const ethSigUtil = require('eth-sig-util'); const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet').default; const { getDomain, domainType } = require('../helpers/eip712'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../helpers/customError'); const { constants, expectRevert, expectEvent, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const ERC2771Forwarder = artifacts.require('ERC2771Forwarder'); const CallReceiverMock = artifacts.require('CallReceiverMock'); contract('ERC2771Forwarder', function (accounts) { const [, refundReceiver, another] = accounts; const tamperedValues = { from: another, to: another, value: web3.utils.toWei('0.5'), data: '0x1742', deadline: 0xdeadbeef, }; beforeEach(async function () { this.forwarder = await'ERC2771Forwarder'); this.domain = await getDomain(this.forwarder); this.types = { EIP712Domain: domainType(this.domain), ForwardRequest: [ { name: 'from', type: 'address' }, { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'value', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'gas', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'deadline', type: 'uint48' }, { name: 'data', type: 'bytes' }, ], }; this.alice = Wallet.generate(); this.alice.address = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(this.alice.getAddressString()); this.timestamp = await time.latest(); this.receiver = await; this.request = { from: this.alice.address, to: this.receiver.address, value: '0', gas: '100000', data: this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(), deadline: this.timestamp.toNumber() + 60, // 1 minute }; this.requestData = { ...this.request, nonce: (await this.forwarder.nonces(this.alice.address)).toString(), }; this.forgeData = request => ({ types: this.types, domain: this.domain, primaryType: 'ForwardRequest', message: { ...this.requestData, ...request }, }); this.sign = (privateKey, request) => ethSigUtil.signTypedMessage(privateKey, { data: this.forgeData(request), }); this.estimateRequest = request => web3.eth.estimateGas({ from: this.forwarder.address, to:, data: web3.utils.encodePacked({ value:, type: 'bytes' }, { value: request.from, type: 'address' }), value: request.value, gas: request.gas, }); this.requestData.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey()); }); context('verify', function () { context('with valid signature', function () { it('returns true without altering the nonce', async function () { expect(await this.forwarder.nonces(this.requestData.from)) web3.utils.toBN(this.requestData.nonce), ); expect(await this.forwarder.verify(this.requestData)); expect(await this.forwarder.nonces(this.requestData.from)) web3.utils.toBN(this.requestData.nonce), ); }); }); context('with tampered values', function () { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(tamperedValues)) { it(`returns false with tampered ${key}`, async function () { expect(await this.forwarder.verify(this.forgeData({ [key]: value }).message)); }); } it('returns false with tampered signature', async function () { const tamperedsign = web3.utils.hexToBytes(this.requestData.signature); tamperedsign[42] ^= 0xff; this.requestData.signature = web3.utils.bytesToHex(tamperedsign); expect(await this.forwarder.verify(this.requestData)); }); it('returns false with valid signature for non-current nonce', async function () { const req = { ...this.requestData, nonce: this.requestData.nonce + 1, }; req.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey(), req); expect(await this.forwarder.verify(req)); }); it('returns false with valid signature for expired deadline', async function () { const req = { ...this.requestData, deadline: this.timestamp - 1, }; req.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey(), req); expect(await this.forwarder.verify(req)); }); }); }); context('execute', function () { context('with valid requests', function () { beforeEach(async function () { expect(await this.forwarder.nonces(this.requestData.from)) web3.utils.toBN(this.requestData.nonce), ); }); it('emits an event and consumes nonce for a successful request', async function () { const receipt = await this.forwarder.execute(this.requestData); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, this.receiver, 'MockFunctionCalled'); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, this.forwarder, 'ExecutedForwardRequest', { signer: this.requestData.from, nonce: web3.utils.toBN(this.requestData.nonce), success: true, }); expect(await this.forwarder.nonces(this.requestData.from)) web3.utils.toBN(this.requestData.nonce + 1), ); }); it('reverts with an unsuccessful request', async function () { const req = { ...this.requestData, data: this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunctionRevertsNoReason().encodeABI(), }; req.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey(), req); await expectRevertCustomError(this.forwarder.execute(req), 'FailedInnerCall', []); }); }); context('with tampered request', function () { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(tamperedValues)) { it(`reverts with tampered ${key}`, async function () { const data = this.forgeData({ [key]: value }); await expectRevertCustomError( this.forwarder.execute(data.message, { value: key == 'value' ? value : 0, // To avoid MismatchedValue error }), 'ERC2771ForwarderInvalidSigner', [ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data, sig: this.requestData.signature }), data.message.from], ); }); } it('reverts with tampered signature', async function () { const tamperedSig = web3.utils.hexToBytes(this.requestData.signature); tamperedSig[42] ^= 0xff; this.requestData.signature = web3.utils.bytesToHex(tamperedSig); await expectRevertCustomError(this.forwarder.execute(this.requestData), 'ERC2771ForwarderInvalidSigner', [ ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data: this.forgeData(), sig: tamperedSig }), this.requestData.from, ]); }); it('reverts with valid signature for non-current nonce', async function () { // Execute first a request await this.forwarder.execute(this.requestData); // And then fail due to an already used nonce await expectRevertCustomError(this.forwarder.execute(this.requestData), 'ERC2771ForwarderInvalidSigner', [ ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data: this.forgeData({ ...this.requestData, nonce: this.requestData.nonce + 1 }), sig: this.requestData.signature, }), this.requestData.from, ]); }); it('reverts with valid signature for expired deadline', async function () { const req = { ...this.requestData, deadline: this.timestamp - 1, }; req.