const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const name = 'ERC20Mock'; const symbol = 'ERC20Mock'; async function fixture() { const [hasNoCode, owner, receiver, spender] = await ethers.getSigners(); const mock = await ethers.deployContract('$SafeERC20'); const erc20ReturnFalseMock = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20ReturnFalseMock', [name, symbol]); const erc20ReturnTrueMock = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20', [name, symbol]); // default implementation returns true const erc20NoReturnMock = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20NoReturnMock', [name, symbol]); const erc20ForceApproveMock = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20ForceApproveMock', [name, symbol]); return { hasNoCode, owner, receiver, spender, mock, erc20ReturnFalseMock, erc20ReturnTrueMock, erc20NoReturnMock, erc20ForceApproveMock, }; } describe('SafeERC20', function () { before(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('with address that has no contract code', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = this.hasNoCode; }); it('reverts on transfer', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeTransfer(this.token, this.receiver, 0n)), 'AddressEmptyCode') .withArgs(this.token); }); it('reverts on transferFrom', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeTransferFrom(this.token, this.mock, this.receiver, 0n)), 'AddressEmptyCode') .withArgs(this.token); }); it('reverts on increaseAllowance', async function () { // Call to 'token.allowance' does not return any data, resulting in a decoding error (revert without reason) await expect(this.mock.$safeIncreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 0n)); }); it('reverts on decreaseAllowance', async function () { // Call to 'token.allowance' does not return any data, resulting in a decoding error (revert without reason) await expect(this.mock.$safeDecreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 0n)); }); it('reverts on forceApprove', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 0n)), 'AddressEmptyCode') .withArgs(this.token); }); }); describe('with token that returns false on all calls', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = this.erc20ReturnFalseMock; }); it('reverts on transfer', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeTransfer(this.token, this.receiver, 0n)), 'SafeERC20FailedOperation') .withArgs(this.token); }); it('reverts on transferFrom', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeTransferFrom(this.token, this.mock, this.receiver, 0n)), 'SafeERC20FailedOperation') .withArgs(this.token); }); it('reverts on increaseAllowance', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeIncreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 0n)), 'SafeERC20FailedOperation') .withArgs(this.token); }); it('reverts on decreaseAllowance', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeDecreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 0n)), 'SafeERC20FailedOperation') .withArgs(this.token); }); it('reverts on forceApprove', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 0n)), 'SafeERC20FailedOperation') .withArgs(this.token); }); }); describe('with token that returns true on all calls', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = this.erc20ReturnTrueMock; }); shouldOnlyRevertOnErrors(); }); describe('with token that returns no boolean values', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = this.erc20NoReturnMock; }); shouldOnlyRevertOnErrors(); }); describe('with usdt approval beaviour', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = this.erc20ForceApproveMock; }); describe('with initial approval', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.$_approve(this.mock, this.spender, 100n); }); it('safeIncreaseAllowance works', async function () { await this.mock.$safeIncreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 10n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(110n); }); it('safeDecreaseAllowance works', async function () { await this.mock.$safeDecreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 10n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(90n); }); it('forceApprove works', async function () { await this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 200n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(200n); }); }); }); }); function shouldOnlyRevertOnErrors() { describe('transfers', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.$_mint(this.owner, 100n); await this.token.$_mint(this.mock, 100n); await this.token.$_approve(this.owner, this.mock, ethers.MaxUint256); }); it("doesn't revert on transfer", async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeTransfer(this.token, this.receiver, 10n)) .to.emit(this.token, 'Transfer') .withArgs(this.mock, this.receiver, 10n); }); it("doesn't revert on transferFrom", async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeTransferFrom(this.token, this.owner, this.receiver, 10n)) .to.emit(this.token, 'Transfer') .withArgs(this.owner, this.receiver, 10n); }); }); describe('approvals', function () { context('with zero allowance', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.$_approve(this.mock, this.spender, 0n); }); it("doesn't revert when force approving a non-zero allowance", async function () { await this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 100n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(100n); }); it("doesn't revert when force approving a zero allowance", async function () { await this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 0n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(0n); }); it("doesn't revert when increasing the allowance", async function () { await this.mock.$safeIncreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 10n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(10n); }); it('reverts when decreasing the allowance', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeDecreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 10n)), 'SafeERC20FailedDecreaseAllowance') .withArgs(this.spender, 0n, 10n); }); }); context('with non-zero allowance', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.$_approve(this.mock, this.spender, 100n); }); it("doesn't revert when force approving a non-zero allowance", async function () { await this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 20n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(20n); }); it("doesn't revert when force approving a zero allowance", async function () { await this.mock.$forceApprove(this.token, this.spender, 0n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(0n); }); it("doesn't revert when increasing the allowance", async function () { await this.mock.$safeIncreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 10n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(110n); }); it("doesn't revert when decreasing the allowance to a positive value", async function () { await this.mock.$safeDecreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 50n); expect(await this.token.allowance(this.mock, this.spender)).to.equal(50n); }); it('reverts when decreasing the allowance to a negative value', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$safeDecreaseAllowance(this.token, this.spender, 200n)), 'SafeERC20FailedDecreaseAllowance') .withArgs(this.spender, 100n, 200n); }); }); }); }