const { BN, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const ContextMock = artifacts.require('ContextMock'); function shouldBehaveLikeRegularContext (sender) { describe('msgSender', function () { it('returns the transaction sender when called from an EOA', async function () { const receipt = await this.context.msgSender({ from: sender }); expectEvent(receipt, 'Sender', { sender }); }); it('returns the transaction sender when from another contract', async function () { const { tx } = await this.caller.callSender(this.context.address, { from: sender }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, ContextMock, 'Sender', { sender: this.caller.address }); }); }); describe('msgData', function () { const integerValue = new BN('42'); const stringValue = 'OpenZeppelin'; let callData; beforeEach(async function () { callData = this.context.contract.methods.msgData(integerValue.toString(), stringValue).encodeABI(); }); it('returns the transaction data when called from an EOA', async function () { const receipt = await this.context.msgData(integerValue, stringValue); expectEvent(receipt, 'Data', { data: callData, integerValue, stringValue }); }); it('returns the transaction sender when from another contract', async function () { const { tx } = await this.caller.callData(this.context.address, integerValue, stringValue); await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx, ContextMock, 'Data', { data: callData, integerValue, stringValue }); }); }); } module.exports = { shouldBehaveLikeRegularContext, };