const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const time = require('../helpers/time'); async function envSetup(mock, beneficiary, token) { return { eth: { checkRelease: async (tx, amount) => { await expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalances([mock, beneficiary], [-amount, amount]); }, setupFailure: async () => { const beneficiaryMock = await ethers.deployContract('EtherReceiverMock'); await beneficiaryMock.setAcceptEther(false); await mock.connect(beneficiary).transferOwnership(beneficiaryMock); return { args: [], error: [mock, 'FailedCall'] }; }, releasedEvent: 'EtherReleased', args: [], }, token: { checkRelease: async (tx, amount) => { await expect(tx).to.emit(token, 'Transfer').withArgs(mock, beneficiary, amount); await expect(tx).to.changeTokenBalances(token, [mock, beneficiary], [-amount, amount]); }, setupFailure: async () => { const pausableToken = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20Pausable', ['Name', 'Symbol']); await pausableToken.$_pause(); return { args: [ethers.Typed.address(pausableToken)], error: [pausableToken, 'EnforcedPause'], }; }, releasedEvent: 'ERC20Released', args: [ethers.Typed.address(token)], }, }; } function shouldBehaveLikeVesting() { it('check vesting schedule', async function () { for (const timestamp of this.schedule) { await time.increaseTo.timestamp(timestamp); const vesting = this.vestingFn(timestamp); expect(await this.mock.vestedAmount(...this.args, timestamp)).to.equal(vesting); expect(await this.mock.releasable(...this.args)).to.equal(vesting); } }); it('execute vesting schedule', async function () { let released = 0n; { const tx = await this.mock.release(...this.args); await expect(tx) .to.emit(this.mock, this.releasedEvent) .withArgs(...this.args, 0); await this.checkRelease(tx, 0n); } for (const timestamp of this.schedule) { await time.increaseTo.timestamp(timestamp, false); const vested = this.vestingFn(timestamp); const tx = await this.mock.release(...this.args); await expect(tx).to.emit(this.mock, this.releasedEvent); await this.checkRelease(tx, vested - released); released = vested; } }); it('should revert on transaction failure', async function () { const { args, error } = await this.setupFailure(); for (const timestamp of this.schedule) { await time.increaseTo.timestamp(timestamp); await expect(this.mock.release(...args)); } }); } module.exports = { envSetup, shouldBehaveLikeVesting, };