const { web3 } = require('hardhat'); const { constants, expectEvent, time, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError'); const { selector } = require('../../helpers/methods'); const { clockFromReceipt } = require('../../helpers/time'); const { buildBaseRoles, formatAccess, EXPIRATION, MINSETBACK, EXECUTION_ID_STORAGE_SLOT, CONSUMING_SCHEDULE_STORAGE_SLOT, scheduleOperation, hashOperation, } = require('../../helpers/access-manager'); const { shouldBehaveLikeDelayedAdminOperation, shouldBehaveLikeNotDelayedAdminOperation, shouldBehaveLikeRoleAdminOperation, shouldBehaveLikeAManagedRestrictedOperation, } = require('./AccessManager.behavior'); const { LIKE_COMMON_SCHEDULABLE, testAsClosable, testAsDelay, testAsSchedulableOperation, testAsCanCall, testAsHasRole, testAsGetAccess, } = require('./AccessManager.predicate'); const { default: Wallet } = require('ethereumjs-wallet'); const { mine, time: { setNextBlockTimestamp }, getStorageAt, } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { MAX_UINT48 } = require('../../helpers/constants'); const { impersonate } = require('../../helpers/account'); const AccessManager = artifacts.require('$AccessManager'); const AccessManagedTarget = artifacts.require('$AccessManagedTarget'); const Ownable = artifacts.require('$Ownable'); const someAddress = Wallet.generate().getChecksumAddressString(); // This test suite is made using the following tools: // // * Predicates: Functions with common conditional setups without assertions. // * Behaviors: Functions with common assertions. // // The behavioral tests are built by composing predicates and are used as templates // for testing access to restricted functions. // // Similarly, unit tests in this suite will use predicates to test subsets of these // behaviors and are helped by common assertions provided for some of the predicates. // // The predicates can be identified by the `testAs*` prefix while the behaviors // are prefixed with `shouldBehave*`. The common assertions for predicates are // defined as constants. contract('AccessManager', function (accounts) { const [admin, manager, guardian, member, user, other] = accounts; beforeEach(async function () { this.roles = buildBaseRoles(); // Add members this.roles.ADMIN.members = [admin]; this.roles.SOME_ADMIN.members = [manager]; this.roles.SOME_GUARDIAN.members = [guardian]; this.roles.SOME.members = [member]; this.roles.PUBLIC.members = [admin, manager, guardian, member, user, other]; this.manager = await; = await; for (const { id: roleId, admin, guardian, members } of Object.values(this.roles)) { if (roleId === continue; // Every address belong to public and is locked if (roleId === continue; // Admin set during construction and is locked // Set admin role avoiding default if ( !== { await this.manager.$_setRoleAdmin(roleId,; } // Set guardian role avoiding default if ( !== { await this.manager.$_setRoleGuardian(roleId,; } // Grant role to members for (const member of members) { await this.manager.$_grantRole(roleId, member, 0, 0); } } }); describe('during construction', function () { it('grants admin role to initialAdmin', async function () { const manager = await; expect(await manager.hasRole(, other).then(formatAccess))[true, '0']); }); it('rejects zero address for initialAdmin', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(, 'AccessManagerInvalidInitialAdmin', [ constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, ]); }); it('initializes setup roles correctly', async function () { for (const { id: roleId, admin, guardian, members } of Object.values(this.roles)) { expect(await this.manager.getRoleAdmin(roleId)); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGuardian(roleId)); for (const user of this.roles.PUBLIC.members) { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(roleId, user).then(formatAccess))[ members.includes(user), '0', ]); } } }); }); describe('getters', function () { describe('#canCall', function () { beforeEach('set calldata', function () { this.calldata = '0x12345678'; this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(379204) }; }); testAsCanCall({ closed() { it('should return false and no delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( someAddress,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, open: { callerIsTheManager: { executing() { it('should return true and no delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, notExecuting() { it('should return false and no delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, }, callerIsNotTheManager: { publicRoleIsRequired() { it('should return true and no delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, specificRoleIsRequired: { requiredRoleIsGranted: { roleGrantingIsDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('should return false and no execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); this.scheduleIn = this.executionDelay; // For testAsSchedulableOperation }); testAsSchedulableOperation({ scheduled: { before() { beforeEach('consume previously set delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('should return false and execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay); }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume previously set delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('should return false and execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay); }); }, expired() { beforeEach('consume previously set delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('should return false and execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay); }); }, }, notScheduled() { it('should return false and execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay); }); }, }); }, }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('should return false and no execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('should return true and no execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, }, }, roleGrantingIsNotDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay() { it('should return false and execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay); }); }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay() { it('should return true and no execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, }, }, requiredRoleIsNotGranted() { it('should return false and no execution delay', async function () { const { immediate, delay } = await this.manager.canCall( this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10), ); expect(immediate); expect(delay)'0'); }); }, }, }, }, }); }); describe('#expiration', function () { it('has a 7 days default expiration', async function () { expect(await this.manager.expiration()); }); }); describe('#minSetback', function () { it('has a 5 days default minimum setback', async function () { expect(await this.manager.minSetback()); }); }); describe('#isTargetClosed', function () { testAsClosable({ closed() { it('returns true', async function () { expect(await this.manager.isTargetClosed(; }); }, open() { it('returns false', async function () { expect(await this.manager.isTargetClosed(; }); }, }); }); describe('#getTargetFunctionRole', function () { const methodSelector = selector('something(address,bytes)'); it('returns the target function role', async function () { const roleId = web3.utils.toBN(21498); await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, methodSelector, roleId); expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionRole(, methodSelector)) roleId, ); }); it('returns the ADMIN role if not set', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionRole(, methodSelector)), ); }); }); describe('#getTargetAdminDelay', function () { describe('when the target admin delay is setup', function () { beforeEach('set target admin delay', async function () { this.oldDelay = await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(; this.newDelay = time.duration.days(10); await this.manager.