const { web3 } = require('hardhat'); const { constants, expectEvent, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError'); const { selector } = require('../../helpers/methods'); const { clockFromReceipt } = require('../../helpers/time'); const { product } = require('../../helpers/iterate'); const AccessManager = artifacts.require('$AccessManager'); const AccessManagedTarget = artifacts.require('$AccessManagedTarget'); const Ownable = artifacts.require('$Ownable'); const MAX_UINT64 = web3.utils.toBN((2n ** 64n - 1n).toString()); const GROUPS = { ADMIN: web3.utils.toBN(0), SOME_ADMIN: web3.utils.toBN(17), SOME: web3.utils.toBN(42), PUBLIC: MAX_UINT64, }; Object.assign(GROUPS, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(GROUPS).map(([key, value]) => [value, key]))); const executeDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); const grantDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); const MINSETBACK = time.duration.days(5); const formatAccess = access => [access[0], access[1].toString()]; contract('AccessManager', function (accounts) { const [admin, manager, member, user, other] = accounts; beforeEach(async function () { this.manager = await; // add member to group await this.manager.$_setGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN); await this.manager.$_setGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN); await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, manager, 0, 0); await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, 0, 0); }); it('rejects zero address for initialAdmin', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(, 'AccessManagerInvalidInitialAdmin', [ constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, ]); }); it('default minsetback is 1 day', async function () { expect(await this.manager.minSetback()); }); it('groups are correctly initialized', async function () { // group admin expect(await this.manager.getGroupAdmin(GROUPS.ADMIN)); expect(await this.manager.getGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN)); expect(await this.manager.getGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME)); expect(await this.manager.getGroupAdmin(GROUPS.PUBLIC)); // group guardian expect(await this.manager.getGroupGuardian(GROUPS.ADMIN)); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN)); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME)); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGuardian(GROUPS.PUBLIC)); // group members expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.ADMIN, admin).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.ADMIN, manager).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.ADMIN, member).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.ADMIN, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, admin).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, manager).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, member).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, admin).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, manager).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.PUBLIC, admin).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.PUBLIC, manager).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.PUBLIC, member).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.PUBLIC, user).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); }); describe('Groups management', function () { describe('label group', function () { it('admin can emit a label event', async function () { expectEvent(await this.manager.labelGroup(GROUPS.SOME, 'Some label', { from: admin }), 'GroupLabel', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, label: 'Some label', }); }); it('admin can re-emit a label event', async function () { await this.manager.labelGroup(GROUPS.SOME, 'Some label', { from: admin }); expectEvent(await this.manager.labelGroup(GROUPS.SOME, 'Updated label', { from: admin }), 'GroupLabel', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, label: 'Updated label', }); }); it('emitting a label is restricted', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.labelGroup(GROUPS.SOME, 'Invalid label', { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [other, GROUPS.ADMIN], ); }); }); describe('grant group', function () { describe('without a grant delay', function () { it('without an execute delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 0, { from: manager }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: user, since: timestamp, delay: '0', newMember: true, }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0]); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('with an execute delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, executeDelay, { from: manager }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: user, since: timestamp, delay: executeDelay, newMember: true, }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, executeDelay.toString(), ]); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0]); // inGroupSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('to a user that is already in the group', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, 0, { from: manager }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); }); it('to a user that is scheduled for joining the group', async function () { await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 10, 0); // grant delay 10 expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 0, { from: manager }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); }); it('grant group is restricted', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 0, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [other, GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN], ); }); }); describe('with a grant delay', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, grantDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); }); it('granted group is not active immediately', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 0, { from: manager }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: user, since: timestamp.add(grantDelay), delay: '0', newMember: true, }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0]); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('granted group is active after the delay', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 0, { from: manager }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: user, since: timestamp.add(grantDelay), delay: '0', newMember: true, }); await