require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { VALUE_SIZES } = require('../../../scripts/generate/templates/Checkpoints.opts.js'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError.js'); const { expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const $Checkpoints = artifacts.require('$Checkpoints'); // The library name may be 'Checkpoints' or 'CheckpointsUpgradeable' const libraryName = $Checkpoints._json.contractName.replace(/^\$/, ''); const first = array => (array.length ? array[0] : undefined); const last = array => (array.length ? array[array.length - 1] : undefined); contract('Checkpoints', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.mock = await $; }); for (const length of VALUE_SIZES) { describe(`Trace${length}`, function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.methods = { at: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$at_${libraryName}_Trace${length}(uint256,uint32)`](0, ...args), latest: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$latest_${libraryName}_Trace${length}(uint256)`](0, ...args), latestCheckpoint: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$latestCheckpoint_${libraryName}_Trace${length}(uint256)`](0, ...args), length: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$length_${libraryName}_Trace${length}(uint256)`](0, ...args), push: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$push(uint256,uint${256 - length},uint${length})`](0, ...args), lowerLookup: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$lowerLookup(uint256,uint${256 - length})`](0, ...args), upperLookup: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$upperLookup(uint256,uint${256 - length})`](0, ...args), upperLookupRecent: (...args) => this.mock.methods[`$upperLookupRecent(uint256,uint${256 - length})`](0, ...args), }; }); describe('without checkpoints', function () { it('at zero reverts', async function () { // Reverts with array out of bound access, which is unspecified await expectRevert.unspecified(; }); it('returns zero as latest value', async function () { expect(await this.methods.latest())'0'); const ckpt = await this.methods.latestCheckpoint(); expect(ckpt[0]); expect(ckpt[1])'0'); expect(ckpt[2])'0'); }); it('lookup returns 0', async function () { expect(await this.methods.lowerLookup(0))'0'); expect(await this.methods.upperLookup(0))'0'); expect(await this.methods.upperLookupRecent(0))'0'); }); }); describe('with checkpoints', function () { beforeEach('pushing checkpoints', async function () { this.checkpoints = [ { key: '2', value: '17' }, { key: '3', value: '42' }, { key: '5', value: '101' }, { key: '7', value: '23' }, { key: '11', value: '99' }, ]; for (const { key, value } of this.checkpoints) { await this.methods.push(key, value); } }); it('at keys', async function () { for (const [index, { key, value }] of this.checkpoints.entries()) { const at = await; expect(at._value); expect(at._key); } }); it('length', async function () { expect(await this.methods.length()); }); it('returns latest value', async function () { expect(await this.methods.latest()); const ckpt = await this.methods.latestCheckpoint(); expect(ckpt[0]); expect(ckpt[1]); expect(ckpt[2]); }); it('cannot push values in the past', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.methods.push(last(this.checkpoints).key - 1, '0'), 'CheckpointUnorderedInsertion', [], ); }); it('can update last value', async function () { const newValue = '42'; // check length before the update expect(await this.methods.length()); // update last key await this.methods.push(last(this.checkpoints).key, newValue); expect(await this.methods.latest()); // check that length did not change expect(await this.methods.length()); }); it('lower lookup', async function () { for (let i = 0; i < 14; ++i) { const value = first(this.checkpoints.filter(x => i <= x.key))?.value || '0'; expect(await this.methods.lowerLookup(i)); } }); it('upper lookup & upperLookupRecent', async function () { for (let i = 0; i < 14; ++i) { const value = last(this.checkpoints.filter(x => i >= x.key))?.value || '0'; expect(await this.methods.upperLookup(i)); expect(await this.methods.upperLookupRecent(i)); } }); it('upperLookupRecent with more than 5 checkpoints', async function () { const moreCheckpoints = [ { key: '12', value: '22' }, { key: '13', value: '131' }, { key: '17', value: '45' }, { key: '19', value: '31452' }, { key: '21', value: '0' }, ]; const allCheckpoints = [].concat(this.checkpoints, moreCheckpoints); for (const { key, value } of moreCheckpoints) { await this.methods.push(key, value); } for (let i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { const value = last(allCheckpoints.filter(x => i >= x.key))?.value || '0'; expect(await this.methods.upperLookup(i)); expect(await this.methods.upperLookupRecent(i)); } }); }); }); } });