const { BN, expectEvent, shouldFail } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers'); const ERC20PausableMock = artifacts.require('ERC20PausableMock'); const { shouldBehaveLikePublicRole } = require('../../access/roles/PublicRole.behavior'); contract('ERC20Pausable', function ([_, pauser, otherPauser, recipient, anotherAccount, ...otherAccounts]) { const initialSupply = new BN(100); beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await, initialSupply, { from: pauser }); }); describe('pauser role', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contract = this.token; await this.contract.addPauser(otherPauser, { from: pauser }); }); shouldBehaveLikePublicRole(pauser, otherPauser, otherAccounts, 'pauser'); }); describe('pause', function () { describe('when the sender is the token pauser', function () { const from = pauser; describe('when the token is unpaused', function () { it('pauses the token', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from }); (await this.token.paused()).should.equal(true); }); it('emits a Pause event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.pause({ from }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Paused'); }); }); describe('when the token is paused', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.pause({ from }); }); it('reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.pause({ from })); }); }); }); describe('when the sender is not the token pauser', function () { const from = anotherAccount; it('reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.pause({ from })); }); }); }); describe('unpause', function () { describe('when the sender is the token pauser', function () { const from = pauser; describe('when the token is paused', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.pause({ from }); }); it('unpauses the token', async function () { await this.token.unpause({ from }); (await this.token.paused()).should.equal(false); }); it('emits an Unpause event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.unpause({ from }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Unpaused'); }); }); describe('when the token is unpaused', function () { it('reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.unpause({ from })); }); }); }); describe('when the sender is not the token pauser', function () { const from = anotherAccount; it('reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.unpause({ from })); }); }); }); describe('pausable token', function () { const from = pauser; describe('paused', function () { it('is not paused by default', async function () { (await this.token.paused({ from })).should.equal(false); }); it('is paused after being paused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from }); (await this.token.paused({ from })).should.equal(true); }); it('is not paused after being paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from }); await this.token.unpause({ from }); (await this.token.paused()).should.equal(false); }); }); describe('transfer', function () { it('allows to transfer when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.transfer(recipient, initialSupply, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.balanceOf(pauser))'0'); (await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); }); it('allows to transfer when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.unpause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.transfer(recipient, initialSupply, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.balanceOf(pauser))'0'); (await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); }); it('reverts when trying to transfer when paused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.transfer(recipient, initialSupply, { from: pauser })); }); }); describe('approve', function () { const allowance = new BN(40); it('allows to approve when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.allowance(pauser, anotherAccount)); }); it('allows to approve when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.unpause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.allowance(pauser, anotherAccount)); }); it('reverts when trying to approve when paused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: pauser })); }); }); describe('transfer from', function () { const allowance = new BN(40); beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: pauser }); }); it('allows to transfer from when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.transferFrom(pauser, recipient, allowance, { from: anotherAccount }); (await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); (await this.token.balanceOf(pauser)); }); it('allows to transfer when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.unpause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.transferFrom(pauser, recipient, allowance, { from: anotherAccount }); (await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); (await this.token.balanceOf(pauser)); }); it('reverts when trying to transfer from when paused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.transferFrom(pauser, recipient, allowance, { from: anotherAccount })); }); }); describe('decrease approval', function () { const allowance = new BN(40); const decrement = new BN(10); beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: pauser }); }); it('allows to decrease approval when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.decreaseAllowance(anotherAccount, decrement, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.allowance(pauser, anotherAccount)); }); it('allows to decrease approval when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.unpause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.decreaseAllowance(anotherAccount, decrement, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.allowance(pauser, anotherAccount)); }); it('reverts when trying to transfer when paused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.decreaseAllowance(anotherAccount, decrement, { from: pauser })); }); }); describe('increase approval', function () { const allowance = new BN(40); const increment = new BN(30); beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: pauser }); }); it('allows to increase approval when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.increaseAllowance(anotherAccount, increment, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.allowance(pauser, anotherAccount)); }); it('allows to increase approval when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.unpause({ from: pauser }); await this.token.increaseAllowance(anotherAccount, increment, { from: pauser }); (await this.token.allowance(pauser, anotherAccount)); }); it('reverts when trying to increase approval when paused', async function () { await this.token.pause({ from: pauser }); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.increaseAllowance(anotherAccount, increment, { from: pauser })); }); }); }); });