time.increase(grantDelay); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0]); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); }); it('cannot grant public group', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.PUBLIC, other, 0, executeDelay, { from: manager }), 'AccessManagerLockedGroup', [GROUPS.PUBLIC], ); }); }); describe('revoke group', function () { it('from a user that is already in the group', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); const { receipt } = await this.manager.revokeGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, { from: manager }); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupRevoked', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: member }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0])'0'); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('from a user that is scheduled for joining the group', async function () { await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 10, 0); // grant delay 10 expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const { receipt } = await this.manager.revokeGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, { from: manager }); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupRevoked', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: user }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0])'0'); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('from a user that is not in the group', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); await this.manager.revokeGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, { from: manager }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); }); it('revoke group is restricted', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.revokeGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [other, GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN], ); }); }); describe('renounce group', function () { it('for a user that is already in the group', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); const { receipt } = await this.manager.renounceGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, { from: member }); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupRevoked', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: member }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, member); expect(access[0])'0'); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('for a user that is schedule for joining the group', async function () { await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 10, 0); // grant delay 10 expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const { receipt } = await this.manager.renounceGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, { from: user }); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupRevoked', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: user }); expect(await this.manager.hasGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user).then(formatAccess))[false, '0']); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, user); expect(access[0])'0'); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); it('for a user that is not in the group', async function () { await this.manager.renounceGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, { from: user }); }); it('bad user confirmation', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.renounceGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, { from: user }), 'AccessManagerBadConfirmation', [], ); }); }); describe('change group admin', function () { it("admin can set any group's admin", async function () { expect(await this.manager.getGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.ADMIN, { from: admin }); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupAdminChanged', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, admin: GROUPS.ADMIN }); expect(await this.manager.getGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME)); }); it("setting a group's admin is restricted", async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setGroupAdmin(GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.SOME, { from: manager }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [manager, GROUPS.ADMIN], ); }); }); describe('change group guardian', function () { it("admin can set any group's admin", async function () { expect(await this.manager.getGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.ADMIN, { from: admin }); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGuardianChanged', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, guardian: GROUPS.ADMIN }); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME)); }); it("setting a group's admin is restricted", async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setGroupGuardian(GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.SOME, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [other, GROUPS.ADMIN], ); }); }); describe('change execution delay', function () { it('increasing the delay has immediate effect', async function () { const oldDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(100); // group is already granted (with no delay) in the initial setup. this update takes time. await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, 0, oldDelay); const accessBefore = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, member); expect(accessBefore[1]); // currentDelay expect(accessBefore[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(accessBefore[3])'0'); // effect const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, newDelay, { from: manager, }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: member, since: timestamp, delay: newDelay, newMember: false, }); // immediate effect const accessAfter = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, member); expect(accessAfter[1]); // currentDelay expect(accessAfter[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(accessAfter[3])'0'); // effect }); it('decreasing the delay takes time', async function () { const oldDelay = web3.utils.toBN(100); const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); // group is already granted (with no delay) in the initial setup. this update takes time. await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, 0, oldDelay); const accessBefore = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, member); expect(accessBefore[1]); // currentDelay expect(accessBefore[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(accessBefore[3])'0'); // effect const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, member, newDelay, { from: manager, }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); const setback = oldDelay.sub(newDelay); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: member, since: timestamp.add(setback), delay: newDelay, newMember: false, }); // no immediate effect const accessAfter = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, member); expect(accessAfter[1]); // currentDelay expect(accessAfter[2]); // pendingDelay expect(accessAfter[3]); // effect // delayed effect await time.increase(setback); const accessAfterSetback = await this.manager.getAccess(GROUPS.SOME, member); expect(accessAfterSetback[1]); // currentDelay expect(accessAfterSetback[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(accessAfterSetback[3])'0'); // effect }); it('can set a user execution delay during the grant delay', async function () { await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, other, 10, 0); // here: "other" is pending to get the group, but doesn't yet have it. const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, other, executeDelay, { from: manager }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); // increasing the execution delay from 0 to executeDelay is immediate expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGranted', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, account: other, since: timestamp, delay: executeDelay, newMember: false, }); }); }); describe('change grant delay', function () { it('increasing the delay has immediate effect', async function () { const oldDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(100); await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); const setback = web3.utils.BN.max(MINSETBACK, oldDelay.sub(newDelay)); expect(setback); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGrantDelayChanged', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(setback), }); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); await time.increase(setback); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); }); it('increasing the delay has delay effect #1', async function () { const oldDelay = web3.utils.toBN(100); const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); const setback = web3.utils.BN.max(MINSETBACK, oldDelay.sub(newDelay)); expect(setback); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGrantDelayChanged', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(setback), }); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); await time.increase(setback); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); }); it('increasing the delay has delay effect #2', async function () { const oldDelay = time.duration.days(30); // more than the minsetback const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); const setback = web3.utils.BN.max(MINSETBACK, oldDelay.sub(newDelay)); expect(setback); expectEvent(receipt, 'GroupGrantDelayChanged', { groupId: GROUPS.SOME, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(setback), }); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); await time.increase(setback); expect(await this.manager.getGroupGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME)); }); it('changing the grant delay is restricted', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setGrantDelay(GROUPS.SOME, grantDelay, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [GROUPS.ADMIN, other], ); }); }); }); describe('with AccessManaged target contract', function () { beforeEach('deploy target contract', async function () { = await; // helpers for indirect calls this.callData = selector('fnRestricted()'); = [, this.callData]; this.opId = web3.utils.keccak256( web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['address', 'address', 'bytes'], [user,]), ); = (opts = {}) =>{ from: user, ...opts }); this.schedule = (opts = {}) => this.manager.schedule(, 0, { from: user, ...opts }); this.execute = (opts = {}) => this.manager.execute(, { from: user, ...opts }); this.cancel = (opts = {}) => this.manager.cancel(user,, { from: user, ...opts }); }); describe('Change function permissions', function () { const sigs = ['someFunction()', 'someOtherFunction(uint256)', 'oneMoreFunction(address,uint8)'].map(selector); it('admin can set function group', async function () { for (const sig of sigs) { expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionGroup(, sig)) GROUPS.ADMIN, ); } const { receipt: receipt1 } = await this.manager.setTargetFunctionGroup(, sigs, GROUPS.SOME, { from: admin, }, ); for (const sig of sigs) { expectEvent(receipt1, 'TargetFunctionGroupUpdated', { target:, selector: sig, groupId: GROUPS.SOME, }); expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionGroup(, sig)) GROUPS.SOME, ); } const { receipt: receipt2 } = await this.manager.setTargetFunctionGroup(, [sigs[1]], GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, { from: admin, }, ); expectEvent(receipt2, 'TargetFunctionGroupUpdated', { target:, selector: sigs[1], groupId: GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN, }); for (const sig of sigs) { expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionGroup(, sig)) sig == sigs[1] ? GROUPS.SOME_ADMIN : GROUPS.SOME, ); } }); it('non-admin cannot set function group', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setTargetFunctionGroup(, sigs, GROUPS.SOME, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [other, GROUPS.ADMIN], ); }); }); // WIP describe('Calling restricted & unrestricted functions', function () { for (const [callerGroups, fnGroup, closed, delay] of product( [[], [GROUPS.SOME]], [undefined, GROUPS.ADMIN, GROUPS.SOME, GROUPS.PUBLIC], [false, true], [null, executeDelay], )) { // can we call with a delay ? const indirectSuccess = (fnGroup == GROUPS.PUBLIC || callerGroups.includes(fnGroup)) && !closed; // can we call without a delay ? const directSuccess = (fnGroup == GROUPS.PUBLIC || (callerGroups.includes(fnGroup) && !delay)) && !closed; const description = [ 'Caller in groups', '[' + (callerGroups ?? []).map(groupId => GROUPS[groupId]).join(', ') + ']', delay ? 'with a delay' : 'without a delay', '+', 'functions open to groups', '[' + (GROUPS[fnGroup] ?? '') + ']', closed ? `(closed)` : '', ].join(' '); describe(description, function () { beforeEach(async function () { // setup await Promise.all([ this.manager.$_setTargetClosed(, closed), fnGroup && this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionGroup(, selector('fnRestricted()'), fnGroup), fnGroup && this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionGroup(, selector('fnUnrestricted()'), fnGroup), ...callerGroups .filter(groupId => groupId != GROUPS.PUBLIC) .map(groupId => this.manager.