$_setTargetAdminDelay(, this.newDelay); this.delay = MINSETBACK; // For testAsDelay }); testAsDelay('effect', { before() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns the old target admin delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(; }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns the new target admin delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(; }); }, }); }); it('returns the 0 if not set', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay('0'); }); }); describe('#getRoleAdmin', function () { const roleId = web3.utils.toBN(5234907); it('returns the role admin', async function () { const adminId = web3.utils.toBN(789433); await this.manager.$_setRoleAdmin(roleId, adminId); expect(await this.manager.getRoleAdmin(roleId)); }); it('returns the ADMIN role if not set', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getRoleAdmin(roleId)); }); }); describe('#getRoleGuardian', function () { const roleId = web3.utils.toBN(5234907); it('returns the role guardian', async function () { const guardianId = web3.utils.toBN(789433); await this.manager.$_setRoleGuardian(roleId, guardianId); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGuardian(roleId)); }); it('returns the ADMIN role if not set', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getRoleGuardian(roleId)); }); }); describe('#getRoleGrantDelay', function () { const roleId = web3.utils.toBN(9248439); describe('when the grant admin delay is setup', function () { beforeEach('set grant admin delay', async function () { this.oldDelay = await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(roleId); this.newDelay = time.duration.days(11); await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(roleId, this.newDelay); this.delay = MINSETBACK; // For testAsDelay }); testAsDelay('grant', { before() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns the old role grant delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(roleId)); }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns the new role grant delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(roleId)); }); }, }); }); it('returns 0 if delay is not set', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay('0'); }); }); describe('#getAccess', function () { beforeEach('set role', function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(9452) }; this.caller = user; }); testAsGetAccess({ requiredRoleIsGranted: { roleGrantingIsDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('role is not in effect and execution delay is set', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Not in effect yet expect(await time.latest())[0]); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('access has role in effect and execution delay is set', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await time.latest())[0]); }); }, }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('access has role not in effect without execution delay', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Not in effect yet expect(await time.latest())[0]); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('role is in effect without execution delay', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await time.latest())[0]); }); }, }, }, roleGrantingIsNotDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay() { it('access has role in effect and execution delay is set', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0]) time.latest()); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await time.latest())[0]); }); }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay() { it('access has role in effect without execution delay', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0]) time.latest()); // inEffectSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await time.latest())[0]); }); }, }, }, requiredRoleIsNotGranted() { it('has empty access', async function () { const access = await this.manager.getAccess(, this.caller); expect(access[0])'0'); // inEffectSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect }); }, }); }); describe('#hasRole', function () { beforeEach('setup testAsHasRole', function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(49832) }; this.calldata = '0x1234'; this.caller = user; }); testAsHasRole({ publicRoleIsRequired() { it('has PUBLIC role', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay)'0'); }); }, specificRoleIsRequired: { requiredRoleIsGranted: { roleGrantingIsDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('does not have role but execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('has role and execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay); }); }, }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('does not have role nor execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay)'0'); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('has role and no execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay)'0'); }); }, }, }, roleGrantingIsNotDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay() { it('has role and execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay); }); }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay() { it('has role and no execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay)'0'); }); }, }, }, requiredRoleIsNotGranted() { it('has no role and no execution delay', async function () { const { isMember, executionDelay } = await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller); expect(isMember); expect(executionDelay)'0'); }); }, }, }); }); describe('#getSchedule', function () { beforeEach('set role and calldata', async function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; this.caller = user; this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(493590) }; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // nonzero execution delay this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); this.scheduleIn = time.duration.days(10); // For testAsSchedulableOperation }); testAsSchedulableOperation({ scheduled: { before() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns schedule in the future', async function () { const schedule = await this.manager.getSchedule(this.operationId); expect(schedule); expect(schedule) time.latest()); }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns schedule', async function () { const schedule = await this.manager.getSchedule(this.operationId); expect(schedule); expect(schedule) time.latest()); }); }, expired() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('returns 0', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.operationId))'0'); }); }, }, notScheduled() { it('defaults to 0', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.operationId))'0'); }); }, }); }); describe('#getNonce', function () { describe('when operation is scheduled', function () { beforeEach('schedule operation', async function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; this.caller = user; this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(4209043) }; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // nonzero execution delay this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); this.delay = time.duration.days(10); const { operationId } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }); this.operationId = operationId; }); it('returns nonce', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getNonce(this.operationId))'1'); }); }); describe('when is not scheduled', function () { it('returns default 0', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getNonce(web3.utils.keccak256('operation')))'0'); }); }); }); describe('#hashOperation', function () { it('returns an operationId', async function () { const calldata = '0x123543'; const address = someAddress; const args = [user, address, calldata]; expect(await this.manager.hashOperation(...args)); }); }); }); describe('admin operations', function () { beforeEach('set required role', function () { this.role = this.roles.ADMIN; }); describe('subject to a delay', function () { describe('#labelRole', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'labelRole(uint64,string)'; const args = [123443, 'TEST']; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeDelayedAdminOperation(); }); it('emits an event with the label', async function () { expectEvent(await this.manager.labelRole(, 'Some label', { from: admin }), 'RoleLabel', { roleId:, label: 'Some label', }); }); it('updates label on a second call', async function () { await this.manager.labelRole(, 'Some label', { from: admin }); expectEvent(await this.manager.labelRole(, 'Updated label', { from: admin }), 'RoleLabel', { roleId:, label: 'Updated label', }); }); it('reverts labeling PUBLIC_ROLE', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.labelRole(, 'Some label', { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); it('reverts labeling ADMIN_ROLE', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.labelRole(, 'Some label', { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); }); describe('#setRoleAdmin', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'setRoleAdmin(uint64,uint64)'; const args = [93445, 84532]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeDelayedAdminOperation(); }); it("sets any role's admin if called by an admin", async function () { expect(await this.manager.getRoleAdmin(; const { receipt } = await this.manager.setRoleAdmin(,, { from: admin }); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleAdminChanged', { roleId:, admin: }); expect(await this.manager.getRoleAdmin(; }); it('reverts setting PUBLIC_ROLE admin', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setRoleAdmin(,, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); it('reverts setting ADMIN_ROLE admin', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setRoleAdmin(,, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); }); describe('#setRoleGuardian', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'setRoleGuardian(uint64,uint64)'; const args = [93445, 84532]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeDelayedAdminOperation(); }); it("sets any role's guardian if called by an admin", async function () { expect(await this.manager.getRoleGuardian(, ); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setRoleGuardian(,, { from: admin, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGuardianChanged', { roleId:, guardian: }); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGuardian(; }); it('reverts setting PUBLIC_ROLE admin', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setRoleGuardian(,, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); it('reverts setting ADMIN_ROLE admin', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setRoleGuardian(,, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); }); describe('#setGrantDelay', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'setGrantDelay(uint64,uint32)'; const args = [984910, time.duration.days(2)]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeDelayedAdminOperation(); }); it('reverts setting grant delay for the PUBLIC_ROLE', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setGrantDelay(, web3.utils.toBN(69), { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); describe('when increasing the delay', function () { const oldDelay = web3.utils.toBN(10); const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(100); beforeEach('sets old delay', async function () { this.role = this.roles.SOME; await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; }); it('increases the delay after minsetback', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGrantDelay(, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGrantDelayChanged', { roleId:, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(MINSETBACK), }); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; }); }); describe('when reducing the delay', function () { const oldDelay = time.duration.days(10); beforeEach('sets old delay', async function () { this.role = this.roles.SOME; await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; }); describe('when the delay difference is shorter than minimum setback', function () { const newDelay = oldDelay.subn(1); it('increases the delay after minsetback', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGrantDelay(, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGrantDelayChanged', { roleId:, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(MINSETBACK), }); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; }); }); describe('when the delay difference is longer than minimum setback', function () { const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(1); beforeEach('assert delay difference is higher than minsetback', function () { expect(oldDelay.sub(newDelay)); }); it('increases the delay after delay difference', async function () { const setback = oldDelay.sub(newDelay); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setGrantDelay(, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGrantDelayChanged', { roleId:, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(setback), }); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; await time.increase(setback); expect(await this.manager.getRoleGrantDelay(; }); }); }); }); describe('#setTargetAdminDelay', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'setTargetAdminDelay(address,uint32)'; const args = [someAddress, time.duration.days(3)]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeDelayedAdminOperation(); }); describe('when increasing the delay', function () { const oldDelay = time.duration.days(10); const newDelay = time.duration.days(11); const target = someAddress; beforeEach('sets