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey(), req); await expectRevertCustomError(this.forwarder.execute(req), 'ERC2771ForwarderExpiredRequest', [ this.timestamp - 1, ]); }); it('reverts with valid signature but mismatched value', async function () { const value = 100; const req = { ...this.requestData, value, }; req.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey(), req); await expectRevertCustomError(this.forwarder.execute(req), 'ERC2771ForwarderMismatchedValue', [0, value]); }); }); it('bubbles out of gas', async function () { = this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunctionOutOfGas().encodeABI(); this.requestData.gas = 1_000_000; this.requestData.signature = this.sign(this.alice.getPrivateKey()); const gasAvailable = 100_000; await expectRevert.assertion(this.forwarder.execute(this.requestData, { gas: gasAvailable })); const { transactions } = await web3.eth.getBlock('latest'); const { gasUsed } = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactions[0]); expect(gasUsed); }); it('bubbles out of gas forced by the relayer', async function () { // If there's an incentive behind executing requests, a malicious relayer could grief // the forwarder by executing requests and providing a top-level call gas limit that // is too low to successfully finish the request after the 63/64 rule. // We set the baseline to the gas limit consumed by a successful request if it was executed // normally. Note this includes the 21000 buffer that also the relayer will be charged to // start a request execution. const estimate = await this.estimateRequest(this.request); // Because the relayer call consumes gas until the `CALL` opcode, the gas left after failing // the subcall won't enough to finish the top level call (after testing), so we add a // moderated buffer. const gasAvailable = estimate + 2_000; // The subcall out of gas should be caught by the contract and then bubbled up consuming // the available gas with an `invalid` opcode. await expectRevert.outOfGas(this.forwarder.execute(this.requestData, { gas: gasAvailable })); const { transactions } = await web3.eth.getBlock('latest'); const { gasUsed } = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactions[0]); // We assert that indeed the gas was totally consumed. expect(gasUsed); }); }); context('executeBatch', function () { const batchValue = requestDatas => requestDatas.reduce((value, request) => value + Number(request.value), 0); beforeEach(async function () { this.bob = Wallet.generate(); this.bob.address = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(this.bob.getAddressString()); this.eve = Wallet.generate(); this.eve.address = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(this.eve.getAddressString()); this.signers = [this.alice, this.bob, this.eve]; this.requestDatas = await Promise.all( ({ address }) => ({ ...this.requestData, from: address, nonce: (await this.forwarder.nonces(address)).toString(), value: web3.utils.toWei('10', 'gwei'), })), ); this.requestDatas =, i) => ({ ...requestData, signature: this.sign(this.signers[i].getPrivateKey(), requestData), })); this.msgValue = batchValue(this.requestDatas); this.gasUntil = async reqIdx => { const gas = 0; const estimations = await Promise.all( new Array(reqIdx + 1).fill().map((_, idx) => this.estimateRequest(this.requestDatas[idx])), ); return estimations.reduce((acc, estimation) => acc + estimation, gas); }; }); context('with valid requests', function () { beforeEach(async function () { for (const request of this.requestDatas) { expect(await this.forwarder.verify(request)); } this.receipt = await this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, another, { value: this.msgValue }); }); it('emits events', async function () { for (const request of this.requestDatas) { await expectEvent.inTransaction(this.receipt.tx, this.receiver, 'MockFunctionCalled'); await expectEvent.inTransaction(this.receipt.tx, this.forwarder, 'ExecutedForwardRequest', { signer: request.from, nonce: web3.utils.toBN(request.nonce), success: true, }); } }); it('increase nonces', async function () { for (const request of this.requestDatas) { expect(await this.forwarder.nonces(request.from)) + 1)); } }); }); context('with tampered requests', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.idx = 1; // Tampered idx }); it('reverts with mismatched value', async function () { this.requestDatas[this.idx].value = 100; this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature = this.sign( this.signers[this.idx].getPrivateKey(), this.requestDatas[this.idx], ); await expectRevertCustomError( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, another, { value: this.msgValue }), 'ERC2771ForwarderMismatchedValue', [batchValue(this.requestDatas), this.msgValue], ); }); context('when the refund receiver is the zero address', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.refundReceiver = constants.ZERO_ADDRESS; }); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(tamperedValues)) { it(`reverts with at least one tampered request ${key}`, async function () { const data = this.forgeData({ ...this.requestDatas[this.idx], [key]: value }); this.requestDatas[this.idx] = data.message; await expectRevertCustomError( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: this.msgValue }), 'ERC2771ForwarderInvalidSigner', [ ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data, sig: this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature }), data.message.from, ], ); }); } it('reverts with at least one tampered request signature', async function () { const tamperedSig = web3.utils.hexToBytes(this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature); tamperedSig[42] ^= 0xff; this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature = web3.utils.bytesToHex(tamperedSig); await expectRevertCustomError( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: this.msgValue }), 'ERC2771ForwarderInvalidSigner', [ ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data: this.forgeData(this.requestDatas[this.idx]), sig: this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature, }), this.requestDatas[this.idx].from, ], ); }); it('reverts with at least one valid signature for non-current nonce', async function () { // Execute first a request await this.forwarder.execute(this.requestDatas[this.idx], { value: this.requestDatas[this.idx].value }); // And then fail due to an already used nonce await expectRevertCustomError( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: this.msgValue }), 'ERC2771ForwarderInvalidSigner', [ ethSigUtil.recoverTypedSignature({ data: this.forgeData({ ...this.requestDatas[this.idx], nonce: this.requestDatas[this.idx].nonce + 1 }), sig: this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature, }), this.requestDatas[this.idx].from, ], ); }); it('reverts with at least one valid signature for expired deadline', async function () { this.requestDatas[this.idx].deadline = this.timestamp.toNumber() - 1; this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature = this.sign( this.signers[this.idx].getPrivateKey(), this.requestDatas[this.idx], ); await expectRevertCustomError( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: this.msgValue }), 'ERC2771ForwarderExpiredRequest', [this.timestamp.toNumber() - 1], ); }); }); context('when the refund receiver is a known address', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.refundReceiver = refundReceiver; this.initialRefundReceiverBalance = web3.utils.toBN(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.refundReceiver)); this.initialTamperedRequestNonce = await this.forwarder.nonces(this.requestDatas[this.idx].from); }); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(tamperedValues)) { it(`ignores a request with tampered ${key} and refunds its value`, async function () { const data = this.forgeData({ ...this.requestDatas[this.idx], [key]: value }); this.requestDatas[this.idx] = data.message; const receipt = await this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: batchValue(this.requestDatas), }); expect(receipt.logs.filter(({ event }) => event === 'ExecutedForwardRequest').length); }); } it('ignores a request with a valid signature for non-current nonce', async function () { // Execute first a request await this.forwarder.execute(this.requestDatas[this.idx], { value: this.requestDatas[this.idx].value }); this.initialTamperedRequestNonce++; // Should be already incremented by the individual `execute` // And then ignore the same request in a batch due to an already used nonce const receipt = await this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: this.msgValue, }); expect(receipt.logs.filter(({ event }) => event === 'ExecutedForwardRequest').length); }); it('ignores a request with a valid signature for expired deadline', async function () { this.requestDatas[this.idx].deadline = this.timestamp.toNumber() - 1; this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature = this.sign( this.signers[this.idx].getPrivateKey(), this.requestDatas[this.idx], ); const receipt = await this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, this.refundReceiver, { value: this.msgValue, }); expect(receipt.logs.filter(({ event }) => event === 'ExecutedForwardRequest').length); }); afterEach(async function () { // The invalid request value was refunded expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.refundReceiver)) this.initialRefundReceiverBalance.add(web3.utils.toBN(this.requestDatas[this.idx].value)), ); // The invalid request from's nonce was not incremented expect(await this.forwarder.nonces(this.requestDatas[this.idx].from)) web3.utils.toBN(this.initialTamperedRequestNonce), ); }); }); it('bubbles out of gas', async function () { this.requestDatas[this.idx].data = this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunctionOutOfGas().encodeABI(); this.requestDatas[this.idx].gas = 1_000_000; this.requestDatas[this.idx].signature = this.sign( this.signers[this.idx].getPrivateKey(), this.requestDatas[this.idx], ); const gasAvailable = 300_000; await expectRevert.assertion( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, { gas: gasAvailable, value: this.requestDatas.reduce((acc, { value }) => acc + Number(value), 0), }), ); const { transactions } = await web3.eth.getBlock('latest'); const { gasUsed } = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactions[0]); expect(gasUsed); }); it('bubbles out of gas forced by the relayer', async function () { // Similarly to the single execute, a malicious relayer could grief requests. // We estimate until the selected request as if they were executed normally const estimate = await this.gasUntil(this.requestDatas, this.idx); // We add a Buffer to account for all the gas that's used before the selected call. // Note is slightly bigger because the selected request is not the index 0 and it affects // the buffer needed. const gasAvailable = estimate + 10_000; // The subcall out of gas should be caught by the contract and then bubbled up consuming // the available gas with an `invalid` opcode. await expectRevert.outOfGas( this.forwarder.executeBatch(this.requestDatas, constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, { gas: gasAvailable }), ); const { transactions } = await web3.eth.getBlock('latest'); const { gasUsed } = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactions[0]); // We assert that indeed the gas was totally consumed. expect(gasUsed); }); }); }); });