$_grantGroup(groupId, user, 0, delay ?? 0)), ]); // post setup checks expect(await this.manager.isTargetClosed(; if (fnGroup) { expect( await this.manager.getTargetFunctionGroup(, selector('fnRestricted()')), ); expect( await this.manager.getTargetFunctionGroup(, selector('fnUnrestricted()')), ); } for (const groupId of callerGroups) { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(groupId, user); if (groupId == GROUPS.PUBLIC) { expect(access[0])'0'); // inGroupSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect } else { expect(access[0])'0'); // inGroupSince expect(access[1]) ?? 0)); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect } } }); it('canCall', async function () { const result = await this.manager.canCall(user,, selector('fnRestricted()')); expect(result[0]); expect(result[1])!directSuccess && indirectSuccess ? delay ?? '0' : '0'); }); it('Calling a non restricted function never revert', async function () { expectEvent(await{ from: user }), 'CalledUnrestricted', { caller: user, }); }); it(`Calling a restricted function directly should ${ directSuccess ? 'succeed' : 'revert' }`, async function () { const promise =; if (directSuccess) { expectEvent(await promise, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: user }); } else if (indirectSuccess) { await expectRevertCustomError(promise, 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [this.opId]); } else { await expectRevertCustomError(promise, 'AccessManagedUnauthorized', [user]); } }); it('Calling indirectly: only execute', async function () { // execute without schedule if (directSuccess) { const { receipt, tx } = await this.execute(); expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId: this.opId }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx,, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: this.manager.address }); } else if (indirectSuccess) { await expectRevertCustomError(this.execute(), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [this.opId]); } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.execute(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } }); it('Calling indirectly: schedule and execute', async function () { if (directSuccess || indirectSuccess) { const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); // if can call directly, delay should be 0. Otherwise, the delay should be applied expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)) timestamp.add(directSuccess ? web3.utils.toBN(0) : delay), ); // execute without wait if (directSuccess) { const { receipt, tx } = await this.execute(); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx,, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: this.manager.address }); if (delay && fnGroup !== GROUPS.PUBLIC) { expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId: this.opId }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); } } else if (indirectSuccess) { await expectRevertCustomError(this.execute(), 'AccessManagerNotReady', [this.opId]); } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.execute(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.schedule(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } }); it('Calling indirectly: schedule wait and execute', async function () { if (directSuccess || indirectSuccess) { const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); // if can call directly, delay should be 0. Otherwise, the delay should be applied expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)) timestamp.add(directSuccess ? web3.utils.toBN(0) : delay), ); // wait await time.increase(delay ?? 0); // execute without wait if (directSuccess || indirectSuccess) { const { receipt, tx } = await this.execute(); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx,, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: this.manager.address }); if (delay && fnGroup !== GROUPS.PUBLIC) { expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId: this.opId }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); } } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.execute(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.schedule(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } }); it('Calling directly: schedule and call', async function () { if (directSuccess || indirectSuccess) { const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); // if can call directly, delay should be 0. Otherwise, the delay should be applied const schedule = timestamp.add(directSuccess ? web3.utils.toBN(0) : delay); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)); // execute without wait const promise =; if (directSuccess) { expectEvent(await promise, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: user }); // schedule is not reset expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)); } else if (indirectSuccess) { await expectRevertCustomError(promise, 'AccessManagerNotReady', [this.opId]); } else { await expectRevertCustomError(promise, 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.schedule(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } }); it('Calling directly: schedule wait and call', async function () { if (directSuccess || indirectSuccess) { const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); // if can call directly, delay should be 0. Otherwise, the delay should be applied const schedule = timestamp.add(directSuccess ? web3.utils.toBN(0) : delay); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)); // wait await time.increase(delay ?? 0); // execute without wait const promise = await; if (directSuccess) { expectEvent(await promise, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: user }); // schedule is not reset expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)); } else if (indirectSuccess) { const receipt = await promise; expectEvent(receipt, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: user }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, this.manager, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId: this.opId, }); // schedule is reset expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); } else { await expectRevertCustomError(, 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } } else { await expectRevertCustomError(this.schedule(), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user,]); } }); it('Scheduling for later than needed'); // TODO }); } }); describe('Indirect execution corner-cases', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionGroup(, this.callData, GROUPS.SOME); await this.manager.