old delay', async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetAdminDelay(target, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); }); it('increases the delay after minsetback', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.manager.setTargetAdminDelay(target, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'TargetAdminDelayUpdated', { target, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(MINSETBACK), }); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); }); }); describe('when reducing the delay', function () { const oldDelay = time.duration.days(10); const target = someAddress; beforeEach('sets old delay', async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetAdminDelay(target, oldDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); }); describe('when the delay difference is shorter than minimum setback', function () { const newDelay = oldDelay.subn(1); it('increases the delay after minsetback', async function () { const { receipt } = await this.manager.setTargetAdminDelay(target, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'TargetAdminDelayUpdated', { target, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(MINSETBACK), }); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); }); }); describe('when the delay difference is longer than minimum setback', function () { const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(1); beforeEach('assert delay difference is higher than minsetback', function () { expect(oldDelay.sub(newDelay)); }); it('increases the delay after delay difference', async function () { const setback = oldDelay.sub(newDelay); const { receipt } = await this.manager.setTargetAdminDelay(target, newDelay, { from: admin }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'TargetAdminDelayUpdated', { target, delay: newDelay, since: timestamp.add(setback), }); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); await time.increase(setback); expect(await this.manager.getTargetAdminDelay(target)); }); }); }); }); }); describe('not subject to a delay', function () { describe('#updateAuthority', function () { beforeEach('create a target and a new authority', async function () { this.newAuthority = await; this.newManagedTarget = await; }); describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'updateAuthority(address,address)'; const args = [this.newManagedTarget.address, this.newAuthority.address]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeNotDelayedAdminOperation(); }); it('changes the authority', async function () { expect(await this.newManagedTarget.authority()); const { tx } = await this.manager.updateAuthority(this.newManagedTarget.address, this.newAuthority.address, { from: admin, }); // Managed contract is responsible of notifying the change through an event await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, this.newManagedTarget, 'AuthorityUpdated', { authority: this.newAuthority.address, }); expect(await this.newManagedTarget.authority()); }); }); describe('#setTargetClosed', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'setTargetClosed(address,bool)'; const args = [someAddress, true]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeNotDelayedAdminOperation(); }); it('closes and opens a target', async function () { const close = await this.manager.setTargetClosed(, true, { from: admin }); expectEvent(close.receipt, 'TargetClosed', { target:, closed: true }); expect(await this.manager.isTargetClosed(; const open = await this.manager.setTargetClosed(, false, { from: admin }); expectEvent(open.receipt, 'TargetClosed', { target:, closed: false }); expect(await this.manager.isTargetClosed(; }); it('reverts if closing the manager', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.setTargetClosed(this.manager.address, true, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedAccount', [this.manager.address], ); }); }); describe('#setTargetFunctionRole', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'setTargetFunctionRole(address,bytes4[],uint64)'; const args = [someAddress, ['0x12345678'], 443342]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeNotDelayedAdminOperation(); }); const sigs = ['someFunction()', 'someOtherFunction(uint256)', 'oneMoreFunction(address,uint8)'].map(selector); it('sets function roles', async function () { for (const sig of sigs) { expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionRole(, sig)), ); } const { receipt: receipt1 } = await this.manager.setTargetFunctionRole(, sigs,, { from: admin, }, ); for (const sig of sigs) { expectEvent(receipt1, 'TargetFunctionRoleUpdated', { target:, selector: sig, roleId:, }); expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionRole(, sig)), ); } const { receipt: receipt2 } = await this.manager.setTargetFunctionRole(, [sigs[1]],, { from: admin, }, ); expectEvent(receipt2, 'TargetFunctionRoleUpdated', { target:, selector: sigs[1], roleId:, }); for (const sig of sigs) { expect(await this.manager.getTargetFunctionRole(, sig)) sig == sigs[1] ? :, ); } }); }); describe('role admin operations', function () { const ANOTHER_ADMIN = web3.utils.toBN(0xdeadc0de1); const ANOTHER_ROLE = web3.utils.toBN(0xdeadc0de2); beforeEach('set required role', async function () { // Make admin a member of ANOTHER_ADMIN await this.manager.$_grantRole(ANOTHER_ADMIN, admin, 0, 0); await this.manager.$_setRoleAdmin(ANOTHER_ROLE, ANOTHER_ADMIN); this.role = { id: ANOTHER_ADMIN }; this.user = user; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.user, 0, 0); }); describe('#grantRole', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { const method = 'grantRole(uint64,address,uint32)'; const args = [ANOTHER_ROLE, someAddress, 0]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); }); shouldBehaveLikeRoleAdminOperation(ANOTHER_ADMIN); }); it('reverts when granting PUBLIC_ROLE', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.grantRole(, user, 0, { from: admin, }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); describe('when the user is not a role member', function () { describe('with grant delay', function () { beforeEach('set grant delay and grant role', async function () { // Delay granting this.grantDelay = time.duration.weeks(2); await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.grantDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); // Grant role this.executionDelay = time.duration.days(3); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, this.executionDelay, { from: admin, }); this.receipt = receipt; this.delay = this.grantDelay; // For testAsDelay }); testAsDelay('grant', { before() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('does not grant role to the user yet', async function () { const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(this.receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(this.receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: timestamp.add(this.grantDelay), delay: this.executionDelay, newMember: true, }); // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Not in effect yet const currentTimestamp = await time.latest(); expect(currentTimestamp)[0]); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ false, this.executionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('grants role to the user', async function () { const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(this.receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(this.receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: timestamp.add(this.grantDelay), delay: this.executionDelay, newMember: true, }); // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect const currentTimestamp = await time.latest(); expect(currentTimestamp)[0]); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.executionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }, }); }); describe('without grant delay', function () { beforeEach('set granting delay', async function () { // Delay granting this.grantDelay = 0; await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.grantDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); }); it('immediately grants the role to the user', async function () { this.executionDelay = time.duration.days(6); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, this.executionDelay, { from: admin, }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: timestamp, delay: this.executionDelay, newMember: true, }); // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect const currentTimestamp = await time.latest(); expect(currentTimestamp)[0]); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.executionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }); }); describe('when the user is already a role member', function () { beforeEach('make user role member', async function () { this.previousExecutionDelay = time.duration.days(6); await this.manager.$_grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, 0, this.previousExecutionDelay); this.oldAccess = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); }); describe('with grant delay', function () { beforeEach('set granting delay', async function () { // Delay granting const grantDelay = time.duration.weeks(2); await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(ANOTHER_ROLE, grantDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); }); describe('when increasing the execution delay', function () { beforeEach('set increased new execution delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); this.newExecutionDelay = this.previousExecutionDelay.add(time.duration.days(4)); }); it('emits event and immediately changes the execution delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, this.newExecutionDelay, { from: admin, }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: timestamp, delay: this.newExecutionDelay, newMember: false, }); // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.newExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }); describe('when decreasing the execution delay', function () { beforeEach('decrease execution delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); this.newExecutionDelay = this.previousExecutionDelay.sub(time.duration.days(4)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, this.newExecutionDelay, { from: admin, }); this.grantTimestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); this.receipt = receipt; this.delay = this.previousExecutionDelay.sub(this.newExecutionDelay); // For testAsDelay }); it('emits event', function () { expectEvent(this.receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: this.grantTimestamp.add(this.delay), delay: this.newExecutionDelay, newMember: false, }); }); testAsDelay('execution delay effect', { before() { beforeEach('consume effect delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('does not change the execution delay yet', async function () { // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2]); // pendingDelay expect(access[3]); // pendingDelayEffect // Not in effect yet expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume effect delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('changes the execution delay', async function () { // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.newExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }, }); }); }); describe('without grant delay', function () { beforeEach('set granting delay', async function () { // Delay granting const grantDelay = 0; await this.manager.$_setGrantDelay(ANOTHER_ROLE, grantDelay); await time.increase(MINSETBACK); }); describe('when increasing the execution delay', function () { beforeEach('set increased new execution delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); this.newExecutionDelay = this.previousExecutionDelay.add(time.duration.days(4)); }); it('emits event and immediately changes the execution delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, this.newExecutionDelay, { from: admin, }); const timestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: timestamp, delay: this.newExecutionDelay, newMember: false, }); // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.newExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }); describe('when decreasing the execution delay', function () { beforeEach('decrease execution delay', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); this.newExecutionDelay = this.previousExecutionDelay.sub(time.duration.days(4)); const { receipt } = await this.manager.grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, this.user, this.newExecutionDelay, { from: admin, }); this.grantTimestamp = await clockFromReceipt.timestamp(receipt).then(web3.utils.toBN); this.receipt = receipt; this.delay = this.previousExecutionDelay.sub(this.newExecutionDelay); // For testAsDelay }); it('emits event', function () { expectEvent(this.receipt, 'RoleGranted', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: this.user, since: this.grantTimestamp.add(this.delay), delay: this.newExecutionDelay, newMember: false, }); }); testAsDelay('execution delay effect', { before() { beforeEach('consume effect delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('does not change the execution delay yet', async function () { // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2]); // pendingDelay expect(access[3]); // pendingDelayEffect // Not in effect yet expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.previousExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume effect delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('changes the execution delay', async function () { // Access is correctly stored const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])[0]); // inEffectSince expect(access[1]); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // pendingDelayEffect // Already in effect expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, this.newExecutionDelay.toString(), ]); }); }, }); }); }); }); }); describe('#revokeRole', function () { describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', async function () { const method = 'revokeRole(uint64,address)'; const args = [ANOTHER_ROLE, someAddress]; this.calldata = this.manager.contract.methods[method](...args).encodeABI(); // Need to be set before revoking await this.manager.$_grantRole(...args, 0, 0); }); shouldBehaveLikeRoleAdminOperation(ANOTHER_ADMIN); }); describe('when role has been granted', function () { beforeEach('grant role with grant delay', async function () { this.grantDelay = time.duration.weeks(1); await this.manager.