const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { impersonate } = require('../helpers/account'); const { getDomain } = require('../helpers/eip712'); const { MAX_UINT48 } = require('../helpers/constants'); const { shouldBehaveLikeRegularContext } = require('../utils/Context.behavior'); async function fixture() { const [sender] = await ethers.getSigners(); const forwarder = await ethers.deployContract('ERC2771Forwarder', []); const forwarderAsSigner = await impersonate(; const context = await ethers.deployContract('ERC2771ContextMock', [forwarder]); const domain = await getDomain(forwarder); const types = { ForwardRequest: [ { name: 'from', type: 'address' }, { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'value', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'gas', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'deadline', type: 'uint48' }, { name: 'data', type: 'bytes' }, ], }; return { sender, forwarder, forwarderAsSigner, context, domain, types }; } describe('ERC2771Context', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); it('recognize trusted forwarder', async function () { expect(await this.context.isTrustedForwarder(this.forwarder)).to.equal(true); }); it('returns the trusted forwarder', async function () { expect(await this.context.trustedForwarder()).to.equal(; }); describe('when called directly', function () { shouldBehaveLikeRegularContext(); }); describe('when receiving a relayed call', function () { describe('msgSender', function () { it('returns the relayed transaction original sender', async function () { const nonce = await this.forwarder.nonces(this.sender); const data = this.context.interface.encodeFunctionData('msgSender'); const req = { from: await this.sender.getAddress(), to: await this.context.getAddress(), value: 0n, data, gas: 100000n, nonce, deadline: MAX_UINT48, }; req.signature = await this.sender.signTypedData(this.domain, this.types, req); expect(await this.forwarder.verify(req)).to.equal(true); await expect(this.forwarder.execute(req)).to.emit(this.context, 'Sender').withArgs(this.sender.address); }); it('returns the original sender when calldata length is less than 20 bytes (address length)', async function () { // The forwarder doesn't produce calls with calldata length less than 20 bytes so `this.forwarderAsSigner` is used instead. await expect(this.context.connect(this.forwarderAsSigner).msgSender()) .to.emit(this.context, 'Sender') .withArgs(; }); }); describe('msgData', function () { it('returns the relayed transaction original data', async function () { const args = [42n, 'OpenZeppelin']; const nonce = await this.forwarder.nonces(this.sender); const data = this.context.interface.encodeFunctionData('msgData', args); const req = { from: await this.sender.getAddress(), to: await this.context.getAddress(), value: 0n, data, gas: 100000n, nonce, deadline: MAX_UINT48, }; req.signature = this.sender.signTypedData(this.domain, this.types, req); expect(await this.forwarder.verify(req)).to.equal(true); await expect(this.forwarder.execute(req)) .to.emit(this.context, 'Data') .withArgs(data, ...args); }); }); it('returns the full original data when calldata length is less than 20 bytes (address length)', async function () { const data = this.context.interface.encodeFunctionData('msgDataShort'); // The forwarder doesn't produce calls with calldata length less than 20 bytes so `this.forwarderAsSigner` is used instead. await expect(await this.context.connect(this.forwarderAsSigner).msgDataShort()) .to.emit(this.context, 'DataShort') .withArgs(data); }); }); });