const { shouldBehaveLikeMintedCrowdsale } = require('./MintedCrowdsale.behavior'); const { ether } = require('../helpers/ether'); const { assertRevert } = require('../helpers/assertRevert'); const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber; const MintedCrowdsale = artifacts.require('MintedCrowdsaleImpl'); const ERC20Mintable = artifacts.require('ERC20Mintable'); const RBACMintableToken = artifacts.require('RBACMintableToken'); const ERC20 = artifacts.require('ERC20'); contract('MintedCrowdsale', function ([_, investor, wallet, purchaser]) { const rate = new BigNumber(1000); const value = ether(5); describe('using ERC20Mintable', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await; this.crowdsale = await, wallet, this.token.address); await this.token.transferOwnership(this.crowdsale.address); }); it('should be token owner', async function () { (await this.token.owner()).should.equal(this.crowdsale.address); }); shouldBehaveLikeMintedCrowdsale([_, investor, wallet, purchaser], rate, value); }); describe('using RBACMintableToken', function () { const ROLE_MINTER = 'minter'; beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await; this.crowdsale = await, wallet, this.token.address); await this.token.addMinter(this.crowdsale.address); }); it('should have minter role on token', async function () { (await this.token.hasRole(this.crowdsale.address, ROLE_MINTER)).should.equal(true); }); shouldBehaveLikeMintedCrowdsale([_, investor, wallet, purchaser], rate, value); }); describe('using non-mintable token', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await; this.crowdsale = await, wallet, this.token.address); }); it('rejects bare payments', async function () { await assertRevert(this.crowdsale.send(value)); }); it('rejects token purchases', async function () { await assertRevert(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(investor, { value: value, from: purchaser })); }); }); });