$_grantRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user, this.grantDelay, 0); this.delay = this.grantDelay; // For testAsDelay }); testAsDelay('grant', { before() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('revokes a granted role that will take effect in the future', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.revokeRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user, { from: admin }); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: user }); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])'0'); // inRoleSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); }, after() { beforeEach('consume previously set grant delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('revokes a granted role that already took effect', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ true, '0', ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.revokeRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user, { from: admin }); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: user }); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(ANOTHER_ROLE, user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); const access = await this.manager.getAccess(ANOTHER_ROLE, user); expect(access[0])'0'); // inRoleSince expect(access[1])'0'); // currentDelay expect(access[2])'0'); // pendingDelay expect(access[3])'0'); // effect }); }, }); }); describe('when role has not been granted', function () { it('has no effect', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(, user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.revokeRole(, user, { from: manager }); expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { roleId: ANOTHER_ROLE, account: user }); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(, user).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); }); }); it('reverts revoking PUBLIC_ROLE', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.revokeRole(, user, { from: admin }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); }); }); describe('self role operations', function () { describe('#renounceRole', function () { beforeEach('grant role', async function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(783164) }; this.caller = user; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 0); }); it('renounces a role', async function () { expect(await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller).then(formatAccess))[ true, '0', ]); const { receipt } = await this.manager.renounceRole(, this.caller, { from: this.caller, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { roleId:, account: this.caller, }); expect(await this.manager.hasRole(, this.caller).then(formatAccess))[ false, '0', ]); }); it('reverts if renouncing the PUBLIC_ROLE', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.renounceRole(, this.caller, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerLockedRole', [], ); }); it('reverts if renouncing with bad caller confirmation', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.renounceRole(, someAddress, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerBadConfirmation', [], ); }); }); }); }); }); describe('access managed target operations', function () { describe('when calling a restricted target function', function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; beforeEach('set required role', function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(3597243) }; this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; }); describe('restrictions', function () { beforeEach('set method and args', function () { this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); this.caller = user; }); shouldBehaveLikeAManagedRestrictedOperation(); }); it('succeeds called by a role member', async function () { await this.manager.$_grantRole(, user, 0, 0); const { receipt } = await[method]({ data: this.calldata, from: user, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'CalledRestricted', { caller: user, }); }); }); describe('when calling a non-restricted target function', function () { const method = 'fnUnrestricted()'; beforeEach('set required role', async function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(879435) }; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; }); it('succeeds called by anyone', async function () { const { receipt } = await[method]({ data: this.calldata, from: user, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'CalledUnrestricted', { caller: user, }); }); }); }); describe('#schedule', function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; beforeEach('set target function role', async function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(498305) }; this.caller = user; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // nonzero execution delay this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); this.delay = time.duration.weeks(2); }); describe('restrictions', function () { testAsCanCall({ closed() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, open: { callerIsTheManager: { executing() { it.skip('is not reachable because schedule is not restrictable'); }, notExecuting() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, }, callerIsNotTheManager: { publicRoleIsRequired() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { // scheduleOperation is not used here because it alters the next block timestamp await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, MAX_UINT48, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, specificRoleIsRequired: { requiredRoleIsGranted: { roleGrantingIsDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { // scheduleOperation is not used here because it alters the next block timestamp await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, MAX_UINT48, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { it('succeeds', async function () { // scheduleOperation is not used here because it alters the next block timestamp await this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, MAX_UINT48, { from: this.caller, }); }); }, }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { // scheduleOperation is not used here because it alters the next block timestamp await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, MAX_UINT48, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { // scheduleOperation is not used here because it alters the next block timestamp await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, MAX_UINT48, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, }, }, roleGrantingIsNotDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay() { it('succeeds', async function () { await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }); }); }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { // scheduleOperation is not used here because it alters the next block timestamp await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, MAX_UINT48, { from: this.caller, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, }, }, requiredRoleIsNotGranted() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, }, }, }, }); }); it('schedules