import expectThrow from '../helpers/expectThrow'; import toPromise from '../helpers/toPromise'; const HasNoEtherTest = artifacts.require('../mocks/HasNoEtherTest.sol'); const ForceEther = artifacts.require('../mocks/ForceEther.sol'); contract('HasNoEther', function (accounts) { const amount = web3.toWei('1', 'ether'); it('should be constructorable', async function () { await; }); it('should not accept ether in constructor', async function () { await expectThrow({ value: amount })); }); it('should not accept ether', async function () { let hasNoEther = await; await expectThrow( toPromise(web3.eth.sendTransaction)({ from: accounts[1], to: hasNoEther.address, value: amount, }), ); }); it('should allow owner to reclaim ether', async function () { // Create contract let hasNoEther = await; const startBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(hasNoEther.address); assert.equal(startBalance, 0); // Force ether into it let forceEther = await{ value: amount }); await forceEther.destroyAndSend(hasNoEther.address); const forcedBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(hasNoEther.address); assert.equal(forcedBalance, amount); // Reclaim const ownerStartBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]); await hasNoEther.reclaimEther(); const ownerFinalBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]); const finalBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(hasNoEther.address); assert.equal(finalBalance, 0); assert.isAbove(ownerFinalBalance, ownerStartBalance); }); it('should allow only owner to reclaim ether', async function () { // Create contract let hasNoEther = await{ from: accounts[0] }); // Force ether into it let forceEther = await{ value: amount }); await forceEther.destroyAndSend(hasNoEther.address); const forcedBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(hasNoEther.address); assert.equal(forcedBalance, amount); // Reclaim await expectThrow(hasNoEther.reclaimEther({ from: accounts[1] })); }); });