const { expectEvent, time, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { selector } = require('../../helpers/methods'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError'); const { time: { setNextBlockTimestamp }, } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { impersonate } = require('../../helpers/account'); const AccessManaged = artifacts.require('$AccessManagedTarget'); const AccessManager = artifacts.require('$AccessManager'); const AuthoritiyObserveIsConsuming = artifacts.require('$AuthoritiyObserveIsConsuming'); contract('AccessManaged', function (accounts) { const [admin, roleMember, other] = accounts; beforeEach(async function () { this.authority = await; this.managed = await; }); it('sets authority and emits AuthorityUpdated event during construction', async function () { await expectEvent.inConstruction(this.managed, 'AuthorityUpdated', { authority: this.authority.address, }); expect(await this.managed.authority()).to.eq(this.authority.address); }); describe('restricted modifier', function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; beforeEach(async function () { this.selector = selector(method); this.role = web3.utils.toBN(42); await this.authority.$_setTargetFunctionRole(this.managed.address, this.selector, this.role); await this.authority.$_grantRole(this.role, roleMember, 0, 0); }); it('succeeds when role is granted without execution delay', async function () { await this.managed.methods[method]({ from: roleMember }); }); it('reverts when role is not granted', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.managed.methods[method]({ from: other }), 'AccessManagedUnauthorized', [ other, ]); }); it('panics in short calldata', async function () { // We avoid adding the `restricted` modifier to the fallback function because other tests may depend on it // being accessible without restrictions. We check for the internal `_checkCanCall` instead. await expectRevert.unspecified(this.managed.$_checkCanCall(other, '0x1234')); }); describe('when role is granted with execution delay', function () { beforeEach(async function () { const executionDelay = web3.utils.toBN(911); await this.authority.$_grantRole(this.role, roleMember, 0, executionDelay); }); it('reverts if the operation is not scheduled', async function () { const calldata = await this.managed.contract.methods[method]().encodeABI(); const opId = await this.authority.hashOperation(roleMember, this.managed.address, calldata); await expectRevertCustomError(this.managed.methods[method]({ from: roleMember }), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [ opId, ]); }); it('succeeds if the operation is scheduled', async function () { // Arguments const delay = time.duration.hours(12); const calldata = await this.managed.contract.methods[method]().encodeABI(); // Schedule const timestamp = await time.latest(); const scheduledAt = timestamp.addn(1); const when = scheduledAt.add(delay); await setNextBlockTimestamp(scheduledAt); await this.authority.schedule(this.managed.address, calldata, when, { from: roleMember, }); // Set execution date await setNextBlockTimestamp(when); // Shouldn't revert await this.managed.methods[method]({ from: roleMember }); }); }); }); describe('setAuthority', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.newAuthority = await; }); it('reverts if the caller is not the authority', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.managed.setAuthority(other, { from: other }), 'AccessManagedUnauthorized', [ other, ]); }); it('reverts if the new authority is not a valid authority', async function () { await impersonate(this.authority.address); await expectRevertCustomError( this.managed.setAuthority(other, { from: this.authority.address }), 'AccessManagedInvalidAuthority', [other], ); }); it('sets authority and emits AuthorityUpdated event', async function () { await impersonate(this.authority.address); const { receipt } = await this.managed.setAuthority(this.newAuthority.address, { from: this.authority.address }); await expectEvent(receipt, 'AuthorityUpdated', { authority: this.newAuthority.address, }); expect(await this.managed.authority()).to.eq(this.newAuthority.address); }); }); describe('isConsumingScheduledOp', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.authority = await; this.managed = await; }); it('returns bytes4(0) when not consuming operation', async function () { expect(await this.managed.isConsumingScheduledOp()).to.eq('0x00000000'); }); it('returns isConsumingScheduledOp selector when consuming operation', async function () { const receipt = await this.managed.fnRestricted({ from: other }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, this.authority, 'ConsumeScheduledOpCalled', { caller: other, data: this.managed.contract.methods.fnRestricted().encodeABI(), isConsuming: selector('isConsumingScheduledOp()'), }); }); }); });