an operation at the specified execution date if it is larger than caller execution delay', async function () { const { operationId, scheduledAt, receipt } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(operationId)); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId, nonce: '1', schedule: scheduledAt.add(this.delay), target:, data: this.calldata, }); }); it('schedules an operation at the minimum execution date if no specified execution date (when == 0)', async function () { const executionDelay = await time.duration.hours(72); await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, executionDelay); const timestamp = await time.latest(); const scheduledAt = timestamp.addn(1); await setNextBlockTimestamp(scheduledAt); const { receipt } = await this.manager.schedule(, this.calldata, 0, { from: this.caller, }); const operationId = await this.manager.hashOperation(this.caller,, this.calldata); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(operationId)); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId, nonce: '1', schedule: scheduledAt.add(executionDelay), target:, data: this.calldata, }); }); it('increases the nonce of an operation scheduled more than once', async function () { // Setup and check initial nonce const expectedOperationId = hashOperation(this.caller,, this.calldata); expect(await this.manager.getNonce(expectedOperationId))'0'); // Schedule const op1 = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }); expectEvent(op1.receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: op1.operationId, nonce: '1', schedule: op1.scheduledAt.add(this.delay), target:, data: this.calldata, }); expect(expectedOperationId).to.eq(op1.operationId); // Consume await time.increase(this.delay); await this.manager.$_consumeScheduledOp(expectedOperationId); // Check nonce expect(await this.manager.getNonce(expectedOperationId))'1'); // Schedule again const op2 = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }); expectEvent(op2.receipt, 'OperationScheduled', { operationId: op2.operationId, nonce: '2', schedule: op2.scheduledAt.add(this.delay), target:, data: this.calldata, }); expect(expectedOperationId).to.eq(op2.operationId); // Check final nonce expect(await this.manager.getNonce(expectedOperationId))'2'); }); it('reverts if the specified execution date is before the current timestamp + caller execution delay', async function () { const executionDelay = time.duration.weeks(1).add(this.delay); await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, executionDelay); await expectRevertCustomError( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); it('reverts if an operation is already schedule', async function () { const { operationId } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }); await expectRevertCustomError( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.delay, }), 'AccessManagerAlreadyScheduled', [operationId], ); }); it('panics scheduling calldata with less than 4 bytes', async function () { const calldata = '0x1234'; // 2 bytes // Managed contract await expectRevert.unspecified( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: calldata, delay: this.delay, }), ); // Manager contract await expectRevert.unspecified( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target: this.manager.address, calldata: calldata, delay: this.delay, }), ); }); it('reverts scheduling an unknown operation to the manager', async function () { const calldata = '0x12345678'; await expectRevertCustomError( scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target: this.manager.address, calldata, delay: this.delay, }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller, this.manager.address, calldata], ); }); }); describe('#execute', function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; beforeEach('set target function role', async function () { this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(9825430) }; this.caller = user; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 0); this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); }); describe('restrictions', function () { testAsCanCall({ closed() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, open: { callerIsTheManager: { executing() { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }, notExecuting() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, }, callerIsNotTheManager: { publicRoleIsRequired() { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }, specificRoleIsRequired: { requiredRoleIsGranted: { roleGrantingIsDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('define schedule delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); this.scheduleIn = time.duration.days(21); }); testAsSchedulableOperation(LIKE_COMMON_SCHEDULABLE); }, }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay: { beforeGrantDelay() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, afterGrantDelay() { beforeEach('define schedule delay', async function () { // Consume previously set delay await mine(); }); it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }, }, }, roleGrantingIsNotDelayed: { callerHasAnExecutionDelay() { beforeEach('define schedule delay', async function () { this.scheduleIn = time.duration.days(15); }); testAsSchedulableOperation(LIKE_COMMON_SCHEDULABLE); }, callerHasNoExecutionDelay() { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }, }, }, requiredRoleIsNotGranted() { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [this.caller,, this.calldata.substring(0, 10)], ); }); }, }, }, }, }); }); it('executes with a delay consuming the scheduled operation', async function () { const delay = time.duration.hours(4); await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // Execution delay is needed so the operation is consumed const { operationId } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay, }); await time.increase(delay); const { receipt } = await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId, nonce: '1', }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(operationId))'0'); }); it('executes with no delay consuming a scheduled operation', async function () { const delay = time.duration.hours(4); // give caller an execution delay await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); const { operationId } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay, }); // remove the execution delay await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 0); await time.increase(delay); const { receipt } = await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId, nonce: '1', }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(operationId))'0'); }); it('keeps the original _executionId after finishing the call', async function () { const executionIdBefore = await getStorageAt(this.manager.address, EXECUTION_ID_STORAGE_SLOT); await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); const executionIdAfter = await getStorageAt(this.manager.address, EXECUTION_ID_STORAGE_SLOT); expect(executionIdBefore); }); it('reverts executing twice', async function () { const delay = time.duration.hours(2); await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // Execution delay is needed so the operation is consumed