const { expectEvent, expectRevert, constants } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const gsn = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-helpers'); const { fixSignature } = require('../helpers/sign'); const { utils: { toBN } } = require('web3'); const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants; const GSNBouncerSignatureMock = artifacts.require('GSNBouncerSignatureMock'); contract('GSNBouncerSignature', function ([_, signer, other]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.recipient = await; }); context('when called directly', function () { it('mock function can be called', async function () { const { logs } = await this.recipient.mockFunction(); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); }); context('when constructor is called with a zero address', function () { it('fails when constructor called with a zero address', async function () { await expectRevert( ZERO_ADDRESS ), 'GSNBouncerSignature: trusted signer is the zero address' ); }); }); context('when relay-called', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await gsn.fundRecipient(web3, { recipient: this.recipient.address }); }); it('rejects unsigned relay requests', async function () { await gsn.expectError(this.recipient.mockFunction({ value: 0, useGSN: true })); }); it('rejects relay requests where some parameters are signed', async function () { const approveFunction = async (data) => fixSignature( await web3.eth.sign( web3.utils.soliditySha3( // the nonce is not signed // eslint-disable-next-line max-len data.relayerAddress, data.from, data.encodedFunctionCall, toBN(data.txFee), toBN(data.gasPrice), toBN(data.gas) ), signer ) ); await gsn.expectError(this.recipient.mockFunction({ value: 0, useGSN: true, approveFunction })); }); it('accepts relay requests where all parameters are signed', async function () { const approveFunction = async (data) => fixSignature( await web3.eth.sign( web3.utils.soliditySha3( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len data.relayerAddress, data.from, data.encodedFunctionCall, toBN(data.txFee), toBN(data.gasPrice), toBN(data.gas), toBN(data.nonce), data.relayHubAddress, ), signer ) ); const { tx } = await this.recipient.mockFunction({ value: 0, useGSN: true, approveFunction }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, GSNBouncerSignatureMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); it('rejects relay requests where all parameters are signed by an invalid signer', async function () { const approveFunction = async (data) => fixSignature( await web3.eth.sign( web3.utils.soliditySha3( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len data.relayerAddress, data.from, data.encodedFunctionCall, toBN(data.txFee), toBN(data.gasPrice), toBN(data.gas), toBN(data.nonce), data.relayHubAddress, ), other ) ); await gsn.expectError(this.recipient.mockFunction({ value: 0, useGSN: true, approveFunction })); }); }); });