const { ethGetBalance, ethSendTransaction } = require('../helpers/web3'); const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber; require('chai') .use(require('chai-bignumber')(BigNumber)) .should(); const { expectThrow } = require('../helpers/expectThrow'); const { EVMRevert } = require('../helpers/EVMRevert.js'); const SplitPayment = artifacts.require('SplitPayment'); contract('SplitPayment', function ([_, owner, payee1, payee2, payee3, nonpayee1, payer1]) { const amount = web3.toWei(1.0, 'ether'); const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; it('rejects an empty set of payees', async function () { await expectThrow([], []), EVMRevert); }); it('rejects more payees than shares', async function () { await expectThrow([payee1, payee2, payee3], [20, 30]), EVMRevert); }); it('rejects more shares than payees', async function () { await expectThrow([payee1, payee2], [20, 30, 40]), EVMRevert); }); it('rejects null payees', async function () { await expectThrow([payee1, ZERO_ADDRESS], [20, 30]), EVMRevert); }); it('rejects zero-valued shares', async function () { await expectThrow([payee1, payee2], [20, 0]), EVMRevert); }); it('rejects repeated payees', async function () { await expectThrow([payee1, payee1], [20, 30]), EVMRevert); }); context('once deployed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.payees = [payee1, payee2, payee3]; this.shares = [20, 10, 70]; this.contract = await, this.shares); }); it('should accept payments', async function () { await ethSendTransaction({ from: owner, to: this.contract.address, value: amount }); (await ethGetBalance(this.contract.address)); }); it('should store shares if address is payee', async function () { (await; }); it('should not store shares if address is not payee', async function () { (await; }); it('should throw if no funds to claim', async function () { await expectThrow(this.contract.release(payee1), EVMRevert); }); it('should throw if non-payee want to claim', async function () { await ethSendTransaction({ from: payer1, to: this.contract.address, value: amount }); await expectThrow(this.contract.release(nonpayee1), EVMRevert); }); it('should distribute funds to payees', async function () { await ethSendTransaction({ from: payer1, to: this.contract.address, value: amount }); // receive funds const initBalance = await ethGetBalance(this.contract.address);; // distribute to payees const initAmount1 = await ethGetBalance(payee1); await this.contract.release(payee1); const profit1 = (await ethGetBalance(payee1)).sub(initAmount1); profit1.sub(web3.toWei(0.20, 'ether')).abs(); const initAmount2 = await ethGetBalance(payee2); await this.contract.release(payee2); const profit2 = (await ethGetBalance(payee2)).sub(initAmount2); profit2.sub(web3.toWei(0.10, 'ether')).abs(); const initAmount3 = await ethGetBalance(payee3); await this.contract.release(payee3); const profit3 = (await ethGetBalance(payee3)).sub(initAmount3); profit3.sub(web3.toWei(0.70, 'ether')).abs(); // end balance should be zero (await ethGetBalance(this.contract.address)); // check correct funds released accounting (await; }); }); });