import { ethGetBalance } from '../helpers/web3'; const Destructible = artifacts.require('Destructible'); require('../helpers/transactionMined.js'); contract('Destructible', function (accounts) { it('should send balance to owner after destruction', async function () { let destructible = await{ from: accounts[0], value: web3.toWei('10', 'ether') }); let owner = await destructible.owner(); let initBalance = await ethGetBalance(owner); await destructible.destroy({ from: owner }); let newBalance = await ethGetBalance(owner); assert.isTrue(newBalance > initBalance); }); it('should send balance to recepient after destruction', async function () { let destructible = await{ from: accounts[0], value: web3.toWei('10', 'ether') }); let owner = await destructible.owner(); let initBalance = await ethGetBalance(accounts[1]); await destructible.destroyAndSend(accounts[1], { from: owner }); let newBalance = await ethGetBalance(accounts[1]); assert.isTrue(newBalance.greaterThan(initBalance)); }); });