import assertRevert from '../helpers/assertRevert'; const StandardTokenMock = artifacts.require('StandardTokenMock'); contract('StandardToken', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) { const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await, 100); }); describe('total supply', function () { it('returns the total amount of tokens', async function () { const totalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); assert.equal(totalSupply, 100); }); }); describe('balanceOf', function () { describe('when the requested account has no tokens', function () { it('returns zero', async function () { const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(anotherAccount); assert.equal(balance, 0); }); }); describe('when the requested account has some tokens', function () { it('returns the total amount of tokens', async function () { const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(owner); assert.equal(balance, 100); }); }); }); describe('transfer', function () { describe('when the recipient is not the zero address', function () { const to = recipient; describe('when the sender does not have enough balance', function () { const amount = 101; it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.transfer(to, amount, { from: owner })); }); }); describe('when the sender has enough balance', function () { const amount = 100; it('transfers the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.transfer(to, amount, { from: owner }); const senderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(owner); assert.equal(senderBalance, 0); const recipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(to); assert.equal(recipientBalance, amount); }); it('emits a transfer event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.transfer(to, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Transfer'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.from, owner); assert.equal(logs[0], to); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); }); }); describe('when the recipient is the zero address', function () { const to = ZERO_ADDRESS; it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.transfer(to, 100, { from: owner })); }); }); }); describe('approve', function () { describe('when the spender is not the zero address', function () { const spender = recipient; describe('when the sender has enough balance', function () { const amount = 100; it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); describe('when there was no approved amount before', function () { it('approves the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); }); describe('when the spender had an approved amount', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, 1, { from: owner }); }); it('approves the requested amount and replaces the previous one', async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); }); }); describe('when the sender does not have enough balance', function () { const amount = 101; it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); describe('when there was no approved amount before', function () { it('approves the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); }); describe('when the spender had an approved amount', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, 1, { from: owner }); }); it('approves the requested amount and replaces the previous one', async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); }); }); }); describe('when the spender is the zero address', function () { const amount = 100; const spender = ZERO_ADDRESS; it('approves the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); }); }); describe('transfer from', function () { const spender = recipient; describe('when the recipient is not the zero address', function () { const to = anotherAccount; describe('when the spender has enough approved balance', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, 100, { from: owner }); }); describe('when the owner has enough balance', function () { const amount = 100; it('transfers the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender }); const senderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(owner); assert.equal(senderBalance, 0); const recipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(to); assert.equal(recipientBalance, amount); }); it('decreases the spender allowance', async function () { await this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert(allowance.eq(0)); }); it('emits a transfer event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Transfer'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.from, owner); assert.equal(logs[0], to); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); }); describe('when the owner does not have enough balance', function () { const amount = 101; it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender })); }); }); }); describe('when the spender does not have enough approved balance', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, 99, { from: owner }); }); describe('when the owner has enough balance', function () { const amount = 100; it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender })); }); }); describe('when the owner does not have enough balance', function () { const amount = 101; it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender })); }); }); }); }); describe('when the recipient is the zero address', function () { const amount = 100; const to = ZERO_ADDRESS; beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount, { from: owner }); }); it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.transferFrom(owner, to, amount, { from: spender })); }); }); }); describe('decrease approval', function () { describe('when the spender is not the zero address', function () { const spender = recipient; describe('when the sender has enough balance', function () { const amount = 100; it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(0)); }); describe('when there was no approved amount before', function () { it('keeps the allowance to zero', async function () { await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, 0); }); }); describe('when the spender had an approved amount', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount + 1, { from: owner }); }); it('decreases the spender allowance subtracting the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, 1); }); }); }); describe('when the sender does not have enough balance', function () { const amount = 101; it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(0)); }); describe('when there was no approved amount before', function () { it('keeps the allowance to zero', async function () { await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, 0); }); }); describe('when the spender had an approved amount', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, amount + 1, { from: owner }); }); it('decreases the spender allowance subtracting the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, 1); }); }); }); }); describe('when the spender is the zero address', function () { const amount = 100; const spender = ZERO_ADDRESS; it('decreases the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, 0); }); it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.decreaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(0)); }); }); }); describe('increase approval', function () { const amount = 100; describe('when the spender is not the zero address', function () { const spender = recipient; describe('when the sender has enough balance', function () { it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); describe('when there was no approved amount before', function () { it('approves the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); }); describe('when the spender had an approved amount', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, 1, { from: owner }); }); it('increases the spender allowance adding the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount + 1); }); }); }); describe('when the sender does not have enough balance', function () { const amount = 101; it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); describe('when there was no approved amount before', function () { it('approves the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); }); describe('when the spender had an approved amount', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(spender, 1, { from: owner }); }); it('increases the spender allowance adding the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount + 1); }); }); }); }); describe('when the spender is the zero address', function () { const spender = ZERO_ADDRESS; it('approves the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); const allowance = await this.token.allowance(owner, spender); assert.equal(allowance, amount); }); it('emits an approval event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.increaseApproval(spender, amount, { from: owner }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Approval'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.owner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.spender, spender); assert(logs[0].args.value.eq(amount)); }); }); }); });