buf); } return Buffer.concat(buffers).toString('utf8'); } // Formatting let hasHeader = false; function formatRow(...array) { return ['', ...array, ''].join(' | '); } function writeHeader() { console.log(formatRow('spec', 'contract', 'result', 'status', 'output')); console.log(formatRow('-', '-', '-', '-', '-')); } function writeEntry(spec, contract, success, url) { if (!hasHeader) { hasHeader = true; writeHeader(); } console.log( formatRow( spec, contract, success ? ':heavy_check_mark:' : ':x:', url ? `[link](${url?.replace('/output/', '/jobStatus/')})` : 'error', url ? `[link](${url})` : 'error', ), ); }