$_grantGroup(GROUPS.SOME, user, 0, executeDelay); }); it('Checking canCall when caller is the manager depend on the _executionId', async function () { const result = await this.manager.canCall(this.manager.address,, '0x00000000'); expect(result[0]); expect(result[1])'0'); }); it('Cannot execute earlier', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId)); // we need to set the clock 2 seconds before the value, because the increaseTo "consumes" the timestamp // and the next transaction will be one after that (see check below) await time.increaseTo(timestamp.add(executeDelay).subn(2)); // too early await expectRevertCustomError(this.execute(), 'AccessManagerNotReady', [this.opId]); // the revert happened one second before the execution delay expired expect(await time.latest()); // ok await this.execute(); // the success happened when the delay was reached (earliest possible) expect(await time.latest()); }); it('Cannot schedule an already scheduled operation', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); await expectRevertCustomError(this.schedule(), 'AccessManagerAlreadyScheduled', [this.opId]); }); it('Cannot cancel an operation that is not scheduled', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.cancel(), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [this.opId]); }); it('Cannot cancel an operation that is already executed', async function () { await this.schedule(); await time.increase(executeDelay); await this.execute(); await expectRevertCustomError(this.cancel(), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [this.opId]); }); it('Scheduler can cancel', async function () { await this.schedule(); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); expectEvent(await this.cancel({ from: manager }), 'OperationCanceled', { operationId: this.opId }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); }); it('Guardian can cancel', async function () { await this.schedule(); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); expectEvent(await this.cancel({ from: manager }), 'OperationCanceled', { operationId: this.opId }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); }); it('Cancel is restricted', async function () { await this.schedule(); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); await expectRevertCustomError(this.cancel({ from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCancel', [ other, user,, ]); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.opId))'0'); }); it('Can re-schedule after execution', async function () { await this.schedule(); await time.increase(executeDelay); await this.execute(); // reschedule const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); }); it('Can re-schedule after cancel', async function () { await this.schedule(); await this.cancel(); // reschedule const { receipt } = await this.schedule(); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: this.opId, caller: user, target:[0], data:[1], }); }); }); }); describe('with Ownable target contract', function () { const groupId = web3.utils.toBN(1); beforeEach(async function () { this.ownable = await; // add user to group await this.manager.$_grantGroup(groupId, user, 0, 0); }); it('initial state', async function () { expect(await this.ownable.owner()); }); describe('Contract is closed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetClosed(this.ownable.address, true); }); it('directly call: reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.ownable.$_checkOwner({ from: user }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [user]); }); it('relayed call (with group): reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: user }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user, this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()')], ); }); it('relayed call (without group): reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [other, this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()')], ); }); }); describe('Contract is managed', function () { describe('function is open to specific group', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionGroup(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), groupId); }); it('directly call: reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.ownable.$_checkOwner({ from: user }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [ user, ]); }); it('relayed call (with group): success', async function () { await this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: user }); }); it('relayed call (without group): reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [other, this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()')], ); }); }); describe('function is open to public group', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionGroup(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), GROUPS.PUBLIC); }); it('directly call: reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.ownable.$_checkOwner({ from: user }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [ user, ]); }); it('relayed call (with group): success', async function () { await this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: user }); }); it('relayed call (without group): success', async function () { await this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: other }); }); }); }); }); describe('authority update', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.newManager = await; = await; }); it('admin can change authority', async function () { expect(await; const { tx } = await this.manager.updateAuthority(, this.newManager.address, { from: admin }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx,, 'AuthorityUpdated', { authority: this.newManager.address }); expect(await; }); it('cannot set an address without code as the authority', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.updateAuthority(, user, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagedInvalidAuthority', [user], ); }); it('updateAuthority is restricted on manager', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.updateAuthority(, this.newManager.address, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedAccount', [other, GROUPS.ADMIN], ); }); it('setAuthority is restricted on AccessManaged', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagedUnauthorized', [admin], ); }); }); // TODO: // - check opening/closing a contract // - check updating the contract delay // - check the delay applies to admin function describe.skip('contract modes', function () {}); });