const { operationId } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay, }); await time.increase(delay); await this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [operationId], ); }); }); describe('#consumeScheduledOp', function () { beforeEach('define scheduling parameters', async function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; this.caller =; this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); this.role = { id: web3.utils.toBN(9834983) }; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // nonzero execution delay this.scheduleIn = time.duration.hours(10); // For testAsSchedulableOperation }); describe('when caller is not consuming scheduled operation', function () { beforeEach('set consuming false', async function () { await, `0x${CONSUMING_SCHEDULE_STORAGE_SLOT.toString(16)}`); }); it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedConsume', async function () { await impersonate(this.caller); await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.consumeScheduledOp(this.caller, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedConsume', [this.caller], ); }); }); describe('when caller is consuming scheduled operation', function () { beforeEach('set consuming true', async function () { await, `0x${CONSUMING_SCHEDULE_STORAGE_SLOT.toString(16)}`); }); testAsSchedulableOperation({ scheduled: { before() { it('reverts as AccessManagerNotReady', async function () { await impersonate(this.caller); await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.consumeScheduledOp(this.caller, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerNotReady', [this.operationId], ); }); }, after() { it('consumes the scheduled operation and resets timepoint', async function () { expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.operationId)) this.scheduledAt.add(this.scheduleIn), ); await impersonate(this.caller); const { receipt } = await this.manager.consumeScheduledOp(this.caller, this.calldata, { from: this.caller, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationExecuted', { operationId: this.operationId, nonce: '1', }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(this.operationId))'0'); }); }, expired() { it('reverts as AccessManagerExpired', async function () { await impersonate(this.caller); await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.consumeScheduledOp(this.caller, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerExpired', [this.operationId], ); }); }, }, notScheduled() { it('reverts as AccessManagerNotScheduled', async function () { await impersonate(this.caller); await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.consumeScheduledOp(this.caller, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [this.operationId], ); }); }, }); }); }); describe('#cancelScheduledOp', function () { const method = 'fnRestricted()'; beforeEach('setup scheduling', async function () { this.caller = this.roles.SOME.members[0]; await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(, selector(method),; await this.manager.$_grantRole(, this.caller, 0, 1); // nonzero execution delay this.calldata =[method]().encodeABI(); this.scheduleIn = time.duration.days(10); // For testAsSchedulableOperation }); testAsSchedulableOperation({ scheduled: { before() { describe('when caller is the scheduler', function () { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }); describe('when caller is an admin', function () { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: this.roles.ADMIN.members[0], }); }); }); describe('when caller is the role guardian', function () { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: this.roles.SOME_GUARDIAN.members[0], }); }); }); describe('when caller is any other account', function () { it('reverts as AccessManagerUnauthorizedCancel', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCancel', [other, this.caller,, selector(method)], ); }); }); }, after() { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }, expired() { it('succeeds', async function () { await this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: this.caller }); }); }, }, notScheduled() { it('reverts as AccessManagerNotScheduled', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata), 'AccessManagerNotScheduled', [this.operationId], ); }); }, }); it('cancels an operation and resets schedule', async function () { const { operationId } = await scheduleOperation(this.manager, { caller: this.caller, target:, calldata: this.calldata, delay: this.scheduleIn, }); const { receipt } = await this.manager.cancel(this.caller,, this.calldata, { from: this.caller, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'OperationCanceled', { operationId, nonce: '1', }); expect(await this.manager.getSchedule(operationId))'0'); }); }); describe('with Ownable target contract', function () { const roleId = web3.utils.toBN(1); beforeEach(async function () { this.ownable = await; // add user to role await this.manager.$_grantRole(roleId, user, 0, 0); }); it('initial state', async function () { expect(await this.ownable.owner()); }); describe('Contract is closed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetClosed(this.ownable.address, true); }); it('directly call: reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.ownable.$_checkOwner({ from: user }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [user]); }); it('relayed call (with role): reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: user }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [user, this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()')], ); }); it('relayed call (without role): reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [other, this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()')], ); }); }); describe('Contract is managed', function () { describe('function is open to specific role', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), roleId); }); it('directly call: reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.ownable.$_checkOwner({ from: user }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [ user, ]); }); it('relayed call (with role): success', async function () { await this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: user }); }); it('relayed call (without role): reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError( this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: other }), 'AccessManagerUnauthorizedCall', [other, this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()')], ); }); }); describe('function is open to public role', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.manager.$_setTargetFunctionRole( this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'),, ); }); it('directly call: reverts', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.ownable.$_checkOwner({ from: user }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [ user, ]); }); it('relayed call (with role): success', async function () { await this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: user }); }); it('relayed call (without role): success', async function () { await this.manager.execute(this.ownable.address, selector('$_checkOwner()'), { from: other }); }); }); }); }); });