const { assertRevert } = require('../helpers/assertRevert'); const { signHex } = require('../helpers/sign'); const Bouncer = artifacts.require('SignatureBouncerMock'); require('chai') .use(require('chai-as-promised')) .should(); const getSigner = (contract, signer, data = '') => (addr) => { // via: const message = contract.address.substr(2) + addr.substr(2) + data; // ^ substr to remove `0x` because in solidity the address is a set of byes, not a string `0xabcd` return signHex(signer, message); }; const getMethodId = (methodName, ...paramTypes) => { // methodId is a sha3 of the first 4 bytes after 0x of 'method(paramType1,...)' return web3.sha3(`${methodName}(${paramTypes.join(',')})`).substr(2, 8); }; const stripAndPadHexValue = (hexVal, sizeInBytes, start = true) => { // strip 0x from the font and pad with 0's for const strippedHexVal = hexVal.substr(2); return start ? strippedHexVal.padStart(sizeInBytes * 2, 0) : strippedHexVal.padEnd(sizeInBytes * 2, 0); }; contract('Bouncer', ([_, owner, authorizedUser, anyone, bouncerAddress, newBouncer]) => { before(async function () { this.bouncer = await{ from: owner }); this.roleBouncer = await this.bouncer.ROLE_BOUNCER(); this.genSig = getSigner(this.bouncer, bouncerAddress); this.uintValue = 23; this.checkValidSignatureAndMethodId = getMethodId('checkValidSignatureAndMethod', 'address', 'bytes'); this.uintValueData = stripAndPadHexValue(web3.toHex(this.uintValue), 32); this.authorizedUserData = stripAndPadHexValue(authorizedUser, 32); this.bytesValue = web3.toHex('bytesValue'); this.validateSignatureAndDataMsgData = [ getMethodId('checkValidSignatureAndData', 'address', 'bytes', 'uint256', 'bytes'), stripAndPadHexValue(authorizedUser, 32), stripAndPadHexValue(web3.toHex(32 * 4), 32), // bytesValue location this.uintValueData, stripAndPadHexValue(web3.toHex(32 * 6), 32), // sig location stripAndPadHexValue(web3.toHex(this.bytesValue.substr(2).length / 2), 32), // bytesValue size stripAndPadHexValue(this.bytesValue, 32, false), // bytesValue ]; }); it('should have a default owner of self', async function () { const theOwner = await this.bouncer.owner(); theOwner.should.eq(owner); }); it('should allow owner to add a bouncer', async function () { await this.bouncer.addBouncer(bouncerAddress, { from: owner }); const hasRole = await this.bouncer.hasRole(bouncerAddress, this.roleBouncer); hasRole.should.eq(true); }); it('should not allow anyone to add a bouncer', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.addBouncer(bouncerAddress, { from: anyone }) ); }); context('modifiers', () => { it('should allow valid signature for sender', async function () { await this.bouncer.onlyWithValidSignature( this.genSig(authorizedUser), { from: authorizedUser } ); }); it('should not allow invalid signature for sender', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.onlyWithValidSignature( 'abcd', { from: authorizedUser } ) ); }); it('should allow valid signature with a valid method for sender', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, getMethodId('onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod', 'bytes') )(authorizedUser); await this.bouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod( sig, { from: authorizedUser } ); }); it('should not allow invalid signature with method for sender', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod( 'abcd', { from: authorizedUser } ) ); }); it('should allow valid signature with a valid data for sender', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, [ getMethodId('onlyWithValidSignatureAndData', 'uint256', 'bytes'), this.uintValueData, stripAndPadHexValue(web3.toHex(64), 32), ].join('') )(authorizedUser); await this.bouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData( this.uintValue, sig, { from: authorizedUser } ); }); it('should not allow invalid signature with data for sender', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData( this.uintValue, 'abcd', { from: authorizedUser } ) ); }); }); context('signatures', () => { it('should accept valid message for valid user', async function () { const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignature( authorizedUser, this.genSig(authorizedUser) ); isValid.should.eq(true); }); it('should not accept invalid message for valid user', async function () { const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignature( authorizedUser, this.genSig(anyone) ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should not accept invalid message for invalid user', async function () { const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignature( anyone, 'abcd' ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should not accept valid message for invalid user', async function () { const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignature( anyone, this.genSig(authorizedUser) ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should accept valid message with valid method for valid user', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, getMethodId('checkValidSignatureAndMethod', 'address', 'bytes') )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod( authorizedUser, sig ); isValid.should.eq(true); }); it('should not accept valid message with an invalid method for valid user', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, getMethodId('invalidMethod', 'address', 'bytes') )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod( authorizedUser, sig ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should not accept valid message with a valid method for an invalid user', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, this.checkValidSignatureAndMethodId )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod( anyone, sig ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should accept valid method with valid params for valid user', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, this.validateSignatureAndDataMsgData.join('') )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData( authorizedUser, this.bytesValue, this.uintValue, sig ); isValid.should.eq(true); }); it('should not accept an invalid method with valid params for valid user', async function () { this.validateSignatureAndDataMsgData[0] = getMethodId('invalidMethod', 'address', 'bytes', 'uint256', 'bytes'); const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, this.validateSignatureAndDataMsgData.join('') )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData( authorizedUser, this.bytesValue, this.uintValue, sig ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should not accept valid method with invalid params for valid user', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, this.validateSignatureAndDataMsgData.join('') )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData( authorizedUser, this.bytesValue, 500, sig ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); it('should not accept valid method with valid params for invalid user', async function () { const sig = getSigner( this.bouncer, bouncerAddress, this.validateSignatureAndDataMsgData.join('') )(authorizedUser); const isValid = await this.bouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData( anyone, this.bytesValue, this.uintValue, sig ); isValid.should.eq(false); }); }); context('management', () => { it('should not allow anyone to add bouncers', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.addBouncer(newBouncer, { from: anyone }) ); }); it('should be able to add bouncers', async function () { await this.bouncer.addBouncer(newBouncer, { from: owner }); }); it('should not allow adding invalid address', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.addBouncer('0x0', { from: owner }) ); }); it('should not allow anyone to remove bouncer', async function () { await assertRevert( this.bouncer.removeBouncer(newBouncer, { from: anyone }) ); }); it('should be able to remove bouncers', async function () { await this.bouncer.removeBouncer(newBouncer, { from: owner }); }); }); });