contract('Shareable', function(accounts) { it('should construct with correct owners and number of sigs required', async function() { let requiredSigs = 2; let owners = accounts.slice(1,4); let shareable = await, requiredSigs); let required = await shareable.required(); assert.equal(required, requiredSigs); let owner = await shareable.getOwner(0); assert.equal(owner, accounts[0]); for(let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { let owner = await shareable.getOwner(i); let isowner = await shareable.isOwner(accounts[i]); if(i <= owners.length) { assert.equal(accounts[i], owner); assert.isTrue(isowner); } else { assert.notEqual(accounts[i], owner); assert.isFalse(isowner); } } }); it('should only perform multisig function with enough sigs', async function() { let requiredSigs = 3; let owners = accounts.slice(1,4); let shareable = await, requiredSigs); let hash = 1234; let initCount = await shareable.count(); initCount = initCount.toString(); for(let i = 0; i < requiredSigs; i++) { await shareable.increaseCount(hash, {from: accounts[i]}); let count = await shareable.count(); if(i == requiredSigs - 1) { assert.equal(Number(initCount)+1, count.toString()); } else { assert.equal(initCount, count.toString()); } } }); it('should require approval from different owners', async function() { let requiredSigs = 2; let owners = accounts.slice(1,4); let shareable = await, requiredSigs); let hash = 1234; let initCount = await shareable.count(); initCount = initCount.toString(); //Count shouldn't increase when the same owner calls repeatedly for(let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await shareable.increaseCount(hash); let count = await shareable.count(); assert.equal(initCount, count.toString()); } }); it('should reset sig count after operation is approved', async function() { let requiredSigs = 3; let owners = accounts.slice(1,4); let shareable = await, requiredSigs); let hash = 1234; let initCount = await shareable.count(); for(let i = 0; i < requiredSigs * 3; i++) { await shareable.increaseCount(hash, {from: accounts[i % 4]}); let count = await shareable.count(); if((i%(requiredSigs)) == requiredSigs - 1) { initCount = Number(initCount)+1; assert.equal(initCount, count); } else { assert.equal(initCount.toString(), count); } } }); it('should not perform multisig function after an owner revokes', async function() { let requiredSigs = 3; let owners = accounts.slice(1,4); let shareable = await, requiredSigs); let hash = 1234; let initCount = await shareable.count(); for(let i = 0; i < requiredSigs; i++) { if(i == 1) { await shareable.revoke(hash, {from: accounts[i-1]}); } await shareable.increaseCount(hash, {from: accounts[i]}); let count = await shareable.count(); assert.equal(initCount.toString(), count); } }); });