const assertJump = require('./helpers/assertJump'); var SafeMathMock = artifacts.require("./helpers/SafeMathMock.sol"); contract('SafeMath', function(accounts) { let safeMath; before(async function() { safeMath = await; }); it("multiplies correctly", async function() { let a = 5678; let b = 1234; let mult = await safeMath.multiply(a, b); let result = await safeMath.result(); assert.equal(result, a*b); }); it("adds correctly", async function() { let a = 5678; let b = 1234; let add = await safeMath.add(a, b); let result = await safeMath.result(); assert.equal(result, a+b); }); it("subtracts correctly", async function() { let a = 5678; let b = 1234; let subtract = await safeMath.subtract(a, b); let result = await safeMath.result(); assert.equal(result, a-b); }); it("should throw an error if subtraction result would be negative", async function () { let a = 1234; let b = 5678; try { let subtract = await safeMath.subtract(a, b);'should have thrown before'); } catch(error) { assertJump(error); } }); it("should throw an error on addition overflow", async function() { let a = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935; let b = 1; try { let add = await safeMath.add(a, b);'should have thrown before'); } catch(error) { assertJump(error); } }); it("should throw an error on multiplication overflow", async function() { let a = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639933; let b = 2; try { let multiply = await safeMath.multiply(a, b);'should have thrown before'); } catch(error) { assertJump(error); } }); });