'use strict'; const assertJump = require('./helpers/assertJump'); var MintableToken = artifacts.require('../contracts/Tokens/MintableToken.sol'); contract('Mintable', function(accounts) { let token; beforeEach(async function() { token = await MintableToken.new(); }); it('should start with a totalSupply of 0', async function() { let totalSupply = await token.totalSupply(); assert.equal(totalSupply, 0); }); it('should return mintingFinished false after construction', async function() { let mintingFinished = await token.mintingFinished(); assert.equal(mintingFinished, false); }); it('should mint a given amount of tokens to a given address', async function() { await token.mint(accounts[0], 100); let balance0 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[0]); assert(balance0, 100); let totalSupply = await token.totalSupply(); assert(totalSupply, 100); }) });